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Everything posted by Mason_Gibbs

  1. Sorry cant help only had experience with elbow dysplasia
  2. If you get desperate i totally recommend the vets at Rivergum especially the surgeon that operated on Gibbs, Dr Tom Hill
  3. The canvases are very very pricey from what i remember a small one is $400, think the one i wanted was over $1000 I won mine at the Salty Seadogs assistance dog day brekkie in 2010
  4. It all depends on the size of the pics etc u select, I won our session so I didn't have to pay, it included a free print too. I paid for a 8x12 ice block which cost me over $300. I'm itching to get 1 of Gibbs but broke at the moment. And I would like a canvas of the two of them together :)
  5. Yeah im leaving Gibbs outside even with his bee allergy as i would have to lock him in one room with nothing in and i feel too bad. Im waiting for him to be stung again as some dogs get worse some never react again so hoping he is the latter as i really cant afford the desensitization atm and i cant get him down to Murdoch either once a week for 20 weeks or whatever
  6. I thought when Gibbs was a puppy he was going to be huge as an adult !!
  7. Yeah mine would also be excited :) Gibbs isn't going to get much bigger, he currently only weighs 29 kgs which isn't big for a male, he is pretty tall tho. But to me Gibbs is the most handsome lab iv ever seen ;)
  8. BTw Ness if Gibbs stood on soft foamy cushions while recovering he also looked a bit worse, just remembered :)
  9. Yeah i would feed it if it suited my dog. Im all for raw but my dogs seem to do better on kibble atm. The puppy cant stomach raw food he gets the runs on it and the older dog just looks better on hypoallergenic kibble atm
  10. Yeah VAn Never worked wonders for my Atopy dog lol
  11. Good news about Daisy :) Hugs Ptolomy but I'm sure you have researched the families and I'm certain they will love their new family members very very much
  12. Oh no ST sounds like you are having a rough go of it the lady I work with is so lucky, she is about 10 days ahead of you preg wise and she has had no sickness, cravings etc!! Very lucky
  13. Thanks Bedazzled I'm going to go right back to basics :)
  14. Ok I'm stuck on COP for open, Mason will drop at a distance no hassle, if I'm close he will then sit from the drop but the moment I'm further back he won't sit!!! Help I don't know what to do. Each time I go back and just work on that exercise closer to him but then when I take a step or 2 back he acts dazed and confused
  15. I would approach the person if they failed and ask if they were going to do stays and ask if they could withdraw because I guess the person knows your dog and theirs don't like one another? If you both on a pass maybe approach the judge together? But then again I guess the judges argument could be both dogs could then be banned?? Hate stays iv had a dog growl at Mason before we enter the ring and I was scared to leave him in there with that dog. I know Mason won't retaliate but Gibbs is another story!!!
  16. Great !! Anyone got some signs to email me? I
  17. I think they will appreciate it , he recons more ofen then not the ED surgeries don't have as good an outcome as Gibs has had so I recon they would appreciate it more.
  18. Here is Gibbs with Mason at the beach :)
  19. Technically he saved Gibbs' life and we are very very grateful. No words could ever describe what he did for us :) seeing Gibbs walk for an hr a day limp free was indesribable and now seeing him run with no limp after warms my heart. Thanks Rivergum surgeons :)
  20. I was thinking of sending the surgeon a thank you card, would that be inappropriate??
  21. I'm not stressing so much about him jumping down now ( he has been since 6 weeks post surgery), I know I should still stop him but he is too fast!! He had his first acupuncture session post op today to see if it helps te swelling so guess we will see
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