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Everything posted by monique.c

  1. Mine loves watermelon rinds too. The last couple of weeks with the weather being so hot I have been freezing my watermelon rinds and giving it to him a bit later as an icy cold treat...
  2. I love all your videos and really admire everything that you do for these dogs. I actually think Smudge is the cutest out of the whole little due to her coat colour! I love black dogs and prefer her markings to all the other ones. Fingers crossed someone loves her enough to adopt her, I'm sure you will have heaps to choose from.
  3. I just got my golden retriever Snowy the buddy bed, he absolutely loves it as you can see :-)
  4. My friend has a Lab that he ended up having the dock the tail of. Like your dog he would wag his tail all the time and be constantly splitting it. My friend was forever at the vet getting creams and antibiotics and wrapping it, doing everything he could to fix it. But eventually the vet said it would be best to dock it. I think they just took off the top third. It was like he was completely unaware he had a tail and it didn't even bother him when he would split it and be bleeding everywhere. He still wags his tail heaps now but doesn't hurt it anymore...
  5. Hmmn I must have copied the email address down wrong, can anyone send it to me so I can email my photo in again? Got a 'delivery status failure' notification... Found it. Here is a photo of my Snowy
  6. Snowy - named after my OH's best mate who was killed in Afghanistan, his nickname was Snowy. Our dog is a lot like a dog version of human Snowy, silly and lovable and loyal. It confuses a lot of people though because our Snowy is a pretty dark golden and people are like '.... he's not white, why'd you name him Snowy?' :confused:
  7. She is just gorgeous, breaks my heart that she has to leave her home but hopefully she will find a great new one...
  8. My dog sleeps in my bedroom, he sleeps on the floor though, he doesn't have his own bed, he normally sleeps right near the door to the bedroom. He could sleep on our bed if he likes but he prefers not to.
  9. She is just adorable! I might be a bit biased but Goldies have got to be the cutest puppies in the whole world. Have fun with her and enjoy her being so little, they grow up so quickly!!
  10. Gorgeous photos of Sammy, he is such a little cutie, Thought you might like to see another of Sapper, another Tapua dog. As you can see he is a massive sook of a lap dog :D
  11. hahaha so cute!! :laugh: Those dogs looked so so please with themselves
  12. Cutest video ever! Makes me want to get a puppy and kitten at the same time!
  13. I have a furminator but don't use it often because apparently it isn't too good for their coat Also have a slicker which works well, I want to get an undercoat rake as well. I also have a dyson groom, it attaches to the vaccuum cleaner and is like a slicker brush that sucks the hair out. I love, love, love it, gets out so much of the undercoat fluff!
  14. We have a raised up old queenslander and all of downstairs is our garage which has a concrete floor, nice and cool for the doggy. He is outside when we are out but has full access to the downstairs garage area as well as the yard which has heaps of shady trees. We just make sure he has plenty of water as well...
  15. Hi Pauline, yes Andrew is great, just bought a house, moved in last week so he has Sappy back with him now, my dog Snowy is missing him heaps as am I but there was no way Andrew would let us keep Sappy! That picture of puppy Sapper is so so cute! Katdogs we are in Brisbane and I'm sure Andrew would be happy to meet up with you and your puppy for a play date with Sapprador :-)
  16. Congrats on the new puppy :) My friend Andrew has a Tapua black lab boy, named Sapper, he got Sapper at abour 9 months old. We have just had hime staying with us for a few months and he is just the best dog ever. I was saying to Andrew that I would be more than happy to keep him. He is just the sookiest most loveable fella, so calm and placid and gorgeous. Here are a couple of recent photos of him, he's a big boy! I don't know if he is related to your new puppy but I thought you might like to see a couple of photos... Stole my spot while I was in the shower! Morning Sapper Cuddles Being a good boy for his hydrobath
  17. Lovely story and you definitely did the right thing :thumbsup: Polar is just gorgeous, I can see why you are missing her! I had my golden retrieve escape out of my yard one afternoon and was panicking running around the streets trying to find in. Some of my neighbours came out and helped me and found him (he'd taken himself down for a swim in a nearby river) I was so, so grateful to them I took them a box of choccies the next day. If I see dogs loose if I can get a hold of them I either take them to the vet to be scanned (this happened once and got a grateful phone call from the owner that afternoon) or take them to the RSPCA (did this once and they found the owner). Luckily I haven't ever found any at night time but I would do the same thing as you. I don't expect anything back from it but I figure if Snowy went missing I would want someone to help get him back to me so I do it for others.
  18. Here's my Golden Retriever and his best mate Black Lab we are looking after playing some morning bed bitey face...
  19. he is just gorgeous and you are doing such a great job, I love reading your blog posts. You probably don't want to hear this but I bet Ollie will be snapped up soon! *Edit. Just watched the video and it was fantastic. Ollie is so lucky that you came into his life.
  20. My dog ate half of a rubber chicken toy, didn't know until he threw it up on my bedroom floor
  21. About my Golden Retriever 'ohhh what a beautiful long-haired labrador!' Love labs but get it gets annoying. He's a golden retriever dammit!
  22. I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face. Emma was so lucky to have such a lovely owner in the last few years of her life. My heart goes out to you.
  23. I know a couple of army dog handlers and they just love their dogs. From what I have heard they get treated extremely well. In my experience the work that these dogs do is very highly valued and the loss of any of these dogs is felt very strongly by everyone. When one of the Explosive detection dogs, along with his handler, died in Afganistan a couple of years back they brought the dogs ashes home and had a very moving ceremony for him back at the army base. The dog, Herbie's ashes were given to the wife ofhis handler and are buried with his handler. Obviously they don't want the dogs to be harmed, but if/when they are, they are very much honoured.
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