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Hi there, Glad to hear we could be of some help. We had pretty much the same situation with the toilet training. Our GR (Nelson) practically came toilet trained while our cocker (Frankie) has not been introduced to toilet training at all. Actually he had not even seen grass until the day we picked him up, but that's another story... Unfortunately there seemed to be no easy fix here for us apart from ramping up the toilet training, setting the microwave timer every 10-15 minutes and taking them out. Frankie hates wet grass too, its quite frustrating! We found feeding him his dinner on the grass, even if its wet helped him to get used to the grass. And keeping the grass short also helps. We have the opposite problem in terms of attention. Frankie will literally launch himself at Nelson if we are giving Nelson pats and attention. Haven't managed to fix that one yet. Have just been trying to ignore Frankie when he launches himself at Nelson. It hasn't really been working that well though yet, maybe he will grow out of it. They are going really well now, and they are the best of friends. We have this nice reserve near where we live where they can go exploring together off leash and they love it. My mum calls them Milo and Otis. Once they get through this initial stage, yours wont be able to be apart from each other!! Not that I am any kind of expert but let me know if you have any more questions. Seems like we are in such similar situations except I am a few months down the track
Hello there, I was reading your post and thinking how interesting because we too have two little male puppies, one a golden retriever (who we got first at 8 weeks old) and then a cocker spaniel who we got 3 weeks after the GR. Frankie (the cocker) is very vocal and fearless just like you described your pup. We had the fighting problems too. I think it also doesn't help that the little cockers can be so vocal so you think they are killing each other til you see the tail wagging!! We were really worried about it in the first few weeks, so we took a video of them playing rough and showed it to our puppy school teacher (she was wonderful and very knowledgeable) and she assured us that it was playing, not fighting, but she thought it was a bit rough. The way we got around it was that if it was all getting a bit too heated we would yell "HEEYYYYY!!!!" pick one of them up (whoever was closest usually) and popped them into the spare room for about five mins. We did that pretty consistently for about 2 weeks and now whenever we shout "HHHEEYYY" they seem to settle down. If you are worried about them yelping just leave them in the time out for about five mins and let them out. They have settled down a lot now (they are about 4 and 5 months old) but still have a go of it every now again. We put it down to sibling rivelry and getting out some pent up energy. Glad to hear there are other crazy people out there with two puppies at the same time!
He is fully vaccinated now, so he fine to be walking. The carrying thing is starting to get hard, he's really heavy!! Its just this strange fear of leaving the house...once the house isn't in sight he will start the walk perfectly fine. Its strange.
Hello, I am new to this forum, I had a look in the search function but couldn't see anything that I was looking for. I have a golden retriever puppy, and we like to take him for a short walk around the block in the morning before work. However, every morning, its such a struggle to get him to leave our front lawn! Its not the leash, he is fine with the leash. Its just the idea of leaving home that he doesn't like. We have tried lots of things to get him to leave the front driveway, food, coaxing, even dropping the leash and walking away to try to get him to follow us. Half the time we have to pick him up (getting harder now!) and carry him till he can't see our house any more and start the walk from there. He walks really well once he can't see the house, its just if the house is in view, he wont go anywhere! Any tips? Thanks for your help