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Everything posted by Leelaa17

  1. I absolutely trust max's judgement on people. Not Jenna's - she loves everyone. I was walking down my street where I used to live with max during the day... walked past a guy (who I didn't realise was there) and max immediately started growling. this was when he was much younger. he had never done that to anyone else before - not even strangers. and every time max see's that guy he growls. so i don't trust that guy. don't know why, but i trust max. he was always good with people who he hadn't met... barked a little but once he sniffs a new person he's fine after that. except for one guy who came over to our house once to visit a friend, he was cooing max and trying to be nice and coming over very slowly and max was going insane... he wouldn't sniff... and when the guy tried to put his hand out for max to sniff max immediately tried to nip him. there was other people there too that he had never met but didn't have a problem with, it was just this once guy. I had never met him either. I immediately didn't trust him. I choose to trust max. even if it might seem silly to others
  2. Thank you for thanking me. I honestly thought I'd get butchered! . And I realised, unfortunately a bit late, that my dogs had a problem with rushing when the incident with the dog happened and ever since then they have been on lead until the owner is comfortable with my dogs behaviour. I understand completely what you are saying and see where you are coming from. I think that if a dog reacts out a fear because a dog is rushing them and if have never being bitten before bites... I would place absolutely no blame on the owner. Perhaps I didn't make that clear in my previous post i apologise! I meant that if someone brought a dangerous dog into the dog park, with history of attacking, i would be uncomfortable, onlead or off. And that is in no way the owners fault, but I would be worried and I would prefer for the owners not to bring the dog in. But in saying that, I am now doing whats necessary to prevent incidents of rushing and a dog attacking. I am constantly learning new and better things from being on this forum and going to dog parks etc and am constantly trying to improve my dogs and my behaviour to situations. Again, if my dogs rushed at a dog, dangerous or not and got attacked, I would take full responsibility because I know it is a problem.
  3. because of an incident with someone who thought my two gsd were attacking his dog, i'm not going to get into it as I know for a fact my dogs weren't attacking, but after this guy threatened to get my dogs put down i lost my s**t. anywayyy. When ever i walk into a dog park and there are dogs there, my dogs stay on lead until they have calmed down. they do rush. and i know that freaks people out so I like to walk my dogs over to the offlead dogs and let them sniff etc. it makes the owners feel calmer. I say to owners in the dog park (because my dogs chase... they love chasing) that if at any point my dogs are annoying their dog or they are uncomfortable with my dogs, let me know, and they go back on lead. when someone is in there throwing a ball, max has to be on lead because he chases the dog, constantly, so he stays on lead. i spend hours at the dog park so unless the owner is going to spend hours throwing a ball to their dog, im not worried about having max on lead for a bit. when no one is in the dog park and then someone comes in, my dogs are already on lead because they rush the dogs that come in. again, makes owners uncomrtoable so I talk to owners and make sure they are comfortable my two can go offlead. I am also lucky because the dog park I go to, a lot of people know my dogs and know they are fine so I don't have many problems, but I still do all of this as a precaution. Now to answer your questions. If my dogs rushed yours (which they wouldn't now because they'd be on lead) but if they did and you asked me to get them away, I would immediately put them on lead and then probably have a discussion with you about why you asked me to do that (pure curiosity ) they would stay onlead until you left or you said they could go offlead. If my dogs rushed yours, you asked me to get them away, I was running to get them and then your dog bit mine, I wouldn't blame you but I wouldn't be happy. again, I do these things because i don't have great recall with max. jenna will come, all the time every time, but max wont if he is excited. so if your dog bit max, I wouldn't ask you to pay my vet fees, but I would be upset that you brought your dog that wasn't happy with other dogs into an offlead dog park. I'm sure I will get critised for this but I can't help how I would feel. I wouldn't yell at you or even blame your dog, its onlead so you have control over it. but I would be unsure as to why you'd bring your dog into an offlead park when there is a very high chance a dog is going to come near your dog. what happens if an owner is picking up a poo at the other side of the dog park (max tends to go to the furthermost point of the park to go to the toilet) and they don't see you enter the dog park... all of a sudden they turn around, have heard you yelling, and see your dog bite theres, without even a chance to call the dog back or get to them...... I would be, again, quite upset if that was my dog, because the dog park I go to is extremely large and depending on the situation, I may not have even heard you call out. I just don't think a dog that is going to physically bite another dog should be in a dog park, onlead or off. just my opinion.
  4. when I got max he didn't go outside until he was 16wks old. We lived in a house that had a awning and he was allowed out there but not on the grass as he hadn't had all his shots yet and I was worried about him getting parvo. Now.... he is outside most of the day but the door is open to inside so he can come and go as he pleases. we have a huge backyard and he loves being outside. jenna didn't go outside until she was 14wks... however when we got jenna we were at a new home and I didn't know the history of animals there and I didn't want her on the grass as, again, I was worried about parvo because she hadn't had all her shots. She did go outside though, she came on car trips with me and was allowed fresh air... but she didn't step foot on the grass until she had her shots. I talked to my vets about this and they've always recommended keeping them inside if you haven't lived at a home for more than 3 years as thats apparently how long it takes parvo to stick around. i didn't, and still don't, think there is anything wrong with keeping your puppy inside until they've had their shots... i know people who have taken their 8wk old puppied to dog parks which scares the hell out of me. again, jenna is also outside most of the day and they love it.
  5. Youtube What a fantastic video! (educational-wise). The poor thing looked like he was so uncomfortable! I wanted to jump through the screen and help him! poor thing. So glad he was able to be saved. that's such a great outcome! I have researched the signs a few times and know what I am looking out for. I think I just need to feed my dogs early enough so I can watch them in the mornings for a while before I go to work. Therefore if anything happens after they eat I will notice and get them to the vet straight away. I guess one good thing about my anxiety of losing my dogs is even at the slightest change in behaviour that makes me think they are sick, or even a sore they have etc... I'm at the vet straight away because I'm so paranoid. So if anything weird starts happening with them I'll be going to the vet straight away. Thanks again for the video. It was excellent and gave me an idea on what bloat actually looks like!
  6. Oh Perse I'm so sorry that you went through that. It seems like such a horrific thing to experience and it makes me sad that you had to go through that. especially after such a small amount of food. I guess the best thing for me to do is just feed them as early as I can as I can rest them for about an hour before leaving work and at night isn't a problem as I'm always watching them. Thank you for your advice.
  7. Hi guys, I tried to look for the search button to see if I could find something on bloat but I couldn't find the search button! Anyway, I have been getting increasingly worried about max or jenna getting bloat, for no reason I might add. Jenna eats so so slowly, its quite painful sometimes. So I'm not worried about her - plus she's a burper - burps allll the time! haha Max eats much quicker, but he doesn't gobble although he has before... I feed them twice a day, and I have just started feeding them a quarter of a large can of natures gift both in morning and night just to give it flavour. What scares me is when I feed them in the mornings. My dad normally feeds them in the mornings as when I leave for work its too early to let them outside so when dad gets up he lets them out and feeds them, but as he isn't here at the moment I am feeding them when I get up. I feed them right before I go to work, I watch them eat and then leave. I almost had a nervous breakdown the two days ago because max ate pretty quickly and then went and gulped down lots of water and I had to track down my neighbours' number just to get them to check on the dogs over the fence. they were fine of course, but I could never forgive myself if I left and one of them passed away because I didn't do something to prevent bloat. So there's the question - are there ways I can somehow lower the risk of max or jenna getting bloat? I've done a bit of research and seen some ideas but I want your opinion. Does anyone do anything to lower their dogs risk of getting bloat? Also, how quickly does bloat present itself in dogs? For example if I feed my dogs half an hour before I leave for work, would symptoms have already started? Any other advice would be much appreciated. thank you.
  8. Firstly, thank you all so much for your opinions and advice! I dont feel bad for feeding my dogs supercoat anymore! Thank you! And dasha, that is awesome! Im going to go and buy some natures gift today but i will definitely get some of that supercoat as well! Thank you all again!
  9. oh! thats gold. hahahahaha I've never heard that before. thank you for making me smile Mine get Nature's Gift tinned too on nights when there are no chicken frames or appropriate leftovers. It's the only canned food I'll give them. For some reason dog rolls freak me out. I seen on one forum somewhere that someone once found a plastic bag in their dog roll. I use to feed Harley natures gift when he was a puppy, it use to give him the worst farts though. I stopped after once at puppy school he let one rip and everyone was mortified! well my two only get bad fluffs when they've eaten meaty bones. i like to stay clear of them for a while after that! I might try natures gift. it sounds like a good thing to just put a little on the dry food and hopefully that'll make jenna eat it!
  10. Oh fair enough! What do you feed your dogs? and weasels - I love that dog roll freaks you out but I cant think of why! haha
  11. I feed max and jenna supercoat for large dogs (dry food) but jenna is very picky about her food, and she will eventually eat her dry food... but she will gobble it down if we put dog roll in it - you know the rolls you cna get at the supermarket? Anyway, dad buys a cheapo brand and I don't particularly like to feed the dogs cheapo dog roll. I prefer to buy the "premium" dog roll - im pretty sure its called premium as well... I was wondering, if this ok? I have heard that wet, or canned, food for dogs isn't good for them so i've never really fed them that but is dog roll the same? Or do I have everything wrong? Thanks in advance for your advice.
  12. just GORGEOUS!!!!!! I loved it! so very cute! definitely made me smile!!
  13. oh dear!!! sounds like your ones are glutton for punishment!! haha I know they are very much like kids, I swear, every time I inspect max I see that hes got a little sore here or a little sore there thats scabbed over and I think, how on earth did you get that!! he's always in the wars!!
  14. believe it or not the door wasn't clean. it's actually very dirty. haha so she must've just ran without actually looking!
  15. Hi everyone! Thanks for your concern and well wishes, and advice!! Jenna is doing fine. Boistrous (is that how you spell??) as always. We have a another sliding screen door so now I am closing that so they can see that the doors aren't open!! and to german shep fan - I hope your little one is ok!! How did it all go?? Good work on getting to her so quickly!! Jenna (yes Jenna again) brought in a frog from outside - never in my life have I seen a frog even remotely near my house so that was a shock in itself... and because of all this talk about cane toads coming down to sydney I was so paranoid. It wasn't a cane toad though - thank goodness. Still watched them both though! I will look into some good chiro's around the area and see if I can book her in. Again, thanks everyone!
  16. 1. GSD - i may be bias but i think they are gorgeous looking dogs 2. pug 3. airedale terrier 4. doberman 5. great dane
  17. x1 A fright for everyone! you can say that again. my dad just spent the last half hour trying to fix the door!! haha. I know this is premature but jenna still seems to be doing ok. she is hesitant about going near the door though... she started running towards it and then skidded to a stop because she was scared it was closed. bless. poor little thing.
  18. I think you are on the right track and they have given you some good advice. Hope she will be fine Thank you so much for your well wishes. the tiniest thing makes me freak out. if max eats to fast I worry he's goig to get bloat... lol so im not really surprised im freaking out about this. thanks again.
  19. Thank you all so much for your feedback. I just called the emergency vet to ask whether or not they thought I should bring her down and they said it was up to me but if she was running around and seemed happy then she should be ok. The told me I need to watch out for vomiting, or any kind of indication that she isn't responding to me as she normally would. I think I am going to wait and watch as although I would give up everything I own just to make sure she was ok, I don't want to spend 231$ as a consultation fee for them to tell me everything is fine. I will watch her like a hawk tonight and the first sign of anything out of the ordinary I will be on my way to the vet straight away. I am quite lucky as the emergency vet is about a 5-10min drive from my house. Thank you all again for your advice and I hope that even if you don't agree with my decision to just watch her for the meant time, I hope you will respect my decision. Thank you all again.
  20. Hi guys, Jenna went to run outside but the glass sliding door was closed and she ran straight through it. and what I mean by that is she hit it with such force (because she thought the door was open) that she flung (yes flung) it off its railings and it landed a couple of feet away from the doorway. she yelped just once and that was after the door landed (not when she actually hit it) and i went and cuddled her. she seems to be fine, I massaged her head and she doesn't seem to be in any pain whatsoever, she is jumping around and acting completely normal... but me being me, I am extremely worried now. Can this sort of thing cause internal bleeding or a concussion? are there any signs I should look out for within the next couple of hours (or even days)? Should I take her straight to the vet or should I wait? As I said she is acting completely normal and doesn't seem to be in any pain but I am worried. Also, I think she hit it with her head... she is a 1yo female gsd just incase you need to know. Any advice is appreciated. thank you.
  21. it's about 30 here in sydney today and i am outside, looking at max lying on the bricks in the sun. lol
  22. x2 I don't walk my two gsd's either. however we have a very large backyard and they run all day... AND night!! i also take them to the dog park often and we are there for lengthy periods of time where they run constantly as well. they also get stimulation here at home.
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