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Everything posted by Mason_Gibbs

  1. Could you maybe send me some details too pls Ptolomy??
  2. Are you going to insert that into a normal handbag?? No, I bowed to peer pressure and am making a camera bag You know, just to see if I can... I drafted the pattern yesterday Cant wait to see the pics I ordered a Lowepro Slingshot yesterday - that will be the bag we use if OH is going to carry the camera but I would love a pretty bag for me
  3. Are you going to insert that into a normal handbag??
  4. We will be there, can you post a link to where we will be parking etc?
  5. I am quite interested in doing a photography course since I got my camera. I see that Tafe runs courses but that would only be again in next year feb as I just missed the intake for this term. I also live a bit far from Tafe. Has anyone done any of the online correspondence courses as this would suit me and allow me to still work etc. Any info much appreciated. Candice
  6. Crazy Cresties is there an extra kitty in that pic? I thought you only brought 1 kitty across from the UK?
  7. I have one really fat cat and one skinny one - the vet recommended Royal Canin for them when i took them in for their vacs, I knew my small cat would lose weight but gave the new food a go - sure as anything she dropped weight like crazy, the only food she does well on is Purina One Advanced Hairball formula. The premium foods just dont agree with her. And then my lab is the hardest to feed as he is allergic to almost everything besides lamb, roo and goat.
  8. so agree lol I dont care if others come to visit and they dont like it but I personally dont like the smell in my house, it seems to stick in a lot of houses with carpets.
  9. I only work 2 mornings a week and I worry about my dog in the summer, he has an undercover patio and a splash pool in the shade. He is a lab and really feels the heat. I am home by 1pm but I still feel bad for him.
  10. Yours is suede like mine - AND cream with a black dog I figure if you can handle Lab hair on yours, I should be able to! Mine is a brown suede colour, so Ruby's shows up all the time even when she isn't allowed on it. It sticks to my clothes, floats in the air, etc. It isn't just the hair that bothers me, I have black dirt in the backyard where I haven't done that part of the garden yet and they like to lay in it, so they are very filthy dogs, too!! I bathed Ruby on Saturday and Monday she was as black as Mason I am lucky like that our yard is paving - grass and the gardening beds are all covered in tiny river stones so he is never really dirty. He also gets bathed 1x a week for allergies so he never smells. I hate dog smell in the house.
  11. I let Mason up - he has a blanket on one side and he only sits there. Hair does get on other parts of the lounge that he does not sit on - think it floats in the air - I just vaccum the lounge when I do the carpet.
  12. The only thing is that hubby will not carry those bags around - he wants a backpack - might have to get the backpack for now and then get one of these for xmas - I love the leopard print one.
  13. Those bags are great - and my camera last week came with no bag so I can look at getting one
  14. They are the 2 people who I would like to train/handle like - I dont like to set realistic goals for myself do i?
  15. My cough is mostly gone now - thank goodness
  16. We are lucky in WA with what I consider to be 2 of the best obedience trainers in Oz on our own doorstep Ok I know who they are - Ptolomy and Bedazzled!!!
  17. She is supposed to sit automatically. You cant say anything for the turns.
  18. Yip I rushed off to the park over the road thinking that its going to rain any second - that was over 2hrs ago I thought u were at work this week? I like the sound of those tags.
  19. You are so right. Ruby gives some lovely work when she's motivated, but I have broken her somehow and I am struggling to get her motivated in the ring. Our teamwork could use a little work. Strauss is all prancy already! But have to say, your kids are natural prancers, take Cider for example!! It's gonna be a struggle to get a Lab to prance delicately I had my video camera in my car on Monday for you, forget to tell you Oh well, next time eh? Your girls could still look prancy RS but my big boy is as delicate as an elephant on steroids!!
  20. I am quite clueless - where do the UK dogs have their heads?? ETA - I googled a video of a dog at Crufts heeling and I also hate the head position !! Looks like the dog is going to have a sore neck
  21. I think lack of motivation is our problem - although this morning Mason was keen as to work for his new zap ball - he only gets it if he works and he loves the thing.
  22. I know, I keep wanting a pup but then I think if I wait a bit more at least they wont be old together, like my 2 old dogs that stay with my mum, they are 11 and are both not doing too good at the moment, one has cancer and one has bad athiritis.
  23. I emailed her last night with our tugging issue and she has sent me something to try so we will try it tomorrow or fri - I have one very sore finger at the moment so waiting for it to heal a bit. What is the guys name who's training seminar she went to in the UK, I have been meaning to look for his site but I have no idea how to spell it.... :D
  24. I am keen to see Strauss and his heelwork, I am thinking of maybe for the next 4 weeks just teaching the stuff we did in the seminar, are you going to the catch up on the 7th? I worked on attention with Mason from the time I got him too but I think I didn't work hard enough
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