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Everything posted by kitkatswing

  1. The only problem with buying these for my boy, is that he solves them in like 5 minutes and every time after that is quicker! He is too smart for his own good.. I would love to find something really hard for him.. (JRT)
  2. That link doesnt work now Bugger I was hoping to watch it..
  3. Another great story : http://littera-abactor.livejournal.com/7748.html Copied here as well I Has a Sweet Potato You know, a lot of times I write up random posts and then don't post them. But Best Beloved just called me, and I could not really explain why I was inarticulate about sweet potatoes, so I said I'd go ahead and post this. That way, she can read it at work and know just what kind of day it has been. (Short version, for those who do not feel like reading the whole post: ARRRRRRG. F@#%$ sweet potatoes.) The longer version, summarized in conversation form: Dog: I am starving. Me: Actually, no. You aren't starving. You get two very good meals a day. And treats. And Best Beloved fed you extra food while I was gone. Dog: STARVING. Me: I saw you get fed not four hours ago! You are not starving. Dog: Pity me, a sad and tragic creature, for I can barely walk, I am so starving. WOE. Me: I am now ignoring you. Dog: STARVING. Dog: Did you hear me? I am starving. Dog: Are you seriously ignoring me? Fine. [There is a pause, during which the dog exits the room in a pointed manner.] [From the kitchen, there comes a noise like someone is eating a baseball bat.] Me, yelling: What the hell are you doing? Me: *makes haste for the kitchen and finds dog there* Dog: *picks up entire raw sweet potato, which is what was causing the baseball bat noise, and flees for the bedroom* Me: *chases dog, retrieves most of sweet potato, less the portion which has disappeared into dog's gullet* Dog: See? STARVING. Me: ...That can't be good for you. It's a RAW SWEET POTATO. Dog: I had to do it. I haven't been fed. Ever. Me: You realize you aren't normal. Normal dogs don't steal raw sweet potatoes. Dog, sadly: I was badly brought up. Me: Yes. Yes, you were. Dog: By people who starved me. Me: Oh, no. I am not doing this again. Me: *exits the room, bearing sweet potato* [There is a pause.] [There is a noise like someone is trying to eat a baseball bat very very quietly.] Me: Oh, for the love of GOD. Me: *heads off to the kitchen* Dog: I am not eating a raw sweet potato. Me: You have sweet potato parts all over your snout. Dog: But you don't actually SEE a raw sweet potato, do you? So maybe that's just - um. A birthmark. Me: Did you seriously eat a whole sweet potato? Dog: You don't listen. I told you, I wasn't eating a sweet potato. Me, searching around fruitlessly: Look. NO MORE SWEET POTATOES. Me: Oh, what am I saying? This is you we're talking about, here. *goes to hide all the sweet potatoes that are left - which isn't many - in the fridge, because some people cannot be trusted* Dog: *attempts to look thwarted* Dog: *does not succeed, because her tail is wagging so hard small cyclones are forming in the kitchen* Me: *has a very bad feeling about this* [There is a pause, during which I do not even bother trying to return to what I was doing. I just stand in the computer room, waiting.] [There is, as I wholly expected, a baseball-bat-eating noise.] Me, stomping back to the kitchen: OKAY. GIVE ME THE DAMNED SWEET POTATO. Dog, looking up guiltily: What sweet potato? Me: THE ONE IN YOUR MOUTH. Dog: Oh, did you want this? I just, um. Found it. Lying here. Me: *confiscates the sweet potato and deposits it in the locking trashcan* Me: Let us say no more about this. Dog: ...Nooooo! They be stealin' my sweet potato! [i attempt to remember what I was doing before the sweet potato episode.] [some ten minutes later, I succeed, and return to it.] [NOT ONE MINUTE LATER, I hear a noise with which I have become all too familiar.] Me, bonking head on desk: Arg. Me, arriving in kitchen: How did you even get another sweet potato? Dog, smugly: I have my ways. Me: Are you punishing me for being away for several days? I was at a FUNERAL, you know. It wasn't FUN. Dog: How would I know? You didn't take me. You left me here with only one human to look after my needs. One human is NOT ENOUGH. Me: *shuts dog in bedroom, conducts a sweep of the kitchen to track down all remaining sweet potatoes, wipes up random sweet potato particles from floor, eradicates all traces of sweet potato from house* Me: *lets dog out* Dog, sulkily: Oh, so you think you've won. [i watch her go about her business with the same sense of overwhelming doom that heroines of Victorian novels get when they meet Count Sinistrus Grimblack for the first time.] [Half an hour later, there is a wetter, juicier eating noise, as though someone was eating a very moist baseball bat.] Me, wearily: What NOW? Dog, hunched over the remains of a butternut squash: *says something garbled because her mouth is full* Me: Okay. Fine. Me: *stomps over, empties entire vegetable bowl into trash* Me: WE JUST WON'T HAVE ANY ROOT VEGETABLES ANYMORE. THERE. ARE YOU HAPPY? Dog: I'm not even remotely sorry. I told you I was hungry. And you went to a funeral without me. Me: ARRRRRRRRG. [A half-hour later, there is another baseball-bat-eating noise from the kitchen. The dog, who apparently does not know how to win gracefully, has found another sweet potato, or possibly caused one to materialize from the Rift.] Me, hauling chewed sweet potato parts from the mouth of a dog very reluctant to part with them: Oh my god how is this my life? Dog: Don't you think it would just be easier to feed me? Me: EVERYONE GO TO THE BEDROOM AND STAY THERE. EAT NOTHING. Dog: Actually, I feel...um...not so good. Dog: *throws up* *vomit is very bright orange* [unfortunate details ensue.] Some time later: Me, attempting to rescue something from the wreckage: So. What have we learned from this? Dog: Sweet potatoes are yummy! Other Dog, looking thoughtful: I should pay more attention to crunching noises. Sweet potatoes are probably yummy. Me: I need a lobotomy. And that, Best Beloved - and anyone else who made it through that - is What Kind of Day It Has Been. #$%#^ SWEET POTATOES. ARG.
  4. Maui was never supposed to be allowed on the bed. Ah yeah, that didnt last long. He starts off on his mat beside the bed.. But during the night he jumps up, nudges my arm so I can lift the doona and he snuggles in against my legs, usually with his head on my foot. He is only 8kgs but somehow during the prcess manages to spread himself out!
  5. Usually small peices of chicken sticks or buffulo ears The bones are usually frozen first (i have a bag of frozen ones ) .. Should I remove the old ones after a certain amoutn of time even though he loves chewing on them??
  6. Toys: umm a huge array, squeaky balls, tennis balls, rope toys, eeep, off the top of my head I cant think of them all. He has a couple of bones out there (past the mat stage, just bone now) as well, we also tend to hid treats in his sandpit... He does sleep on the couch and sit on it all the time.. (otherwise I would definitly use pepper on it!) I have a few old sheets at home that I will use in the meantime to cover the cushions....
  7. We did have mice, but havnt caught one in a long time.....
  8. Ive been thinking about it. He seems to only rip when he gets the button off the couch.. ITs like a game for him. So I am thinking of maybe making some cheap cushion covers this weekend and see if that takes away the temptation to pull at the button then "pull all the inside goodness out"
  9. hmm ok, I may need to search what they are and how to use? PS. the couches are outside too, he doesnt destroy inside things.
  10. Yeah thats what I am thinking too... CAnt tell the other half that though... My next comback to him will be "So what are you going ot do when our kids destroy things, give them away too?? ... ToT and NILIF ??????
  11. He gets two walks a day, morning and afternoon... Training every day with me.. Lots of stiluating toys etc... His play toys are rotated too.. I think he is just testing us.. But hubby is steaming mad....
  12. Just got a call from husband, seems our 7 month old JRT has chewed and torn the couch outside whilst he was out surfing.. He has done this one or twice before and has been punished for it... Hubby ranted and raved and said if he does it once more we are giving him away.. (Not going to happen btw unless I go with the dog).... Is there any advise on what I can do to stop him tearing the couches apart??? Please dont say more toys etc, as he has a ton outside that are rotated and also has kongs, etc sandpit...
  13. Right! Thank you, will work on that instead with him
  14. Thanks for the advise! I know he can jump much higher (and does quite often onto the couches etc) but I want to keep that jump low until he can do it easy and without distraction.. I did get some weave poles but dont intend on using them yet, maybe slowly once or twice so he can get used to them..
  15. Maui (JRT) is 7 months old (next week!!) and just a bundle of energy, jumping all over the place. So I thought I would buy a couple of things to start a little agility training whilst he is soo keen. I set up the hoop last night (its inflatable!) and he got the hang of it straight away! Will be getting him used to the small heights before making it any higher. He was a little wary of the tunnel, but soon got used to it. He was just so excited jumping through the hoop, he had the biggest grin on his face!. Here is a photo I took last night, not great quality as its on my iphone
  16. I use Good O's broken up into smaller peices My pup doesnt get these normally, only when training..
  17. Just thought I would give an update. Maui went in for the surgery last Thursday morning. We picked him up again around 4:00 that afternoon. He did really well, only needed 2 stitches! They gave us pain tablets and the elizabethen collar if we needed it. He was pretty sleeping and groggy for a couple of days. We didnt end up putting the collar on him as he was really good with leaving the stitches alone. He did lick a couple of times but we watched him constantly and got him to stop. He managed to get one of the stiches out on Saturday, but the wound was healing really well and the vet said not to worry about it (I rang them). He is back to his boisterous self now. But I tell you, its SOOOO hard to keep a 6 month old JRT quiet and still....
  18. Its easy to find the add by googling certain words.... That poor girl...
  19. Little Maui is going in for the snip next Thursday morning. I would appreciated any hints or tips on what to do afterwards to help him recover easier Im not sure if I should feed him beforehand (But will ring the vet next week to find that out)..
  20. Well we arrived back very late last night and didnt end up picking Maui up, hubby will go and get him this afternoon. Although, I dont know if he will want to come home. Maui has my in-laws wrapped around his paws! He aprantly slept inside next to the bed the entire time, his "pride of place" was between my FIL's legs on the recliner and got taken on numerous walks throughout the day... Oh and when we called to say our flights were delayed, MIL said they can look after him for a couple more days if needed! I think he has had a very good time, but I cant wait to see him tonight when I get home from work I needent have worried at all!
  21. We are takign his kennel and inside/outside bedding over there As for photos, I dont think my in-laws would know how to use their phones to do that!!! Thankfully its only Thursday - Monday... Its a good test as we have two more holidays planned, in June and in August! I know he will be fine and Im just being a sook.
  22. Hubby and I are heading to Perth this Friday for a swing dance event/weekend.. Maui is going to his "grandparents" on Thursday night and we will pick him up again Monday night on our way home. This is the first time we have gone away without him and I am going to miss the little booger... I know he will be perfectly fine and spoiled rotton. But hes my first dog and I dont want to fret! Does anyone have any hints on how you coped leaving your beloved pet behind ?? I know its silly and if I cry on Thursday night hubby is going to laugh at me!!!!
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