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Everything posted by Delviktar

  1. Puppies born 12 May... Traumatic whelping - lost one girl, 3 born naturally (at vets) and a c section to retrieve the last 4 puppies survived 2 boys and 2 girls. Sadly I may still lose the little boy They are 3 weeks now and so cute. I love this age
  2. Woohoo!!! Puppies confirmed today by ultrasound :)
  3. Border Collie litter due 12 May Long awaited litter - fingers and toes crossed for a perfect Mothers Day
  4. This chart is great, thank you for posting. Unfortunately it says preventic not safe to use I feel ill. Hopefully I havent caused her harm. Collar was removed last night. I will look for another approved treatment. We are in a bad tick area, and I use the collars year round (just a break June to mid August). My vet knows I use preventic, advantix and interceptor. I hadnt heard not to use preventic and advantix together I usually treat with advantix and interceptor monthly and the preventic collars are to cover the two weeks of the month not covered for ticks. I have done this for years with no obvious side effects. Will check again with my vet
  5. I cant find any health warnings or information on whether it is safe to use preventic tick collar on pregnant bitch. I have just taken the collar off (she may be nearly 2 weeks pregnant (I hope) and am worried this may have harmed her babies. The only mention on the label is to 'consult vet' for pregnant bitches Is it safe to use the tick collar on pregnant bitch? Can I have harmed her or her puppies during this last 11 days since tie? I also use interceptor which I believe is safe (not due for another week) and have been using advantix (but dose not due for another week as I use both interceptor and advantix monthly and always use the preventic tick collars. Any advice /info appreciated. Feeling a bit sick as Ive been waiting for this litter for so long...
  6. I have been using Enduro Complete Adult for over 3 years and am very happy with product. Unfortunately my supplier didnt have any in stock (first time ever) when I needed more yesterday. I was offerred Enduro ' .. boar' but have bought a bag of Uncle Albers instead. I am a bit worried about how my girls will go on this product. They are not fussy eaters at all so that is not an issue. Uncle Albers seems alot heavier than enduro. I am hoping not to see any nasty side effects. I'd like to know your experience with enduro and/or Uncle Albers. I really dont like to change when happy with a product, but I was forced to on this occassion. I supplement with eggs,sardines, bones etc, as additional treats not as regular part of diet.
  7. The vet seems to think the uterus where cut will be weak and likely to rupture during pregnancy or when whelping. I understand that the uterus will be weaker where it has been cut. But I would assume that the wound has healed and is not going to get any stronger? Will I be reducing the risk of a rupture by waitng another 6 months or is the risk the same. Will the area where cut continue to grow scar tissue and therefore make it stronger over time?
  8. Hi I hope you can give me some advice please. I had a progesterone test conducted last Friday (which was only 3.7). I was advised to have another today (Monday). My bitch had a small litter of puppies in March (total of 3) one passed away and we had to have an emergency C section (on 24 March 2011). I had been advised by many people to have a back to back litter due to the small litter (and unfortunately I didnt end up with suitable puppy for me however 2 beautiful puppies found lovely forever pet homes ), which is the reason for prog tests etc now. I had been told that due to the small litter she had it would be fine to have the second litter straight away. I did mention the back to back litter to the vet I saw on Friday who took the blood, however I didnt mention she had had a c section as I wasnt aware that this would be an issue as no one had said this may be of concern until today. Is it safe to have a litter of puppies so soon after the c section? It has been 5 months since the c section. She is due to fly to Melbourne this week , but I need to know if it is safe to proceed. Has anyone had back to back litter after c section. Any complications? Any advice/information greatly appreciated.
  9. I dont use puppy kibble at all for Border Collies as they grow way too fast on this product. I wean puppies to adult kibble and raw.
  10. My BC had her babies last night ( 24 March) Emergency C Section 2 dogs (Sadly we lost a stunning Male - stillborn; RIP ) 1 bitch All Black & White
  11. Would I be able to get a copy of this too? No worries, just drop me an email [email protected] Could I have a copy too, please?
  12. What a way to start the day, I cried... A UK soldier that was nearing the end of his duties had reported to his mum only a week ago how devastated he was to have to leave his springer spaniel bomb detection dog behind in Afghanistan. This team has detected more bombs than any other team currently in service. The soldier was shot and killed last week while undertaking this work. That afternoon/evening the springer spaniel went to his normal resting place in their tent curled up, went to sleep and passed away. The soldiers mum has said she believes the dog died of a broken heart. The soldier was bought home along with his dog's ashes. They will be together forever RIP
  13. Confirmed by ultrasound, Border Collie puppies due about 27th March. I was very worried when ultrasound at 23 days was inconclusive. Confirmed today at 30 days. At least 2 puppies seen
  14. Had an ultrasound last night to confirm if in whelp. This was 23 days from last tie. We couldn't see anything and we will be having another ultrasound at 30 days. Has anyone else not had a result by day 23 ultrasound? Is there a chance she is pregnant?
  15. I was thinking of a grooming box on wheels & telescopic handle? Any info appreciated
  16. I plan on having an ultra sound on day 28, but should day 28 be from the first slip mating or from the tie? Also AI done in between slip and tie.
  17. Border Collies, hopefully arrive on 20 March.
  18. The New Dog Owner's Manual by Karen Hedberg I would like a copy of this book. Any suggestions on where to purchase this from or does anyone have a copy they may wish to sell?
  19. I currently have the oz trail deluxe gazebo (3x3) , but I am considering buying the compact oztrail gazebo (due to struggling to fit it in my car and it doesnt fit in the tack box on my trailer) or I believe there is now a compact deluxe gazebo available. What is the length (and weight) of the compact gazebo/compact deluxe gazebo when in bag? Do you think the compact gazebo is a better option?
  20. thanks for your advice I'll start looking around for suitable waterproof bedding and then add doonas/blankets as suggested or sheeting in summer
  21. I have just purchased a second hand trailer. bays are 88cm x 60cm. The floor is made of wood and I need to arrange for bedding in the trailer. What do you recommend as best type of bedding in trailer?
  22. Thanks, I will check out Bunnings and ebay. I quite like the aluminium cases too, but dont want a large case as i dont have that much stuff and really dont want to go 'overboard' on products. What I have at the moment all fits in a basket on the side of my trolley and I dont need to add any more products. If the case is too large, I will surely fill it with stuff I dont need
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