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Everything posted by monique.c

  1. My dog goes nuts over carrots, I would sometimes use diced up carrots as training treats at puppy lessons... he also love diced up green beans...
  2. We named out GR Snowy after my OH's best friend who was killed in Afghanistan last year, his nickname was Snowy. Our dog is quite similar to the real Snowy in that he is a massive show off, always prancing around everywhere and has a tendency of stealing my bras if I leave them lying around and hiding them in his bed...
  3. Oh my goodness, he is just the cutest little thing I have ever seen, I love the all the photos, especially the one with Zephyr on the top stair and Moose below him and the one of Moose on his back with the surprised look on his face Berners are on my shortlist for next dog in several years, hopefully a girl one :D
  4. hahaha possibly more than 3 then! That's a lot of sheep!
  5. We would be keen if it is on the Northside, might be able to come to the nudgee one on the 5th but not sure as I have family up from Melbourne for the weekend...
  6. Some friends of ours have a goat farm, I think they have about 70 or so goats at the moment and they have 3 maremmas, two young ones (about 2 years old)and then the old one who is about 7 I think. They have a fair bit of property, about 10 hectares I think and the maremmas guard the herd from foxes, dingoes and protect the baby goats from eagles and the like. The farm is a bit out of town and our friends have only just moved out to the farm, for years the dogs have lived on the farm on their own with our friends going out to feed them every day. They aren't friendly and definitely aren't pets, they mostly just ignore all humans except for their owner which is what you want them to do I guess. I don't know too much about it but I know that they have been very happy with their maremmas...
  7. My 9 month old Golden Retriever loves his octopus as well, he loves throwing it up in the air and making it bounce and then chasing it, he also loves standing beside the couch, resting his head on the arm rest of the couch and sqeaking the octopus as loud as he can in my ear until I throw it for him to chase. He also has a red hippopotamus made out of the same sort of material that he loves. I have given up on soft toys for a while with him, he just destroys all of them within a day or two, and thats just having them inside for playing with when we are at home with him...
  8. I'm 27 so was part of that same period of school that you would have been where we weren't taught any grammar (I think it was about 10 years worth). Grammar is a huge part of the curriculum these days and as a teacher I find it so hard to teach grammar to my Year 4 class because I was never taught it myself. I have actually had to ask the kids the answer multiple times because they understand it better than I do. When I was training to become a teacher I was really struggling to get my head around what on earth a clause was. In the end, my supervising teacher grabbed a bright year 6 child, told her that we were testing her knowledge and asked her to explain just what the different clauses were. She managed to put it into a simpler language than the grammar books use and I have remembered it ever since. I tend to agree with this. I'm in my final year of my bachelor's degree and I am taking a copy editing course as an elective. I thought I was pretty good at spelling and grammar but I am learning so much in this class. I think that everyone at uni should have to do some sort of communication class, I wish I had taken this class in my first year not my last! I really agree that they don't teach us enough spelling and grammar at school, I have been out of school for 5 years now and I can't recall doing much of it past primary school. My biggest hate is people using commas and apostrophes incorrectly. It's not a bunch of dalmation's, the dalmation isn't possessing anything it's just a plural. I hate it when people put apostrophes in its incorrectly too, it's "the dog was looking for its bowl" dammit!
  9. There's a lady that goes to the dog park I normally take Snowy to and she has a greyhound, a whippet and an iggy, they are all lovely dogs. So dainty, I agree with everyone who says that they are cat-like, they kinda just prance around. So cute! Mindy is quite shy though but she will come up to you for a pat occasionally
  10. I hope your puppy continues to improve and I am sorry you have had to go through this. My thoughts are with you...
  11. Hahahaha love the photo on the stairs!! Too cute!
  12. Those back seat buddies looked awesome until I looked at the cost $275 on one website. Can't really justify that for my crappy, old '97 camry... Possibly when I get a new corolla in a couple of years I would get one because they look great *Edit: Just found this website, it was one of the banner ads at the top of this site. It has back-seat hammocks for $40 plust postage. Back Seat Hammock
  13. My dog just sits down and then tries to play with the other dog. Generally then the other dog will stop but if the didn't I would step in. My dog is 7 months old and he has tried to hump a few dogs, maybe about 4 other dogs out of the many that he has met, I always tell him to stop and he stops when I tell him too. All the dogs he has tried to hump have been male as well. This is a bit off topic but when he was younger, from 8 weeks, and occasionally now, he will scrunch up his bedding or blankets and hump that, does anyone know why that would be?
  14. This may or may not help you but this was my experience with my dog, I'm not an expert or anything. When my dog was a few months old her started to pooing in our outside covered pergola, it's like a covered hut thing in the backyard. I put a bucket of water down there, in addition to the other 3 water bowls I have around the place for him and he hasn't done a poo under there since, I don't know if it is because he doesn't like the smell of it near where he drinks or if it was just a coincidence but I did it when he started doing poos on the concrete behind the garage too so it might be worth trying for your dog. You probably already have water on the deck but just thought I would suggest it.
  15. I just use the low tech method of covering the seats with towels or blankets but I'm sure others here have way better methods. Will keep an eye on this thread for ideas!
  16. I love Goldens (obviously) but my other faves as pups are Aussie Shepherds, Border Collies, German Shepherds, Finnish Lapphunds, Labs and Newfoundlands. Here is my fluff ball!
  17. These are cute I love the caught red handed one!
  18. This made me cry so much, my family dog is getting put to sleep this afternoon, she is 13 and she has cancer which the vet has told us has spread throughout her body and there is no chance that surgery would get it all out. I know that it is her time and that she has had a good life but it is just still so sad. It's the first time I have had to deal with losing a pet and it has surprised me how upset I am...
  19. I agree with most of the advice already said here. I think dog parks can be great, the one I go to is lovely, we all know each others dogs (the regulars) and the dogs generally play nicely, most owners will step in if their dog is getting over excited or out of hand. One time a bigger, older dog went for my 7 month old Golden Retriever the minute we stepped through the gate and his owner separated them, apologised to me and left. Sometimes there are scuffles between a couple of dogs and the owners always step in and diffuse the problem and most of the time the owners of the dogs involved leave straight away. Our park is big enough that if people want to play fetch to do training with their dogs there is enough room and generally the other dogs leave them alone as it is more fun to play with each other. If my dog goes up to someone and their dog that I don't know or that is a bit away from the main area I always go up and check if they want me to call him off or if he is alright to play with their dog. I think the main issue is keeping an eye on your dog at all times, even if you are talking to other people, I have a couple of 'friends' now at the dog park but I am always keeping an eye on Snowy too, ready for poo duty and also making sure he is ok and not annoying anyone else as he is 7 months old and wants to play with everyone and some dogs don't appreciate that...
  20. He is absolutely gorgeous!!! little fluff ball.... I still vote for Baxter! But out of the two I say go for Angus...
  21. Love them all but especially this one
  22. I just want to smoosh their little faces, soooo soooo cute!
  23. I just woke up from a really weird dream, my dog Snowy (who's a boy) had puppies that were half golden retriever and half sharpei. I was so confused, not so much because he was a boy as that seemed alright in my dream, but that the puppies were half sharpei as I don't even know any sharpei dogs. The puppies were really cute but I was so worried in my dream about what I was going to do with them as he had 10 puppies and I didn't want to sell them for any money but wanted good homes for them. In my dream I was even worried about saying anything on here because I'm not a breeder plus they were cross breed puppies! Lucky it was just a dream and my dog is a boy who is getting desexed soon! When I told my boyfriend about it this morning he said he had a dream last night that I gave him a newfoundland puppy and it was so tiny and its hair looked like an afro and I had tied a ribbon around its afro like a pony tail. We are weird, hahaha, have any of you guys had weird puppy/dog dreams?
  24. so, so, so gorgeous. Very jealous
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