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Everything posted by parrotpea

  1. Very exciting! People and dogs: Lappiemum: Bear, Tasha, Sohvi and Ruby Evolving: Bobby, Echo and Alera. jrm88: No Name std poodle puppy Alyra: Alfred (shar pei puppy) Kirst and John: Lunaberger MavericksMission ~ Maverick & Hector keroppiyo: Buffy parrotpea: Ruby (stafford puppy) Food: Kirst - Chips and cold drinks pls list if u have a preference - I like apple or orange juice Mav ~ Potato Salad & Biscuits Alyra - Crackers & Dips keroppiyo - Pasta salad parrotpea - sushi and fruit
  2. It's worth it for the practice though. As Enigma said - if you didn't fall over ,and your pup didn't poop in the ring - you're doing pretty well How would I recognise you if I came to say hello on weds?
  3. The little one needs to be fed because she was losing weight from birth. She was 175g born (the others were 200g) and she slipped to around 147g in the couple of days after that so I took her to the vets, gave her some fluids under the skin and started bottle feeding her. She's now over 200g so she's doing okay - mind you the others are now 317g and 417g!! :rolleyes: That's great news on the weight gain TA. Hopefully she'll get the hang of feeding from Mum soon! How did you go today Gumnut? I drove down with OH and the kids to have a walk around with Ruby but I couldn't find it ;) I just looked it up on google maps and we were so close... I will be trying to get down there on weds as I really want uby to get to hang out at a few shows and meet some nice dogs. It's so hard trying to get her well socialised when I don't know many people whose dogs I trust, and when she hasn't had her 12 week vacc yet..
  4. I looked it up on google maps and it didnt' look too hard to find. Looking forward to it
  5. I just had to come and have a bit of a brag about Ruby - I've been doing some leash training with her and she is doing *so well*! She walks or runs(she prefers running lol) beside me like a little champ.
  6. Those puppies are so cute jrm! I can't wait to see which one you get. How does the setup work at Kepala? Do you have a run/s booked? I will have little Ruby with me so if there is a space just for little puppies I would much prefer that We went to puppy preschool last night and she was the little baby of the group - the other two pups were a few weeks older than her and so much more confident and outgoing - she just slept through most of it
  7. What will you be showing? Jess - Poor Leo - I hope he feels much better after a big sleep TA - Sounds like your little one is a fighter. If she puts on a bit more weight will she be able to feed from Mum again?
  8. I am a total show ring newbie - my little girl is 9 weeks and is eligible to enter her first show on Feb 12th. I am very excited to get started. I am getting lots of help from my breeder, but the next show she is going in isn't until March 12th, so if I enter one before that I will be on my own *eek*. I am going to some handler classes down at Bulla once Ruby gets her 12 week vacc so I am hoping that will help me get a bit more of an idea I've been to quite a few shows, and will go to as many as I can until I can start entering her. I am thinking I might enter the open show at the pet and animal expo on the 20th, and/or the bendigo& eaglehawk shows. Anyone here entering either of those? Anyone going to be at the next few shows at Bulla so I can say hi and show off my baby girl?
  9. What a little fighter! Lovely to hear a good story amidst all the sadness
  10. The 13th is perfect - Ruby will be getting her 12 week vacc on the 11th :D Wherabouts is Kepala and what time?
  11. Thanks Kirst - I will check it out - Diggers rest is not far from me
  12. Great news Koemi and WA. And yes, I agree, Halo definitely needs new puppy things :D And what is Kepala?
  13. That is great news Dxenion - what a cutie! Toolz - your little one is gorgeous Happy birthday Yngvie! Jakemom - that little girl looks like she will be lots of fun! Ruby is doing really well - she is settling in now and has become much more playful - chewing on the carpet and such! Flickr is being a pain - managed to get this one to upload though : The 'crazy eye' lol
  14. Thanks for the compliments on our beautiful girl. Our little boy(3 yrs)who is in the last pic with her is totally smitten - this morning he had gotten her out of her crate and was just sitting on the couch cuddling with her while he watched ABCkids Plans changed regarding her crate training - I had planned to have her set up in our spare bathroom with crate door open and some training pads on the floor, after the first night of much crying, the second night I set her crate up in our room and she was fine. Toilet breaks every 3 hours and a bit of whimpering, but a bit of a pat and she was back to sleep. I am feeling very sleep deprived after 3 nights of regular waking - almost like having a newborn again... She is doing really well with her toilet training - only one accident so far. She is enjoying her crate, and her stack is getting better, she follows really well and is realising what her name is (although I can't take credit for most of that - the breeder had taught her everything except crate and toilet when I brought her home)
  15. I am so sorry for your loss happypaws ;) I am all teary after reading yours and others posts. Something that helped for me was having a little memorial service and burial - even if you go for cremation, you could just bury a handful of ashes - we buried our girl with two of her favourite toys.
  16. I agree with the PP's who have said to go along to some dog shows and talk to breeders. I have just got my first show pup as a total non-dog show person from a lovely breeder who is very committed to the breed. I also found my state breed club very helpful, and I contacted some of the breeders listed on their site and had a chat to them over the phone to see what they were like, and to ask them how willing they were to help me out with learning the ropes, and whether they have mentored anyone else (if that is something which would be helpful for you )
  17. Hi there I'm pretty new to crate training too, but when my pup starts to whimper during the night, if she's already been to the toilet, I give her a pat or just rest my hand on her and she goes back off to sleep. From my understanding, the best way for them to have a good association with the crate is to always put them in there with some food, after they have had a play and are sleepy. I haven't left my girl's door on her crate open at all (unless it's inside the puppy pen) and she has been fine. If I'm going to be in one room for a period of time I bring her and her crate in the room with me.
  18. I just picked up my little girl Ruby last night. I feel very privileged to have been given the opportunity to show this little one :D She will be 3 months old on Feb 12th. Introducing, 'Brohez Rise Again Ruby Soho'
  19. Thanks everyone - we think she is gorgeous too :D Jrm - More pics to come... Bjelkier - he is really lovely - I bet you can't wait for him to arrive. Good luck with the little babies too
  20. WA - that's great news that you got purple girl - she was my fave too :D dog geek - did your babies enjoy their bath? How long now - can't be too long? I got home with my little Ruby girl at about 11.30pm last night after picking her up in Melbourne, and she is just gorgeous. The breeder was saying that she thinks she may have made her decision too soon and I may actually have the no.1 pick girl. She cried a lot last night but has been fine today as long as I am in sight, so have been moving her from room to room with me. She's such a little sweetie, and she does a great stack already and follows me around - such a smart little cookie! So, finally, some photos!! It's a hard life happy(and hot!) girl
  21. Congratulations on your little stafford pup and welcome to the forum Kate. Dogs and littlies is a tricky one - we will be bringing home our 8 week old stafford pup tomorrow evening and I am planning on coping(I have a 3.5 yr old and a 17 mth old) by using a puppy playpen and crate training. I highly recommend you look into it because if the pup is happy to sleep in the crate and spend time chewing on chew toys either in crate or in playpen it means that he can be closer to you and will therefore be happier(and less disruptive!) overall. That is what I am hoping anyway! What have you been stuffing your kongs with? (Always curious for new ideas:)) And Misscheevius - where did you get your advanced puzzle ball?
  22. One more sleep - picking up little Ruby tomorrow night I think i've sorted everything out - crate, puppy playpen, steel bowls, kongs are stuffed and in the freezer, toys sorted (apart from the one that my darling daughter lost....), k9 pro training module 1 read, many towels and blankets ready to go, puppy food sorted, puppy treats sorted, I think I've organised everything - any glaring omissions? So excited!
  23. The Premier brand toys are really good quality rubber. A couple of them are chewier 9(ie. more readily destroyable) than others. The waggle is a chewier one, but the chuckle(?) is good. Youcan get a dental kong which has rubber spikes - I haven't got one myself but kong stuff is generally great.
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