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Everything posted by Leelaa17

  1. So glad that Jake is OK and hope your hand is better soon Pele, my 6yo Bull Terrier was attacked by 2 staffy X's 3 weeks ago. The smaller one slipped out of it's slip chain and came racing at her then got stuck into her Next thing the larger one is loose and has her by the neck It all happened so quickly. I assume that the guy handed the larger dog's lead to his partner who was pushing a pusher and it pulled loose. I pulled the smaller staffy X off by the hind legs and screamed to the girl to grab the hind legs of the other one and lift them off the ground. The guy had it in a head lock and was punching it. Luckily it then let go and no humans were bitten. Pele had some very deep puncture wounds (luckily no chunks ripped out) and was badly shaken. The guy was very upset and paid Pele's vet bill and a trip to the chiro. Yes, it could have been a lot worse. Pele's attack wasn't from any one being irresponsible, it was just an unfortunate accident. Hopefully the guy has learned his lesson and gets a better fitting collar for the smaller staffy and maybe muzzles the dogs. Grabbing the hind legs and lifting them off the ground so there was no traction worked without anyone getting bitten in this case. So sorry about what happened to Pele BUT, can I just say... it is so nice to hear of someone offering to pay the vet bill and a trip to the chiro. Not a lot of people would do that - and to see that he has taken responsibility is GREAT news. Really great. Again, hope Pele is ok now and isn't traumatised by the experience!
  2. Survey 1. What are your thoughts of animals in pet shops? Cruel Comments: I don't like what I have heard happens to them if they don't get sold, I don't like how they close them in glass cages where they get no room, I don't like how they are said to be something but when they grow up they clearly AREN'T the breed you thought they were. 2. Would you consider buying an animal from a pet store? No 3. Have you ever brought an animal from a pet shop? No - but my parents did when I was very young 4. Why did you get the animal from the pet shop? N/A 5. Did the animal live with you till the end of its life or still is living with you? N/A 6. If you answered No for question 5, do you know what happened to the pet? N/A 7. Reason to give the animal up. (circle answer)  Can’t afford it  Moved housed  Took too much to care for  Too destructive  Not good with kids  No time  Didn’t get on with other animals  Other I think the only reason you should give an animal up is if you cannot adequately provide for it and for all of its needs anymore, and if it isn't good with you're kids/animals. 8. Do you know where pet shops get their animals from? Yes 9. Does it make you concerned? Yes 10. Do you think Pet shops are better than shelter pets? Absolutely not. Why/ Why not? Because of where they come from - back yard breeders and people who have no qualifications in breeding animals. Pet shop animals CAN come with health problems and you never know what you are getting. With shelter pets you know EXACTLY what you are in for (most of the time). They do health checks and behaviour assessments, most of the time they know the history of the animal etc. 11. Have you ever brought an animal from a rescue shelter, group or qualified breeder? No (unfortunately - I got both my GSD from BYB. 12. Where you happy with the animal? Yes I am extremely happy with my two dogs. They are in great health (except Jenna has a SUSPECTED heart arythmia (I can never spell it right)) and are beautiful dogs. 13. Did the animal live with you till the end of its life or is it still living with you? Still living with me
  3. BUT dogsrawesome, One day you will have a GSD ;)
  4. I never said you called all big dog owners idiots, just that all sizes and breeds of dogs can have idiot owners. We need to concentrate on the problem and instead of banning breeds which just makes them more attractive to the people who want tough, illegal dogs deal with the owners. Make it compulsory to do obedience courses, make it so instead of registration, dog owners have to go through a course and get a license. Regulate owners not dogs. And then if your dog attacks a human or another animal unprovoked you get charged and your license suspended until further notice. We need to be hard with the people who allow their dogs to do these things. Sorry,but I disagree. You are asking ALL dog owners to pay the price for those who are irresponsible and instead of BSL,we end up with all dogs ownership being restricted. and the "black market" extending to all dogs. Education in dog ownership and responsibilities is badly needed now.This is partly because dog and their care are already marginalised here in Aus. Peoples experiences with dogs is limited.Further restrictions on ownership would only be a self perpetuating cycle. The current laws should be enough if they were enforced properly.If thats not working,why would more legislation work. So can you tell me why RB owners are the only ones who have to pay the price for Irresponsible owners? bare In mind Irresponsible owners come attached with many 'other' dog breeds not affected by BSL Another case of I really don't care about RB owners as I don't own one and It doesn't concern me! Exactly. I am sick and tired of owners of other breeds brushing the issue off or coming up with answers like "why should I have to....." (mind you I know there are many people here who have nothing to do with RB breeds who are very against BSL, so please don't take offence if you are one of them ) It is all well and dandy when it isn't affecting you or your dogs right. let me just note I have NOT read this whole thread, I literally came to the last page and started reading that first (I like to go back to front)... but I just wanted to say that I would be happy to go through a licencing process if it meant stricter laws would come out for dog owners. I don't mind doing the hard work to make it clear I am a good owner. And I don't mind having to DO that hard work because others are irresponsible owners. Does that make sense?
  5. I'm confused about this statement? Why wouldn't they be in the back yard? Am I missing something with that statement? I agree with Katrina when she says that parents should take responsibility for their kids. I do think this, but I don't have adequate info on what actually happened to the girl to know whether or not it was dog owner negligence or girl's parents negligence. I do think that parents need to keep an eye on their kids, but then again, we all know that to do that 100% of the time is impossible. Unfortunately it takes only a second to have everything go wrong - like the baby that drowned in the dogs waterbowl. The parents were apparently in the next room or something, I'm not sure, but they weren't charged with anything. They apparently only looked away for a second. That's all it takes.
  6. Well my OH converted me to GSD. I had never considered them as a breed I would have but now they are my breed of choice. Incredible dogs - aboslutely love them. I have a long list of dogs I want... you probably shouldn't have started this thread because a lot of people on here are going to write lists a mile long! lol purebred maltese rottie doberman dalmatian shih tzu bull mastiff airedale terrier klee kai alaskan malamute belgian shepherd boxer and there are more but I can't think right now. lol
  7. Oh right! I thought you needed to pull? Lucky I have never been in THAT situation! Would've turned out a disaster! lol So you just lift the legs up higher? I always knew you needed to grab the back legs, I just didn't know what to do once the back legs were in your hands, whether you pull or just hold them there. I saw a show once where I could've sworn I saw people pulling so I assumed thats the way you did it. Thank God I've never had to do it, otherwise I would've hurt the dogs. :S
  8. How a dog acts with dogs and how it acts with humans aren't necessarily related. Indeed, its uncommon for a dog to be both dog and human aggressive. MEH OP doesn't have a small dog. She has a dog that reacted to being humped and got bitten as a result. Report the incident. The aggressing dog really doesn't sound suitable for offlead dog parks. Oh yes I know that. Sorry. My GSD is excellent with people but not so good with dogs (however she is getting much much better from training! ). I just meant that when I was patting Busta and giving him cudles he was so sweet, just sitting there smiling and wagging his tail. He was also very kind to Jenna (which is what I meant).
  9. Firstly, let me say I am so sorry about what you have gone through, that is terrible. I hope you and your dog are ok and that you both recover fully with no permanent scarring (physically or emotionally). Not a good situation and I hope the owners are more careful in future but if their attitude was how you describe it, doubtful. What the woman said about is completely untrue. Check out K9 Pro's facebook page, they are currently rehabilitating/working with the Golden Retriever who was recently involved in an attack on his owners in Sydney(I think). It is an old wives tale. Many a fighting dog has been rehabilitated and placed into new homes with children and other dogs, some have even become therapy dogs (check out the book "The Lost Dogs" by Jim Gorant it is all about the Michael Vick dogs).Lastly, I think you need to report to incident to the council and probably take some photos of your hand. If the same dogs attacks again in that park the council will have a bit of history. I have met Busta (the GR who attacked four humans) and he was the beautiful, kind and gentle dog. He was so kind and gentle to my GSD. You would NEVER think he could've attacked another human being. Steve and Co are doing a GREAT job with him!
  10. first of all... I am a true believer of its the deed not the breed. There are many 'fighting' dogs out there that have NEVER attacked or been vicious towards anyone, ever. So just because it is a 'fighting' breed doesn't mean that it is a bad dog. It is bad owners. ;) DA dogs should never be taken to off lead dog parks. I get worried when I see muzzled dogs in dog parks, the reason being because my GSD was attacked by two much smaller dogs who had 'muzzles' on (they were actually de-barker muzzles). I'm sorry but that is just ridiculous. So does that mean if, I don't know. OK so say I tripped over and scratched my knee and blood was pouring out and I was crying. Max comes over and licks the blood off my knee before I can stop him... does that mean he's going to start attacking and eating humans? No. That's rubbish IMO. I am not a professional however so I don't know... but it SOUNDS ridiculous. and this lady is absolutely 100% right about stopping a dog fight. The BEST way to stop a dog fight is to grab the back legs and pull, it is the least likely way to get bitten. If you have tried to grab the dog by the neck it would've bit you much easier than if you had it by the back legs. The reason for this is because they lose their balance and can't turn their heads all the way around to grab you. When dogs fight they grab each others necks (normally), so if you go grabbing a dog that is angry on the neck then it is more than likely going to turn around and bite you quite easily. In saying ALL of this. I am sorry that this happened. it would've been an awful experience for you and I hope you baby is ok and not hurt at all. It was quite rude of the other owners not to say sorry, even if they didnt think it was their fault. A simple apology can sometimes go a long way.
  11. I also think this is a wise move ..just until his stomach gets used to handling food again *looking forward to more 'dining dog' photos * agree also. Whenever I get sick and don't eat and my stomach shrinks, I will eat the same amount I would've eaten before I got sick and I get TERRIBLE stomach aches because my stomach stretches! I'm sure we've all done it once in a while! Again, so glad to hear he's on the road to recovery. Also, its excellent news that there isn't anything actually wrong with him and that he was just greiving... It really shows just how much dogs can feel... even some humans wouldn't greive that much.
  12. Yes good luck with the vet visit. Max does this as well sometimes however I know exactly what is wrong with him. Sometimes he will be lying down and then will all of a sudden just sit up. Now one thing to note about max is that he never SITS up after lying down, he always stands. So when he sits I know he is going to vomit. He gets this particular look and will seem really uncomfortable for about a minute before going and being sick. He seems uncomfortable in the way that he cant sit still and he goes from lying down to sitting to lying down to sitting. Maybe he needs to vomit but can't get it out? I don't know, that is a completely NOT educated guess. Good luck and let us know.
  13. Max is of Latin origin and means 'greatest'... so appropriate. He DEFINITELY thinks he's the greatest! lol and Jenna... well this is weird... Jenna is of English origin and means 'small bird'... I guess that could be that she sometimes acts like a small bird when she doesn't realise how bloody big she is! She also has the personality of a small bird, I think. Timid, but then all of a sudden this big personality comes out of this little animal.
  14. What a load of horse s**t. there is one guy that used to go to the same dog park as me (I go to a different one now because we moved) and he has a bull terrier. Beautiful dog, Max and him got along like a house on fire! but he used to say to people 'yeah he's a fighter because i'm a fighter', and he used to walk the dog in and he wouldn't have a shirt on (he was LITERALLY trying to boost his ego...). And some breeds are more protective than others I guess... (not that I have any experience with that)... all I know is that if Max hears a noise outside he will come and sit in front of me and watch the doors. He wont move until he feels it is safe. he is quite protective of me and will stand in front of me if someone is approaching and he doesn't get good vibes off them. I trust his instincts so I just keep walking. And NO dog is 'meant' to bite. I can't believe someone has said thaty to you panzer. I would've been just dumbfounded. I wouldn't have said anything. My goodness!
  15. Poor little munchkin I hate that he is scared and anxious most of the time. Do the owners know why that is?
  16. Very interesting website. I read through most of it and see where the person who wrote it is coming from. I know quite a lot of people who are 'big dog people' or 'small dog people'. I adore both. I have had both big and small dogs during my life and love them both. My OHs mother has a purebred maltese (an actual purebred! lol) and she has a serious issue with strangers and with other dogs. Now I KNOW that this is because we, regretfully, didn't socialise her when she was a pup. She has complete control over the house. And she get away with things because it is extremely cute when she does stuff. Whereas at my house with max and jenna, they don't get away with ANYTHING. They are constantly being trained and told what is right and what to do and what not to do because they are just so big. And as predominantly inside dogs, they need to be well behaved. I agree with pretty much everything that this website says. Not in the way that I don't like little dogs (I love them), and I went to the dog park yesterday and came into contact with quite a few little dogs that were lovely and had great tempermants. Whereas, there was a tiny little fluffy thing that literally CHARGED max and started barking and snapping. I called Max away obviously, but that was unnecessary. It just sucks cause the little dog was so damn cute! ETA: I agree with everything the website says in the sense that little dogs get away with more, not that it is a dominance issue. I wouldn't have a CLUE whether it was dominance or not. I have no experience in that area. But I know from experience little dogs get away with more... As I said earlier, it's not a big deal with the maltese, but its a big deal with the two gsds.
  17. AGGHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rofl: :rofl: AWWWWW1 but the poor huntsman - couldn't you have flicked him out like his friend instead of morteining his ass? lol The poor thing! See I like huntsmans. They are big and creepy but I think they are gentle and kind! HAHA I sound like a wacko... but they aren't aggressive - thats why I like them... If it was a funnelweb........ I would've jumped out of the car at 80km an hour and rolled! lol
  18. They wanted to wait and do barium this Friday if he is still not eating, but if he gets more lethargic they want to take him in straight away to do it. I was going to call them first thing tomorrow morning and ask them to take him in sooner as he hadnt eaten anything (excluding a small amount of nutrigel yesterday) since that 1/4 BBQ chicken on thursday but........ HE JUST ATE 3 BOILED SAUSAGES AND 4 RAW EGGS!!! Not getting my hopes up too much but its a start, first half decent feed since Bonnie died 3weeks ago. Typical Sibe, I go buy the nutrigel and A/D and he decides to eat proper food. Havent triedto force the A/D yet, I scared him enough trying to make him take the nutrigel, got a wet trouser leg for my efforts. Tried taking him out with us for a picnic today , he was REALLY intrested in the smell of the food but not eating it when we gave it too him. He ran around a little bit with my nephews and had a zoomie moment, was so great to see him enjoying himself. When we got home, I imediatatly ditched the kids (bad mother that I am) and went to fix him a meal since he was so happy. HE WOLFED IT DOWN! So happy that he has finally eaten something. Fingers crossed he keeps it up as he is looking even worse than before and is loosing his coat in a big way (you would think I had 3 Sibes blowing coat in my house at the moment). :D Finally a happy post! Ill see what tomorrow brings and see if I still need to push up his next appointment. Fingers crossed he's turned the corner! That's fantastic news!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:
  19. Haha I'm very glad! And it's good that you are getting more confident because it will show in your work! Keep doing what you're doing and showing us your work. I'm sure all of us will praise you each and every time! :p
  20. Thanks Rozzie. I have posted on the 'general tattoos' thread and posted pics of my tattoos up! Thank you!
  21. I'm sorry guys. I should have explained more! lol. I have seven tattoos already and every single one mean something extremely significant to me. I have never and will never get a tattoo that doesnt actually mean something to me. I am 100% sure about getting the tattoo but I will rephrase my question. I am definitely getting the writing, I was wondering what you guys thought I should get as a the font - if they have seen a nicer one that I have picked, and where they think tattoos look nice! It will definitely be my decision in the end but I just wanted to know what people thought!
  22. That was my thinking when I volunteered to help someone catch funnel webs. I'm no longer afraid of funnel webs, but any other spider still gives me the heebie jeebies. I had a consulting friend who used to make me laugh because I'd be following him through the bush and he'd suddenly jerk backwards and I was like "You're afraid of spiders, aren't you?" I would recognise that "Hells bells, spider web!" dance anywhere. He was kind of relieved to find another zoologist with the same achilles heel. It was a problem for herp surveys, though, as neither of us liked lifting rocks because half of them had these big, black scary spiders that lived under them that made us shriek. Well, I shrieked. He was too manly. Most of the time. Oh now I think that would be fun! Spiders are fascinating creatures. Funny story, a little OT... I was at a set of lights and the car directly diagonal from me had a man in it. All of a sudden this guy opened his door and flew out, he was jumping and dancing and ripping his clothes off in the middle of the streets while everyone was still stopped at a set of lights... I looked at the car next to me (behind him) and the guy was PISSING himself laughing (I was too). They guy who jumped out of his car all of a sudden stopped, turned around, gave a thumbs up to everyone and got back in his car and drove away. Im assuming it was a spider - funniest thing I've seen!!! And I can tell you, even though I don't really have a problem with spiders... that is DEFINITELY what my reaction would be like!!!! :rofl:
  23. It's really sad that being in the dog industry doesn't pay well. It's hard to chose between something you have a passion for and money. Believe me, journalists get paid s**t as well! lol lucky us!
  24. oh great! I'll try and find that!! I would love to get a picture of Max and Jenna but I do't want anything too big and I wouldn't know where to put it! A lot of the spaces on my body where you would think of getting a tattoo are taken! hahaha
  25. I've already told you what I think but I'll say it again. Beautiful. The emotion you saw in their eyes is just incredible. OH and I always said that Max has sad eyes but Jenna has hopeful eyes and you portrayed that so so well!!!
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