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Everything posted by Bob
Sadly we gifted Hart his wings one week ago, he didn't quite make 15. Also gone in the intervening time is little sister Evie, a beautiful and cheeky girl, much loved at her second home after a successful show career which she shared with her first owners, friends that have also passed. Stand tall my friend, Nose to the Wind, Breeze through your coat..... There's adventures to be had...... Say G'day to Mum, Dad and the others who have gone before. See you there, be happy and enjoy life while you wait. Missing you,
Thank you all, Sadly, we also have two other elderly girls that are not well. One had a large tumor removed last year and picked up but is going downhill at the moment. The other has previously had surgery for a mass (undiagnosed) and will be having another mass removed on Thursday, pathology will be undertaken. The Vet is optimistic about this one. Cheers, Bob
Wurroit Wayward Warrior is the first pup whelped at Wurroit Bedlingtons, 23 June 2000 – 12 February 2015 The 23rd of June was a special day at Wurroit, Our first litter arrived 63 days post mating The first arrival was named Wurroit Wayward Warrior, He continued to be first in many things. He was the first to escape from the Whelping Basket, He is the first of our class in show winners, He is the first of our RUBIG winners, He is the 1st Champion under the Wurroit Prefix, Old mate, it seems just a short time since you came, Now with Beasley and Bonnie again, Stand tall Hart, nose to the wind, Breeze in your coat, Quickly o’er the ground, again you will float. Thank you for being part of our lives, missed by Bob, Erica, Matthew, Bronwen, Eilwen, and your fur friends Sorcha, Di, Eric, Missy, Gemma and Raven.
This is a good story. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-01-19/spaniel-roams-bush-for-seven-months-before-being-found/6025744 Cheers,
Hi, We have bred a few litters over a number of years and have taken only one bitch in for US and that was at five weeks and we were advised that she was not pregnant. We could think of no reason for her not to be pregnant so booked in for another US a week later. On the second visit the Vet was looking for a good 20 minutes while I continued to encourage the vet to scan higher (our breed carry the whelps very high, into the rib cage), on moving the device higher pregnancy was confirmed. Two possibly three was the verdict, she delivered six. The second litter produced seven pups. I don't bother with US any more. The first litter we bred was a litter of cats, which was unintentional, she (the cat), started calling when we were in the middle of moving from WA to Vic. The Vet we took her to for confirming the possible pregnancy palpAted her abdomen and said between 4 - 6, he was right on the money. She delivered five kittens and our daughter was so excited she was having palpItations! Cheers,
Wurroit's first puppies turn 14 today. Wurroit Wayward Warrior (Hart) and his brothers Keesha and Ubu were our first litter and, personal bias aside, they have been wonderful dogs over all these years. Hart was our first Champion followed closely by Evie (Wurroit Ice a Charma). My old mate doesn't see or hear much anymore. The cold mornings weigh him down but he still has his favourite spot in the yard to enjoy the sun. The new kids have developed some respect for him....... He seems to have developed some affection for the youngest of the pack, perhaps passing on some of the old pack lore. I hope so....... It seems to me that old age has been creeping up on him over the past couple of years but now, it makes an implacable advance. As much as I would like to wish you a happy 15th birthday old mate, I don't think it will happen, nor will I force it upon you. My friend.......... Enjoy the sun while it shines for you still.......
Hi Jed, I haven't visited here for a long time. A couple of "special" dogs of ours, and indeed, non-furred acquaintances have passed since your incident. We have a couple more preparing to take flight. We also have some new kids on the block. And we, as we are sure you do, look forward to a better future and....... A re-acquaintance of old friends at the bridge in the sky when it is our turn to travel. Hugs to you. You are frequently in our thoughts, along with the marvellous tales of TBCSITW. Best wishes, Bob & Erica
Hi All, I am not sure what is happening in other jurisdictions but with our litter previous to this year, we had to have an agreement from buyers for those pups we determined should be on Limit Register. While w do maintain communication with our prospective buyers regarding their intentions for the pups this made placing those pups which should have been on Limit Register a difficult process. Personally, I don't like dealing with breeders who want to put restrictions on "sold" pups whether it is for the purpose of "protecting" one's lines or to reduce the likelihood of more litters/more competition. The aegis of breeders registered with the ANKC and affiliated bodies is to promote the ownership and breeding of purebred dogs with the aim of "improving" the breed. How can breeders suggest that they are doing this by imposing limitations and restrictions? We will continue to do what we can by selling suitable, well socialised pups on main register and maintaining a dialogue with our puppy owners in regards to the ongoing development of their dogs, and, where possible and appropriate, promote the use of those dogs in registered breeding program's. This is achieved either through encouraging new owners to become registered breeders (which is not being facilitated by state controls, aspiring breeders are now required to jump through hoops), or by facilitating contact with other breeders who may wish to access "out crosses" that are locally available. In my view, promotion of the dog fancy cannot be PROMOTED through limitation or restrictions. This applies at both control (registration bodies) and breeder levels.
Don't often post here but very pleased to report a Bedlington Terrier (two in breed), Best of Breed for our Swedish import Ch Isotop's Viking. This is the first time we have entered a Royal so very pleased with the result. Ruth, the owner of the other Bedlington was a delight to sit next to and we spent a good deal of time discussing a range of Bedlington topics. Also caught up with previous puppy buyers and a few names (from the Internet) now have faces. Looking forward to another day on Saturday. Regards,
Done also, made comment but did not load, I am sure the survey did load though. What happened to Bedlinton terriers on the list? Regards,
Hi PA, Recent quotes I have had for a pup range from $1500 - $1800. With our next litter we will be asking $1000 which is up a bit on our previous prices but our costs have gone up a little in recent years. In regards to HorseGals comments, rare and probably becoming rarer these days, a number of breeders seem to have stopped breeding and very few people are importing. Nearest imports are in NZ and total cost for pup and importation is around $3000 these days. If you are looking further afield and there is a Q requirement the cost 5 years ago was $6000. Life span, our foundation bitch made 13 years, we still have a pup from her first litter just approaching 13 years now. In regards to responsiveness/approrpriateness for children, we have one girl is does not like littlies at all, generally though we have found them to be very responsive to young children, some however are a little over-eager and this can result in scratches and "nips" particularly while the pups is still young. Do-it-yourself grooming is going to work out much cheaper in the long run and can be done with just clippers and a bit of scissoring. A really "professional" job takes several hours and much scissoring. If you know someone who is familiar with the process pay for a few sessions and give it a go yourself. Use a #5 blade over most of the body, #30 or #40 (I prefer #40, less likely to catch fine edges of ears, etc.),and scissor in to blend. If you are still grooming them AngelSun, The landmarks I use on the face are top of ear to corner of eye, corner of eye to mouth, shave off lower jaw, for the throat, sternal notch to lower corner of ear. For the tassels, I try to have approx 2cm from the tip of the ear to the top of the triangle and 40 - 45 degree angle either side to the edge of the ear. I tend to leave the tassels as long as possible but you don't want them to appear "frayed" as they thin out. Regards,
To be fair I think there were three (plus yourself) that went for 6. I am more than happy to share the spoils offered. Thanks again,
So....... Was there a prize for the most accurate count??? :laugh: :laugh: Regards,
I am thinking only the six....... But admitting to having a lot of trouble "reading" the x-ray. Cheers,
Hi All, The policy options (at Ford Kinter), certainly come up as Petplan but personally not sure. We did have one buyer a few years ago that used the complimentary cover for yeast infections in the ears that was paid out. Can't remember specifically which buyer so unable to check. I would be interested to hear more thanks Jed. Regards,
Hi Parkeyre, I have used Ford Kinter for a number of years. I think that they hope that "some" of your buyers will take up a full insurance policy once the six week cover has lapsed. Read through what the policy covers though so that you can offer advise to your buyers. Regards,
Hi Meg and Sooz, Sorry to hear of the loss of Basil. We hope to catch up with you all soon. Best Wishes, Bob & Erica
Hey Bonnie, It has been a few days now since we held you in our arms to say goodbye. We probably won’t get used to your not being here but we are coping. Thank you for all the lovely shared memories. We remember being excited about being accepted as your new owners by your mum. We remember being excited on the 1,000 km return drive to pick you up with the kids. We remember your excitement on being released from your crate and meeting us and the kids. We remember how excited you were to meet Beasley. Obviously though, you were not as excited as he was. We remember you being frightened while we were out for a walk not long after you came to stay with us. You managed to get away from us and ran full tilt all the way home to the front door. We don’t think Beasley ever remembered the way home, he was just happy to be out walking. Yes, we did plan for you to be our foundation bitch and we couldn’t have wished for a better Mum to our first three litters. But… there was no need for you to come into season and try to seduce Beasley when you were just 9 months old. Thankfully the “connection” was not made before we realized what you were up to. We remember celebrating Anzac day 2000 with a successful tie which resulted in three beautiful boys. Hart is still with us, his brothers Ubu and Keesha are still with Mum’s twin sister. We remember that you had to dig a “Den” for your kids. But… did you have to make it so big that our kids could fit in it??? We remember your second “mistake” litter which resulted because we had to be away while you were in heat and the house-sitter didn’t really comprehend what was meant about not allowing you and Beasley together. As a result the boy in the litter was named after him. We remember your third litter of 7 pups, three of which went to overseas parents, and thinking 3 in the first litter, 4 in the second litter, 7 in the third litter, DO WE REALLY WANT 14 IN THE NEXT LITTER????? No more pups for you lovely one. We remember you mothering Misty the cat which Bronnie had bought home after finding her “out bush” and destined for a very short life. We know that you suffered a lot of pain in allowing her to suckle from you even though you weren’t lactating. We are still not sure if we should thank you for helping her to survive as, not having a “real cat” mother Misty has never learned to shut up and looks like being with us, and annoying us for a long time yet. We remember you, Sorcha and Misty guarding your litter of 7 against the 4- 5 foot king brown that slithered through our yard one day. Thankfully we were able to dispatch the bloody thing, especially as it had been the cause of a number of pet losses in the neighborhood for some time. We remember the differences of opinion regarding “puppy raising” techniques between yourself and Sorcha. And have the scars to prove it. None of the scars were from you though, unless one counts the scars on Sorcha. We remember the times you did start to lactate when we had the pups of others in the house. Sadly, the other mothers, terriers that they are, would not allow you to adopt any of their babies though we are sure you would have done an excellent job. We remember you playing with the last litter of pups as if you were again a pup yourself. Even if you were better than 11 and your eyes weren’t as good as they used to be. Bonnie, we will always remember the last few months where you became less able to navigate your way around the house and garden. Though you were always able to find your food bowl, and very quickly. We became concerned Bonnie, as you became less able to respond to our calls, became less responsive to our pats and cuddles, as you seemed less aware of your surroundings and became alarmed and distressed about unexpected noises. We worried Bonnie, as the other dogs started to growl and snap at you if you inadvertently stumbled into them but we were able to watch for you and ensure that there was no real nastiness. We remember Bonnie… the night earlier this year when you were very unsteady on your feet and lost. We remember Bonnie… the fit you had during dinner last week, how long it took you to recover, how lost you were, how distressed you were. We remember Bonnie… the fit you had the following evening, worse than the first one, longer than the first one. You seemed more lost, more distressed, and, sadly, as if there was “less” of you afterwards. We remember Bonnie… holding you in our arms to say goodbye the following day. We remember Bonnie… FOREVER. Thank you, Your Mum & Dad.
Our beautiful girl Bonnie is now at the bridge with Beasley. Bonnie is Mum, Grandmum and GreatGrandmum to all Wurroit progeny. We are going to miss her terribly. You gave us great joy and happiness during all of your 13 and a half years. You never complained about you various troubles but we could not allow you to go through any more after the last two evenings. Sleep well darling. Erica & Bob Wurroit Bedlingtons
Hi, Just for argument sake let's call the normal tail gene F for full and the other NBT. Your possible combinations for two NBT dogs then would be FF, FNBT, FNBT and NBTNBT. If NBTNBT is a lethal combination then you are only going to get the other three combinations, FF = normal tail, FNBT = bobtail in both instances so you are likely to get litters 75% of the normal size with 33% normal tail and 66% NBT. If you were to use a full tailed dog in your breeding programs to NBT you should get the usual litter numbers with 50% normal and 50% NBT. Hope that helps. Regards,
How Do Breeders Decide On Limited Register Or Main ?
Bob replied to mumoftwo's topic in Breeders Community
Hi BB, I am just wondering how is standing up for your rights being "precious". I personally feel that the Control organisations are doing less and less for breeders of pure bred dogs while requiring the breeders to jump through more hoops and "accomodate" outside interests. While I accept that not all controls have/always/perhaps will allow registration into the new owners names surely it is something that would make registration adn transfer of pups easier. Surely the controls should work for us just like the government works for us ;) Regards, -
How Do Breeders Decide On Limited Register Or Main ?
Bob replied to mumoftwo's topic in Breeders Community
Okay, Previously, when a potential buyer contacted me I would say we have these pups available, these ones are on limit, these are main. If an agreement was met I could register the pups into the new owners name immediately. Now, I have to send a copy of a form for the potential new owner to sign, they have to read through, agree, post back and then the form has to be submitted with the litter registration forms. If you have buyers coming in late in the sale period this can hold up the process somewhat. It was a much easier process the other way about. I prefer to not have to register the pups in my name then transfer them to the new owner as once again this is doubling up on paper work which is not, IMO, necessary. Regards, -
How Do Breeders Decide On Limited Register Or Main ?
Bob replied to mumoftwo's topic in Breeders Community
It was all so much easier when the breeder had the call on Main/Limit registration. We have always been required to register all surviving pups in a litter but the Main/Limit call was ours to make. DogsNT now require us to have another piece of paper on which the potential owner is required to give agreement on Limit Registration for the pup. To get around this we now register all pups in our name having determined Limit/Main registration and then have to go through the process of "Transfer of Registration" rather than registering directly into the new owners name. PITA. Regards, -
Interesting but..... From this site http://www.celticlurchers.com/aboutlurchers.htm The name "Lurcher" comes from the ancient Romany words for "lur" meaning thief and "cur" meaning a mixed dog breed. My understanding is that Lurchers are mixed breed dogs, usually cross between sight hounds and terriers though not always. This type of dog often accompanied Gypsies about the country and were invaluable in providing meat for the pot, usually through acts of "poaching" henceforth the association with the Romany word for thief "lur". Edit: I actually found this to be a very poor presentation and not one I would use to provide instruction or information relating to the history of the Lurcher. Regards,
Three Questions About Canine Pregnancies And Whelping
Bob replied to Parkeyre's topic in Breeders Community
Hi All, Good information here http://www.vetmed.lsu.edu/eiltslotus/theriogenology-5361/the_normal_canine.htm regarding a bitches cycle. I found the ovulation section to be most informative regarding the surge in Leutenising hormone, release of oocytes, development of the oocyte and viability. Regards,