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Everything posted by Mason_Gibbs

  1. minimum 750mm Thanks Tiggy, I want to get Mason a bling lead and collar for trials but I remembered reading somewhere that the lead had to be a specific length, just could not remember what the length was!
  2. For CCD - does your lead have to be a specific length?
  3. My boy gets roo, lamb or goat plus some veg daily - he also gets sardines, eggs and some cheese weekly. I have been wondering lately if that is enough variety in his diet, he cant get beef, chicken or anything with wheat due to allergies.
  4. I had off chicken from Morley KFC and I have never eaten KFC ever again!
  5. I would love more I-squeaks, I only have one in working order, the other one Mason and Phoebe took into water and it sucked in lab fur and died a shocking death The other one I gave to Phoebe as a gift and so that leaves only 1.... this time I am ordering 10.
  6. Kyzer is short enough Actually Amanda's poodle who is just over 350mm is ball mad :D Banjo could possibly be taught to do flyball but he isn't that ball mad He plays fetch but won't pick up the ball within a metre of me Jenna loves flyball, we tried it when they were trying to get a display team up for the Royal a few years ago, hope its somewhere close and not too expensive so we can give it another go and that it doesn't clash with anything else. I'm running out of nights to train! :p Millie would love it, though. I think Mason might like it too! It will probably be down south though and I dont like driving at night The way you say down south it's like you're referring to Margaret River and Busselton type places! "South of the river" sounds a little less severe Lol it may as well be because of the distance I have to travel to get there!!! In my last job I was always driving and it took me an hour to work in traffic and an hour home again for 5 years so lets just say that me and driving dont gel :D Or if there was a jam it could take up to 3hrs each way... and the distance was only 35km....
  7. Kyzer is short enough Actually Amanda's poodle who is just over 350mm is ball mad Banjo could possibly be taught to do flyball but he isn't that ball mad He plays fetch but won't pick up the ball within a metre of me ;) Jenna loves flyball, we tried it when they were trying to get a display team up for the Royal a few years ago, hope its somewhere close and not too expensive so we can give it another go and that it doesn't clash with anything else. I'm running out of nights to train! Millie would love it, though. I think Mason might like it too! It will probably be down south though and I dont like driving at night
  8. Thanks guys, I noticed now that I had typed the info in wrong Yes hubby has scored big points but I think he was as excited as I am - after all - men love gadgets
  9. Mason has not been good for the last month or so now, I am giving him half a cortisone a day now or else he scratches himself to pieces!! Paws are red and he is very itchy, one hot spot under chin.
  10. I heard one of the vic teams was maybe coming over to demonstrate. Im lucky i have my own personal trainer for flyball who has a Flyball master excellent titled dog Would you use one of your Setters? That would be awesome to see! yep ,my boys rellie & personal trainer if need be http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/profile.asp?dog=19970 .i use to own a flyball box when it was becoming known here about 15 yrs ago,the dog i trained for it was an american Cocker who weighed in at 9kg Ok so you are going to give it a shot with your Gordon then? Are you going to compete him in a snood too? (How cute is that ) Also does anyone know what happened to the user: kirsten Loves Labs As far as I know I think she re-homed both her dogs and does not come online anymore. I could be thinking of the wrong person though.
  11. I have just found out that hubby has bought a Canon D450 off a guy at work and I have managed to get a lens which a lady got in a kit yesterday but has never been used off Gumtree, I am collecting both tonight will post pics when I work out how to use it
  12. I am so happy, I found a second hand camera to buy - I am doing a photography course next year
  13. Lol poor Scoota we will have to tell Mason that sit stays still mean sit ONLY!!
  14. Rach the park across the road from me is very quiet - its not strictly off lead but people do let their dogs off, we are very often the only people there, especially now from around 11 its quiet. Sometimes there are kids in the play area but that is near the top and most dogs dont bother going up there. I am waiting for my zap balls, they got shipped last week on the 6th, so should be here next week or so. Mason broke his tug pouch so I will have to just use my fluffy tug from Pattons Toybox.
  15. I have a spastic allergy dog here but for all the money we have spent etc I would not swop him for the world, love his personality to bits
  16. My husband is being so stubborn, he is saying no to another pup until we have our own place ( I do see his point but it doesnt stop me from wanting one ) however saying that I would like Mason up and running in obedience b4 I get a pup and he is still way off from being able to compete ( this weekend in class I asked him to heel ----- I got "heel, mum what is heel again ' ) I just laugh it off now when he has an off day or else I would kill him in frustration, I am trying to not take it personally - after all when he does something wrong its only a reflection of my poor training skills
  17. Poor Kyzer He's lucky he's so cute If you want fail, it's trying to get Millie to play tug She just doesn't get the concept. Bunny fur in the tug and all! Mason got too into his tugging in class this weekend and ripped the food pouch off the tug - ooopppsss
  18. I hope not otherwise between my horses and dogs I am likely only going to live to 50 Aeryn is much better this morning (although I feel crap - got very cold dealing with her in my work clothes initially and now can't stop coughing So I sympathise completely Mason2009!). However our driveway looks like a battlefield! I cannot believe how she could have lost so much blood and still be standing! No wonder her blood pressure was low. I think both she and I were very lucky yesterday that it wasn't so much worse. Ptolomy, you will have to try a fluffy black dog on for size one day Or a sleek black one once Bedazzled has pulled us into line Yes its the cough that is getting to me, I cant stop coughing and after my garden wedding in the rain on sunday I feel much much worse
  19. Thanks guys I had to change my name as I lost all my sign in details!! I went to a camera shop yesterday and I am now looking at the Canon D500 and the Nikon D3100 - I need a video function if possible as I am hoping to compete with my dog in obedience from next year and we do practice trials etc which I like to video. If possible I dont want to have to take a video camera and a seperate camera for photo's. Where is a good place to look for second hand camera's?
  20. Mirawee- hope that your filly makes a full recovery, must have been one scary experience! Valley - I also feel sorry for Mason as sometimes I have no idea what I am doing handling wise, we went to our new class on sunday and there were loads of things that I can see we need to work on. I am home sick today, Mason is all cuddled up to me keeping me company - I hate flu sinus headaches!
  21. Hi guys, I had to create a new account as my PC signed me out and I could not get my password etc as the board kept telling me that no user name exsisted! Its still me, I will be putting up a profile pic soon.
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