I'd really thought that the possums and piglets were the losers. The sympathy expressed has done a big shift from the original victims to the spin-off victims. Of course the massive possible numbers of greys being affected is horrendous, but there are not "that" many people as concerned about the rabbits, guineas, cockerels and other small animals. What happens to the (?hundreds?) already in cages just awaiting being killed in terror and agony around various "facilities". Bet they won't be thoughtfully disposed of - they will be doubly ill treated as lash-out punishment by the thugs involved - let alone deprived food and water which I doubt is ever involved in their management in any case.
Grumpette they are good links you have in your posts.
Yes, and I know for a fact that cats have been used as live bait in Victoria. My father was told about it back in 1968 and I have been vocally against the cruelty inherent to ALL animals in the greyhound racing 'industry' for over five decades now. How many hundreds of thousands of animals have suffered in that time?