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Everything posted by lelu

  1. lelu

    Peeing Inside

    Can I ask how can you tell the difference between him waking in his crate to go to the toilet r just waking up? Late night he woke at 1am, and I took out to the toilet and he went. He woke up at 3.30 then 5, and I didn't take him out because he didn't seem overly distressed. He then woke at 8am so I took him out and he did a wee. What signs should I be looking for when he is in the crate that he wants to go to the loo, rather than just waking up?
  2. lelu

    Peeing Inside

    Milo just voluntarily walked into his crate and went to sleep!!! I have been feeding him chicken, his teething kong which he finally noticed about 2 hours ago and a chew bone for the past 20 mins after some play Eta pic
  3. lelu

    Peeing Inside

    Thank you. We have been doing most of that so far, so good to know we are on the right track! Cheers
  4. lelu

    Peeing Inside

    It went quite well actually! He was asleep until 9.30pm, which we woke him up for a toilet and played until 10.30pm until we went to bed. It was pretty easy getting him in the crate, I let him taste the treats, then showed him they were inside the crate and with gentle nudging he went in. I then petted his head through the wire til settled and he slept through until 1am. I took him straight out and he did a wee within 5 mins, then brought him back in and the same technique to get him back in. I also fed him more chicken when he was settled in the crate to try and make it super positive in there (loves poached chicken as a treat!). He woke again at 3.30am, but might have been because our cats were playing and making a racket, took him out and no wee, so back inside and went to sleep quite quickly. Woke again at 4.30 and hubby took him out for a wee and he did, then woke again at 6am with no wee. Currently he is asleep in his pen in the lounge room. So all in all last night was quite a sucess, but we are so tired :) Today I will start crate training, I saw a thread here about it, so see how we go. Will try the same technique tomorrow night, but with the cats locked up so hopefully he will sleep through more. :)
  5. lelu

    Peeing Inside

    I didnt realise saying no would be counter productive. That would be practical setting an alarm for the next 2 weeks, but when we go back to work the following week we can't actually do that all night when we go back to work. When we are outside we mostly play/run around. When he tries to sleep we wake him up. I wouldn't be stopping him sleeping, young pups need a lot of sleep. And if he has a nap, he will need to pee when he wakes up. If you're taking him outside every hour, and are outside for 1.5hrs ... is he sleeping/playing etc with you inside in between the outside bathroom trips? Sorry, just saw this. Mostly we play/run around when outside, except 10% of the time when we get tired :laugh: Then inside it is 50% play and 50% sleep Well after hubby told me he went 6 hours sleeping with him last night uninterupted, I might wait till he wakes me
  6. lelu

    Peeing Inside

    Here he is Hubby just informed me that last night (his puppy watch night) that Milo and him slept in bed together because he wouldnt settle from 1am until 7am. So potentially we could go longer.
  7. lelu

    Peeing Inside

    Ok great, yeah thats why I said 2 hours, because he doesnt seem to go on the hour mark anyway :) We have a plan for tonight, wish me luck :) Oh and if he doesnt go, is he unlikely to pee in his crate, and if he does wake up then is it usually to pee? Sorry for the 20 questions :) Cheers
  8. lelu

    Peeing Inside

    Well he was just asleep on my lap, so I just put him in the crate and he just curled up in there happily with the door open :) So maybe when I go to bed I will put his chew treat in there, and put the door on then keep him next to the bed and I will take him out every 2 hours. Would you then say if we take him out and he doesnt pee within 5 mins bring him back in and try again in 2 hours?
  9. lelu

    Peeing Inside

    I see, so would you suggest every 2 hours maybe? He sleeps in our spare room inside a pen with his bed, water and food. We were going to crate train, but I havent been able to get him using his kong, let alone getting in the crate. I would like to crate train though so he can be content with himself when we arent home later on
  10. lelu

    Peeing Inside

    I didnt realise saying no would be counter productive. That would be practical setting an alarm for the next 2 weeks, but when we go back to work the following week we can't actually do that all night when we go back to work. When we are outside we mostly play/run around. When he tries to sleep we wake him up.
  11. lelu

    Peeing Inside

    We have got our 8 week old puppy this week, and we are having issues with him holding onto his wee while outside, then when brought in will go on the floor within 5 minutes. It doesn't happen every time though. We have been taking him outside every 1 hour and saying "go to the toilet" then when he does praise and give a treat. This worked perfectly on Monday (first day home), then yesterday and today he can hold it as long as we keep him outside for his wee break. So he held his bladder for 2.5 hours this afternoon, hubby had him outside for 1.5 hours (after the 1 hour period for his bladder to re fill), no wee's so hubby brought him back in then instantly wee'd on the ground. That was the only time we have caught him in the act, so he got a firm "no", and he seemed to realise he did something he shouldn't have for 3 secs. He is drinking water more sporadically, sometimes will guzzle a heap, then other times he wont drink for a few hours. We have some puppy pee pads that we got this afternoon for overnight. Any help much appreciated! Leah :)
  12. I really hope Jed doesn't mind me putting this here, found it after searching for ages :laugh: and of course it was in a pretty obvious place..." Dog Breeds 101 > Boxer" Thank you so much!
  13. Thanks, ill check that out too! Bobtail :) He is from the lovely Janet and Darryl at Boxberry!!
  14. Thanks for all he tips! I haven't managed to find the post Jed wrote, and I can't PM them. Does anyone know what it was called or which forum it was in? I have been watching all the vids on Dog Star Daily about training, seems ok I think. I have enrolled him into puppy school which he will start at 10 weeks old. Also here he is:
  15. Thanks guys! I will check out that website. He is a boxer pup. No pics yet, but will share when I do. I read through the boxer page and everyone seems to emphasise that your boxer needs to have an "off" button, so we want to train him right from the start. Hubbys parents have an untrained boxer, and lets just say a 40kg over excited dog who wants to play is not good :laugh:
  16. Hi everyone, We are first time puppy owners (as adults) and we were expecting our pup in October, but our breeder contacted us yesterday as another person pulled out of their puppy who is ready to go next Monday (7 days), and so we are now taking him. So we have lots of organising to do now, but I was wondering if anyone knows of a good puppy preschool and then obedience school in the Newcastle NSW area? Also what do need to do before he comes? I am going to get a pen/cage for introductions to our cats and for sleeping in at night, food, toys, bed, collar, lead, stuff for our cats like feliway and rescue remedy, organise his next vaccination with our vet, annual leave from work. Any other suggestions? Because our cats are indoor only I wont be able to lock him inside unsupervised with the cats when we go back to work. We are getting 2 weeks off initially. We have a detached garage in our back yard which we are going to leave the side door open (unseen from the road), and put maybe a double sized pen around the door way so he can be both inside and outside, but he will also be safe away from the gate so people don't notice him. We have a metal bar gate, and we were going to go to bunnings and get a pad lock and some fake bamboo or other temp fencing that we can put up so people can't see into out back yard. Will he be safe from 10 weeks like this? Or should we just lock him in the garage for the day (approx 7 hours total 8 - 3.30pm). Also we have to think of a name too! With toilet training the "old" method is run their nose in it, but is there a more positive and gental method? I dont like the sound of doing that to an animal. Any other general tips/info etc? Cheers, Leah
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