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Everything posted by shepherds

  1. Yay to Struppie being cheerful, but very sorry to hear about your younger boy. Sometimes it seems you can never catch a break and the emotional and mental toll is takes can be overwhelming. I have no answers to that, but every day when I get up and look at their faces you just do what you have to do and try and find some quiet happy times amongst it all where it's not about the illness. That's said, it's far easier said than done somedays and I can totally relate with managing both Kobe and Levi. And to top it all off, yesterday Levi appears to have come down with vestibular disease (that's the initial diagnosis from the vet and for now we have adopted a wait and see approach, but he does seem slightly better this morning). How often does your younger boy cone up lame from the HD? Have you tried or thought about trying acupuncture or Bowen therapy for him? I'm actually a qualified human and canine Bowen therapist and I treat a number of dogs with mild to severe Hd and Bowen has been brilliant for them. Hope Struppie woke up with a bounce in his step today and your younger guy is feeling better after some pain relief and a good nights rest.
  2. So very sorry for the loss of your beautiful Coco. He was obviously very much loved and you supported him and looked after him right up to when he needed it most. Coco will always be with you.
  3. Sorry, I don't have any experience with kidney disease, but so very sorry this is happening. How is Coco doing?
  4. Glad he was well enough to have his chemo and sounds like he coped really well. It's hard isn't it, if you had that crystal ball it would be easy to make a decision on whether or not to change the current regime. Kobe is on quite a few things, whether they are all working or not is debatable...but I'm to bloody scared to stop any of them as what if the thing I stop is the magic bullet.... I have noticed that with Kobe as well, his head seems to have shrunk....but maybe it is an ageing thing as well. Is there anything else that can done done for the fat in the blood or do you just have to manage it with diet?
  5. Sounds like a good snooze to be having. Have you thought about getting some boots for Lucy? I have just bought some boots for my eldest boy Levi. He had degenerative myelopathy and if you are not familiar with it, it is a very cruel (but painless) disease that robs them of rear end function to eventual paralysis. Somewhere over the past couple months, in amongst all the Kobe issues, Levi has had a fairly big downhill slide (DM tends to deteriorate, plateau for a while and then slide again). I got the boots for him to protect his nails (one had started to bleed from the scuffing of his rear feet), plus also the boots provide support and stability and stop him slipping on the tiles/carpet. The boots are brilliant and he has taken to them like a duck to water (trendsetter that he is). They make 3 different style of boots depending on what they are needed for and are honestly the best thing I have got for him. As for Kobe (thanks for asking), he continues to have his ups and downs. Food has become a real issue again, refusing to eat and he has lost weight. I have him booked in for an ultrasound on Monday as I need to know whether the lack of appetite is as a result of things deteriorating, or he is just being a shit (said with love) with his new food regime. I'm obviously hoping he's just being a shit....my head is telling me to be realistic...and the heart doesn't want to know. . And with Levi's deterioration, it's all getting a bit much If you are interested in the boots, I will dig out the link for you of where I got them from... Great service and price.
  6. I think specific health queries (irrespective of age) can be in the general health section, but I for one very much appreciate the palliative care section. Currently having two very sick dogs, who's care is palliative, I very much appreciate the support and care from members where irrespective of the cause we are all facing the same outcome. We support one another through the roller coaster ride we have all found ourselves on, share the good and the bad days and being pallative, whilst we might not want to acknowledge it, we all know why we are in that section.
  7. Hope Struppie has continued to pick up, he looks well and happy in your Easter photos.
  8. Anne, so very sorry for your loss. In time, may you find some peace in knowing that you gave him your all as Monte did to you.
  9. How is Lucy doing Bindo? Kobe is doing okay and the roller coaster ride continues, but we are now four months since initial dx and his prognosis was 3-4 months, so every day now is a bonus.
  10. Knowing what you know, It's very hard when things are not going well not to think the worst. I have noticed with Kobe anything that is overly fatty he does not seem to cope as well with as he would have before. Very happy for you Struppie has turned things around and hope you have a lovely time over the Easter break with Struppie and the rest of your family.
  11. So very sorry for your loss of Emma silentchild. I have followed your story and admired your strength, humor and honesty as you and Emma took on this battle together. May you find some comfort and peace in knowing that you did everything you possibly could for your beautiful girl.
  12. Kobe is doing okay, had a couple of rough weeks with mixed results, things settled and now a little bit flat this week and I'm hoping its just a tummy bug and nothing more. That's good news that Struppie has recovered well enough to restart chemo and that despite the break there was no increase in size over the past two weeks. I hope he enjoyed his chicken dinner and I hope you are hanging in there and coping with the highs and lows of the roller coaster ride.
  13. Thanks for the update.....What great news.... Go Lucy and maybe little Missy is helping her recovery as well.
  14. Hi Anne, sorry to hear of your disappointment in your appt with the holistic vet. I wouldn't be happy either as if they couldn't get the name right, it would make you wonder about everything else from there. It's also difficult taking it all in and written treatment plan etc afterwards is essential. I'm with Staffyluv, I would voice your concerns and maybe ask to be referred to Barbara as you are not happy with what has been provided to date and why. I had my first appointment with Barbara early January and have had three follow up discussions since. Each and everytime everything that was discussed has been delivered and I have absolutely no complaints with the service. Since beginning Barbara's treatment, Kobe has definitely turned around and I wouldn't hesitate recommending Barbara to anyone else.
  15. Sorry to hear things have taken a backward step. it certainly is one helluva a roller coaster ride and I understand your sentiment about the thought of what you wake up with every morning. Things can change very quickly either way and hopefully this week for Struppie is a good week when things turn around. Last week Kobe's blood results and blood sugar levels were not great and vets were not positive (and I was shattered) this week they are better and hope has been restored again. The whole process and constant highs and lows are very draining and that in itself takes a huge toll. When youve been on that roller coaster for a while, and when things arent going so good, some days it's just bloody hard. Hang in there and I'm sure Struppie is going to enjoy his chicken.
  16. Congrats on the new addition to the family (I think she realised very quickly she was onto a good thing). No doubt Missy will give Lucy a huge boost and be of great support and companionship.
  17. So sorry to read this Anne - hope Boof's surgery has all gone well today. Hang in there.
  18. Lovely to hear Emma is doing well and doing her utmost best to keep you on your toes. Emma's story, your concerns, worries and thought process during times where decisions had to be made, resonated very strongly with me as my boy faces his own cancer battle. Thank you for your honesty in sharing the good, the bad and the humorous.
  19. I was wondering how things were going.. Is there a normal protocol for chemo in this instance? It's hard isn't it to make a decision on whether to keep something going as it is......or to make changes ....especially when you know the current regime if nothing else is holding things at bay. That Struppie is boisterous and wants to go hunting to find doggie treasures is good news....and long may that continue.
  20. Good news that it is a fatty cyst and whilst the last week or so no doubt has been very stressful while you've been worrying about what it is...if nothing else it has obviously helped you crystallise your decision as to what you will do if he ever gets another one. Thoughts and prayers are with you and that Oscar remains lump free. And I don't think you sound emotionally detached, no one wants to have to make these kind of decisions and you do what you have to do in the best interests of the dog. Be kind to yourself.
  21. Congratulations...that's great news for Boof...bet you feel like you've won the lottery and will be a huge weight of yur shoulders. Hopefully Monte will be back to his usual best soon so you can then really relax.
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