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Everything posted by Vacuna
Squeaky toys can be and are used by some in the show ring. If there is a show vendor at the show you attend you could check out the small and pocket squeakies in stock. Usually they are put in your pocket and used to get the dogs attention and stimulate animation when required. Discourage her from grabbing the lead in her mouth but don't be overly worried about it - I have a nearly three year old who occasionally grabs the lead in his mouth when he is in an exhuberant mood. As I have had a pup wear through a lead by biting it. I discourage that behaviour as it can be hard to replace your favourite lead. Harness aren't really suitable for the show ring as they visually distract from the outline of the dog. Constant wearing of them can also lead to damage the show coat so best to stick to a lead. You would only need a light lead for a puppy (presuming it is a small to medium size dog) - I tend to start mine off on a kindness lead - they have a piece of soft material which goes under the neck of the dog. This type of lead is soft on the neck, provides control but still allows a nice neck and head carriage. With regard to banding supplies - check out the show vendor. There are lots of online stores but I tend to get mine at the shows. Once you know what you favour you can then shop around online. As stated in an earlier post I read some very good books about grooming specific breeds for the show ring. If I am guessing right and your new pup is of the poodle variety and you would like the names of the books and their author just PM me and I will give you the details. Being relatively new to the show ring myself I found them really helpful to read even though they weren't Australian ones. Good luck on the weekend!!!
I was fortunate as Dogs Victoria has a library available to the members so I visited and checked out their resources. My local library also is part of a cluster of libraries so I was able to borrow some books on showing dogs, such as Show Me: a dog-showing primer, The Winning Edge, Showing your dog; a beginners guide and quite a number of others. I can't remember exactly which books I found the most helpful but some provided more relevant information than others. Some I borrowed were breed specific - how to prepare a particular breed for the ring. I did end up photocopying some pages from one specific book that I found very helpful - only problem is I didn't note either the title or author.
Vacuna, I didn't know there was show classes on at Bulla, I thought it was only KCC park. Bulla is much closer for me, can you give me the details please :D Gumnut classes are held at Bulla on a Wednesday evening commencing at 7:00 pm and although scheduled for an hour they often go a bit longer depending on numbers. Numbers vary from week to week and you just turn up and pay to join in. PM me if you want any further information.
I can understand that those classes aren't what you are looking for. I go to show training at Bulla on a Wednesday evening when I can. It is an hour trip one way but I find it worthwhile for me and get there when I can. I believe that private classes are also held just not sure if there is the option of any other areas besides the Bulla venue. While I know the classes at KCC Park have a good report - a 4 hour return trip plus the associated toll and petrol fees rule out attendance for me. Maybe if you have the time to attend a class or two at Bulla they may prove benefical and who knows you may make contact with others interested in getting together for some private lessons. You could count me into such a group for a couple of lessons down Geelong way if it was during the day - just to far to travel at night - although I couldn't commit for the long term due to distance.
If you are available during the day I have been told there is show training on Monday morning at Petit Park Bell Post Hill, Geelong. I hope to check it out myself today when I am in Geelong. There is a current post in the show section - Geelong show training that has all the details. Can let you know the format once I have attended - hopefully the storms/heavy rain hold off until lunchtime.
Well even though it didn't start earlier than the original scheduled time, judging by the posting time of the results, it was all over early which is a bonus. I pulled the pin as I had planned on camping but with a weather watch reading at 37.3 at 1:30pm today and still rising I am glad to be at home. At 3:30pm it is 38.4 with a predicted top temperature of 39 for Warrnambool, guess the cool sea breezes aren't blowing today. Was looking forward to a few days by the sea but maybe I will get there next year!!.
Thank you Silverblue and Tenties for providing the information. The original plan was to call into Geelong on the way home from Warrnambool but I have decided that 37/38 degrees is just too hot for us. I was to drop a dog off in Geelong on my way through so now I will be just travelling down to do that. If I get to Geelong training on Monday I will definitely do that Linda. Would they cancel the training if weather is inclement?
Have just been checking weather and as Saturday predicted temp is in the extreme range now - I was wondering the same thing?
Never having ventured to Warrnambool before could anyone tell me about the ground setup - is there any shade in the vicinity of the rings?. Is there plenty of room around the rings to set up? Thinking of camping(although can share accommodation if I need to)but are the ammenities good. Trying to work out just what to pack in the car??? Any info would be great!!! Thanks.
Thank you Gumnut. I found the thread originally but couldn't find now I am looking for it again. Knew it was an old threat and just wanted to check that it was still being held.
Thank you both for the info Re: Monday morning classes - could you tell me how long in duration, cost, and an other relevant info. Can you just turn up or do you need to make contact with someone? Just that I could be down that way Monday and though I might check it out - I am in need of all the help I can get!!!!!
I read in an old thread (which I cant seem to find again now) that there was show training classes in Geelong, Victoria. Does anyone know if they are still currently being held and if so the venue, day and time. Any information greatly appreciated.
Ok sorry if I put the wrong info up but have removed it. I believe his parents were silver but he has quite a mix of colours. He has a very pretty light silvery face but darker ears . Lighter legs but dark feet. On his body he has patches that look almost brown with one dark patch on shoulders that looks like a cowlick. He's quite a mix of colours and textures although as he grows its getting more wavy. I don't think charlie got his curly coat until he was way over one. Ill look into some products for him but have never bathed charlie too often as I though it was bad for his skin. [/quote Coat textures vary from dog to dog. I have one with a very thick curly coat and the other I would describe as moth eaten as the coat appears patchy. I have been clipping her very short and it appears to be thickening up but I don't believe she will never have a great coat. As long as you use a good quality dog shampoo he will be fine. I use groomers shampoo and conditioner - they have one with eveing primrose oil which is promoted as good for skin irritations. Just make sure that that whatever shampoo you use that you thoroughly rinse out all the shampoo. A good hint I was given was to dilute the shampoo with water in a bottle - shake and pour over - that way you don't get blobs of concentrated shampoo sitting in parts of the coat. While poodles don't shed or get a real doggy smell they do need to be kept clean and groomed for the benefit of both the dog and the owner. In the warmer weather I bath mine usually once a week and sometimes draw it out to every fortnight in winter. My two live inside 24/7 so I appreciate a pleasant smelling dog.
It was there but I read it finished at 2:00 pm - not able to locate it now either.
Don't think it is a yeast problem - had teeth cleaned less than a month ago and problem of deposits on teeth resurfacing already. Spoke to vet that cleaned them and will take dog back for another consultation in an effort to control the problem. Odour is definitely from mouth and or stomach - hoping someone maybe able to offer some suggestions. Other dogs on the same diet with no outward problems. Although sometimes fussy and definitely small eaters they have raw meat, premium kibble, necks, meaty bones, eggs, cheese and homemade liver treats - try to keep preservatives to a minimum. When you see the vet ask him to have a good look at his throat - could be an infection. My boy had bad breath for ages and the vet kept missing that he had a throat infection - an antibiotic injection and it cleared up. Just a thought. Thanks for the info - he was on antibotics after teeth cleaning but when I spoke to the Vet he did say there could be several causes and to bring him in for a look.
Don't think it is a yeast problem - had teeth cleaned less than a month ago and problem of deposits on teeth resurfacing already. Spoke to vet that cleaned them and will take dog back for another consultation in an effort to control the problem. Odour is definitely from mouth and or stomach - hoping someone maybe able to offer some suggestions. Other dogs on the same diet with no outward problems. Although sometimes fussy and definitely small eaters they have raw meat, premium kibble, necks, meaty bones, eggs, cheese and homemade liver treats - try to keep preservatives to a minimum.
Any other tips for helping with that. Dog has recently had teeth cleaned but the problem is still there.
I am not suggesting that this forum be used that way. I actually keep out of threads heading in that direction. But after reading threads in this forum - should I ever be in the market for a staffy I wouldn't be looking for a blue or if I did I would be fully aware of the pitfalls as I am now know that a lot of blue staffys can have problems especially with skin conditions. I believe there are ways to raise awareness and/or educate without crossing the line or making it a personal thing.
Not directly but you gave enough info for anyone to find out pretty easily. If you didn't mean to, maybe you should change the identifying info. I don't think that Charjas has crossed the line with mentioning the sire and dam as often knowing the bloodlines can help eg some colours are known to have poorer quality coats - she hasn't made any negative comments about a specific breeder she is just asking questions re: poodle care. I believe that the problem is that there is often a reluctance to make a comments because of the implications but unfortunately it is often why dog owners end up living with a dog with problems. While I now know more about breeders and issues since I bought my first poodle, I still struggled just recently when looking for a stud dog with regard to being really confident that I was getting the true picture. While it is fine for those in the know too many find out the hard way as for some breeders it is strictly a business - not a hobby or a passion.
That is my payback on my human kids for the many times they leave my kitchen in a mess. While I don't love the smell it doesn't really worry me but it does them!!!! When I am cooking or have cooked liver it ensures my kitchen stays clean at least for a while.
I too bath (even if I don't always clip) at least every two weeks and sometimes every week depending what they have been up to and how they smell at the time (mine like to roll in bird poo or other disgusting smelly items at times). I remember when we purchased another toy breed and the breeder advised to bath about once a month. My response was if they are living inside my home they will be getting bathed every week or two.
Raleighs still make the Salve although now the tin no long has "good for man and beast" printed on it. They have a shampoo and conditioner in their range too.
I have inside residing toy breeds and gave comfortis to mine including a 5 month old bitch about a month ago. Of the seven I had here at the time only one vomitted the rest were fine. I rang the company and spoke to a rep - who actually took a report. She told me to try her again as she had vomitted with a hour or so of ingestion. I did this a couple of days later but with the same result so I am obviously not going to be able to use it on her, mind you her 5 month old full sister was fine. Also she came in season a few days after the second try so that may have contributed to her reaction. I started using it January/February last year when we had a flea outbreak and nothing else was working. I only use it during the hot months and until this incident have had no problems with it.
Lady Bay Kennel Club Sunday 26th February Judging commences at 9:00am Group 1 1 Group 2 81 Group3 106 Group 4 159 Group 5 209 Group 6 269 Group 7 324 Last No 366
A DENVER morning television anchor bitten on the face last week by a just-rescued dog has revealed her injuries required 70 stitches, which meant her mouth was effectively sealed shut, The Denver Post reported. Anchor Kyle Dyer, of KUSA-TV, was leaning close to Max, a three-year-old Argentine mastiff, when he suddenly bit her live on air during a segment last Wednesday about the dog's miraculous rescue from an icy reservoir the day before. She was rushed to the Denver Health Medical Center, where she underwent reconstructive surgery to repair injuries to her lip and face. Over the weekend she posted a message on her Facebook page which said the surgery had taken four hours and that her face was now covered by 70 stitches, The Post reported. "I am unable to talk because my mouth is stitched shut to allow for the skin graft to take and get the blood circulating in my lips again," Dyer wrote, adding her thanks to friends and viewers for their messages of support. "I return to the doctor this ... week and expect another procedure in the next few weeks." Meanwhile, Max is still in quarantine at a Denver animal control facility, where authorities are monitoring him for signs he is carrying a communicable disease. After 10 days, the dog will be released back to his owner.