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Everything posted by Mason_Gibbs

  1. OH MY GOD you really are sick! :D Somebody call a doctor!!!!!!! Just going to enjoy my current 2 ratbags for a while! Speaking of my babies, tomorrow it will be 2 years since I adopted Millie - boy that time has flown!!!! But then again, it feels like I've had her forever. Couldn't imagine her not being with us P.S. Because I don't know her exact birthday or age (we were told she was around 2 when I got her), the 21st October is declared her birthday. So Happy 4th Birthday tomorrow, Moo!!! I know time sure is flying, Mason is 2 in April...
  2. I only have the 18-55mm at this stage, hoping to get some lenses around xmas time.
  3. Could you give us some tips on how you taught the heeling, I know is difficult to explain over the net but just some general advice pls. EDT I think the thing I admire the most about Ptolomy's dogs is their attitude to their work - they always look so happy to be doing it!!
  4. I got the same camera last week, busy learning how to use the different settings...
  5. I would leave it chunky, the more chewing workout the better.
  6. Its had changing from kibble to raw - I did it for an elimination diet and I have never gone back to kibble. You will soon see if you are feeding enough etc as the dogs weight will go up or down. I give roo, lamb or goat mince and bones + (hearts, liver and kidneys about 2 x a week) and a small bit of pumpkin or sweet potato each day. I also do sardines and eggs about once a week. I just put it in his bowl as is I dont make patties or anything.
  7. Bloody hell! What an awesome round and a young dog to boot! Yeah she is awesome, I must say I feel like such a useless handler when I see Cider and Ptolomy work as she is much younger than my dog and I dont think he will ever be that good!!
  8. Just saw a friends entries and they are so awesome! I hope I can take great pics like that one day ... sigh
  9. I've got a 350D with the same lens as you but also a kit 70-300mm, you can have a play with it on your camera if you want to try out another lens for comparison? eta - just watched the Cider video - impressive stuff Cool, thanks, maybe at the next DOL meet? I am hoping that maybe I can get that lens in November when hubby gets a work bonus. DO you have any filters? I am trying to decide if I want the polarizing lens as I have heard that you need to manually focus it each time. Sorry guys I know its - not dog talk lol
  10. Thanks J It is gated in so luckily they can't get to it unless we are there, and i don't think they'll be going in voluntarily for a good while Thank you Most in there would have been taken on my compact though. Yup dug my DSLR out and feel like I need to learn again from scratch I'd love some decent lenses as well as just have the kit lens atm. I was looking for photography classes in Perth earlier but got distracted, must look again.......What camera did you get? I got a Canon 450D with a 18-55mm lens, I am hoping to get another lens in a month or 2, maybe the 55-250mm or something along those lines. If you hear of any classes let me know, I am going to be starting my correspondence photography course soon. There is a full time one at Tafe but I work part time and cant get there 4 out of 5 days a week. They also have a short course though that runs nights but I am not keen to be driving in the dark etc.
  11. Seems that a lot of Clean Run orders were delivered today - lots of happy pups in WA
  12. Next time I do a order I will probably get one of those!! Yes I will have to watch Mason very carefully with the ball at home as he has a pool.
  13. Lucky u to have a pool! I was desperate for one last year, going to order a portable one for this summer. Do you now have your DSLR camera again? I saw some of your pics in the photo section ( they are really good) as I recently got a DSLR and was looking through there the other day.
  14. My Zap balls arrived from Clean Run and Mason LOVES it!!! He is now a zap ball addict!
  15. I think fat labs are disgusting, i especially hate that fat neck that they get that makes their heads look way too small for their bodies What pup are u getting? Cant believe how many people are getting pups at the moment.
  16. At the moment my dog is on half a 5mg pred tablet a day as he is just not coping. He is better now that I know what is wrong ( food and atopic) but he still struggles when the seasons change because of all the pollens. Grass pollens, weed pollens, tree pollens, plant pollens, you name it - he is allergic to it as well as mites, insect bites and some other stuff that I cant recall off the top of my head. Chicken, beef, turkey and wheat set him off too - and this was a dog I was convinced had no food allergy.
  17. He does not mouth at any time, he gets excited,tries to grab the tug and sometimes gets my hand, once he has the tug in his mouth all is well its just the latching on part. Its probably my fault as I tease him with it by waving it around etc so that he is interested in it and wants to play.
  18. Aww naughty bedazzled, i cant resist bling!!
  19. I was there about 10 days ago - I found the collar and lead selection a bit lacking, I did buy 2 toys tho...
  20. Yip I do that often but he wants the part in my hand for some strange reason.
  21. I have done some shaping but none with the tug or dumbell, I was usually using a ball to play with before training but decided to try tug so that he is with me and not running after a ball away from me, I have only being trying to tug for a few weeks now and everytime he misses and gets my hand I give it up for a week because I dont feel like getting scratched etc again. Mason loves food it is what makes his world go round and he would do anything for it which is why I have been working on jackpots with him and I use that as a reward very often too. I will definitely try shaping the tug behaviour I want with the clicker though, did you use food as a reward after the click or a game?
  22. I think its around 50....but I could be mistaken - it was a few weeks ago that he was at the vet now.
  23. Nothing topical helps my dog - its antihistamines and also prednisolone when he is bad. Antibiotics when he has hot spots.
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