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BC Crazy

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Everything posted by BC Crazy

  1. I'll be phoning the Vet first thing this morning. Unfortunately Stella, although not needing to go to the toilet for 10 hours after I feed her a small amount of boiled rice & chicken. She did relieve herself at 4.30 this morning. Very watery stool . Then again at 6am with the same Errrrr poor girl.
  2. I had to cancel our Vet appointment because hubby had to work back. On a good note though I didn't give Stella anything to eat since last night. So I just gave her a small amount of streamed chic & rice. I doubled her dose of Protexin today. She seems to be coping with that thus far. Not needing to rush to the loo. I'm going to keep a close eye on her tonight. Touch wood she is on the mend. Otherwise it's off to the Vets tomorow arvo.
  3. Thanks :) I will keep that in mind. My 2 have been on this new dry food for 3 weeks & so far so good. They both like it & seem to be going well condition wise. Time will tell I guess. It only makes up 20% of their over all diet so a bag lasts me a while.
  4. We have had our Go Dog Go for 5+ years now & Sonny loves it. We brought ours from Tennis Aus. from memory. Not cheap though. It does make a fair amount of noise when it throws out each ball. Doesn't bother Sonny but Stella would have a fit (very noise phobic) if she heard it so have to take her out while he plays with it. They are great though. You can put up to 18 balls in at once & you can vary the time that they get launched. Say you want one thrown every 15 seconds till they get used to it then you can speed it up. They say to start off with only one ball & teach your dog to return the ball into the shoot bucket. Otherwise you end up picking up & returning all the balls yourself. Throws the balls in all different directions & you can adjust the distance it throws the as well . Very clever whoever invented it :)
  5. my name is sunny... now i wish it was Sonny so i would have one for my birthday too :laugh: you could always pretend :p :laugh:
  6. Got an appoint. this arvo CN. OH has to help me with her. Not a fan of the Vets so its a 2 person job. Thanks for your concern.
  7. Oh OK Aliwake good thinking, will do.
  8. Good thinking VM & thank you. They are such a worry when they get sick aren't they? They seem to go down so quickly sometimes. She is such a sweet little girl. Breaks my heart to see her unwell & not to feed her
  9. Both my guys swim everyday StephM & I love the Rogz Fancy Dress Obedience Collars. Excellent quality, don't rust & very quick drying. Very strong as well. I also like the fact they don' have any buckles :)
  10. Hmmm, Thanks aliwake. Yes I'm starting to worry as we are going into day 4. And far worse this morning than the last 3 mornings
  11. Hi everyone, I know this topic has been probably done to death. What you folks do with this situation? Stella has had an upset tummy for 3 days now. The first 2 weren't very severe, just slightly loose stool. I starved her for almost 24 hours then gave her a small of steamed rice & chicken last night. My OH gave her a very small roo treat (against my wishes) & this morning she is worst then yesterday & the roo treat came out exactly the same way it went in. So she's not digesting anything slightly mucusy & very loose. I had to give her a tiny bit of steamed chicken this morning, as it is the only way I am able to give Stella her medication which she has to have 3 times a day. I have been giving her some Protexin & some Slippery Elm to try & settle her tummy down as well. Must admit I am starting to worry as this has been going on a bit long for my liking now Trip to the Vets be advisable you think??? What would they do to help her???She isn't showing any other signs of being unwell & still has a ravenous appetite. Typical lively Stella. Any advice greatly appreciated.
  12. Thanks everyone. I'm pretty chuffed :) Hankdog, what you say is so true. It is very exciting when our speshul dogs get it...& gain some confidence. We all go above the call of duty trying to help our guys & when you see any signs of improvement. It too is pretty darn lump in the throat kinda speshul ;)
  13. The breeder of my guys told me the exact same regarding no weight bearing bones . I did try roo tail only once but my boy nearly choked so a big no to those too. Just not worth the risk IMO.
  14. Oh poor fella Gone far too young. Run pain free now boy
  15. SG, your right in what your saying. I do try & not take it heart. I have learnt to shrug off most of the flak we get. I find a lot of folk are really quite frightened of Stella too, which doesn't help but they just don't her like I do I guess. On a positive note I have been making some quite good progress with her regarding her dog reactivity. There is a ACD where I exercise my guys that Stella usually reacts to. So I have been watching for when he comes walking along & we are usually playing ball retrieve, I very quickly move the game about 50ft away from him & up against a rock wall. Then I speed the game right up. She loves it & is so focused on me she pays no attention to the ACD going past at all. Now as soon as she see's the ACD coming which she used to try to charge at. She looks at me then runs down to this rock wall & is bursting with excitment waiting for me to start our new very fast ball game. So a fast game has become the reward for her leaving the boy alone & so far it is working really well. I'm very pleased that Stella has started to position herself in readiness of her own accord. Smart little girl she is :)
  16. Yes I wish I hadn't of looked either for the exact same reasons Kirislin...B.disgusting
  17. Yes we have tried everything here. Only thing that stops Stella is very fast pick up :)
  18. Thanks trifecta. I'm glad I haven't done Stella any harm. I have used Slippery Elm before when Stella gets an upset tummy & it worked very well & very quickly. She tends to get this way if she get extremely stressed or it's a full moon. I know it sounds bizzare but it's true. Usually I buy 400mg Slippery Elm but I must have picked up double strength caps by mistake.
  19. My girl does it on ANY food. YUK... apparently a trait of very reactive dogs according to my Behavorist/ Vet. Thats the case with us in anyway....
  20. Gorgeous photo's.... you must of had a terrible time there ;) All the beautifull ponies. And awsome Roo :)
  21. Beautiful photo grumpette. I adore seeing how a gorgeous dog can bring so much joy to people. Especially our vunerable like the elderly. And your right about our lovely Stan & Maddie. Just awesome aren 't they !!!! :)
  22. I get very uncomfortable around people who dislike Stella too Hankdog. She is an absolute sweetheart but some folks only see her or hear her at her worst. When she is going 'off' & while it's not pretty she is improving but folks tend to want to label her whilst at her worst. Which is very unfortunate IMHO....
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