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Everything posted by Subzero12

  1. If the bulldog begins to shows signs of aggression towards the other dog we separete them - also we sepearte them when they are eating (which is normal) We have not seen a behaviourist - and i dont have the belief that a dog therapist can help resolve aggression issues. I guess i may be naive in that area but i have never heard of it actually working? So essentially rather than trying everything possible to resolve the issue you are going to pass the buck to someone else by rehoming one of the dogs.... You do realise that if the new home ends up with a DA dog they will more than likely just have the dog PTS. As i said in an earlier post NO I AM NOT TRYING TO "PASS" my dog onto anyone else because she has a few problems. Hence the reason i logged on here to get professional advice and advice from others that have been through the same thing i dont see that as "passing" on my dog i see that as taking a proactive approach to helping my dog. I absolutely adore my Bulldog and will try anything which is why i logged on here!!!
  2. You dont wait to see signs of aggression, you permanently separate. If it's not one thing tomorrow they will find something new to posture about, or worst, when you're not home. What do you mean by a dog therapist? A behaviourist delves down to the behavioural cause of problems. Reality is not all dogs are fixable, or some people expect we snap our fingers and their dog will never misbehave again. Again, when dealing with aggression, and I mean true aggression, sometimes you can manage it, other times it's not fixable at all. Thats reality. The fact you have not tried an experienced professional and would instead prefer to pass on a problem dog to someone else is worrying. I do not want to "pass" on my dog i am merely looking for advice from experienced people and take everything that you and others have said on this. I have never believe in a behaviourist for agression but if people think it can actually help then i am willing to try anything as i LOVE my dog and am not the kind of person who gives up on an animal. I am extremely passionate about both of my dogs and will do anything to keep them . Thank you very much for the advise and i will be sure to talk and see a behaviourist
  3. If the bulldog begins to shows signs of aggression towards the other dog we separete them - also we sepearte them when they are eating (which is normal) We have not seen a behaviourist - and i dont have the belief that a dog therapist can help resolve aggression issues. I guess i may be naive in that area but i have never heard of it actually working?
  4. I have also thought that as well about the age as she even has troubles eating properly and drinking ! Subzero (bulldog) turned one last week and ApachCat our staffy x is 18 months We have had a trainer but not a behaviourist as they dont gurantee results and i wonder if a behaviourist can really "fix" aggression
  5. :confused:Hi There, I logged in about 5 months ago as my 2 dogs had had a massive fight. Since then they have had 2 more significant fights which have resulted in vet visits and injuries to myself and my husband trying to break them up (silly i know but as we know it's hard to watch your dogs fight). The last fight was a couple of days ago and it took the both my hubby and me to pull them of eachother. We tried water distraction and grabbing there hind legs but it was harder to do then the previous fights. Our youngest dog is a Purebred American Bulldog our Oldest is a Staffy x Rotty both desexed bitches. The fights are created by the Bulldog. The first time it happened was over food but we since then feed them in different areas. The bulldog is constantly annoying and hounding our older dog until eventually she turns and snaps and all out war breaks out. Our older dog tries to walk away but the Bulldog just does not give up and keeps attacking. Also the bulldog tries to be the dominant dog by humping her & trying to stand on her back. We always stop this bahaviour when we are there to see it and enforce the household rules. We have tried training & seperation and nothing seems to work. Our bulldog also can be so very timid and scares very easily which baffles me as we have had her since 6 weeks old and she has NEVER been abused only loved it's the total opposite of what a Bulldogs behaviour should be like. She is a very Temperamental dog but i love her like my own child. If she does now know you she will bark at you and it does take her a while to warm up but as soon as you give her a belly rub she goes all sooky. It has come to the point know where i have no other choice but to try to re-home our bulldog as we have had the older dog for longer and she is more my husbands and step-sons dog. Whereas the bulldog is mine. But at the same time i am worried about her being with another family and maybe "flipping" on them due to her sometimes irrational nature. After the first 2 fights we have tried everything and the 3rd fight was the worst and i worry that if the hubby is not around i can not pull them of each and if we are not there then one will surely die. I would much rather her go to a good home but it seems the places i have called will not take her due to her breed and nature. She really is a beautiful dog that needs a lot of loving (which she gets) but it seems she also needs to be the only dog in the home. Does anyone have any other info or help they could provide? Thanks
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