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Everything posted by Mason_Gibbs

  1. I also cant wait to meet her RV. if I get a pup your will only be a few months older
  2. The bloods were dawn this am so I am guessing no results before monday or tuesday. There is nothing really wrong with him apart from a bit of weight loss despite eating more and a big change in fur colour which is getting worse, slow growing fur and no undercoat.
  3. All went well, we will know the one set of results later, the other set will take awhile as its sent to QLD...
  4. Titre testing tests for parvo and distemper antibodies, if their levels are above a certain number then they have immunity against those diseases.
  5. I myself have been vaccinated for tetanus my whole life since i lived in africa, if u cut yourself outside the doctors do it as a precaution if u have not had it done in the last 5 years.
  6. Glad Ruby is on the mend Back to the vet this am- mason needed to be starved for the blood tests he is having a full blood panel and tbyroid tests
  7. Loads of pet places like city farmers etc let u bring your dog in even tho they dont sell pets maybe just say you will disinfect etc
  8. I dont think the missing saiety reflex is only a lab specific thing i had 2 ridgies and they were the same, think its a general dog thing
  9. You would love mine, had him at the vet today and he said he is a good healthy weight, general public say he is too thin...
  10. RS If it turns out to be thyroid it will actually make sense of his constant skin infections, fur changing, excess panting and a few other issues like for weeks needing the toilet at night . Technically speaking he should be getging fatter and not thinner if its thyroid tho.
  11. Asked the vet about masons weight and he saud he is a healthy weight and has good muscle tone so i feel a lot better
  12. Back to the vet for blood tests tomorrow am as Mason cant have eaten. Vet doesnt think its thyroid but going to test for it anyway and do a full blood panel
  13. I titre tested instead of 12 month booster as i have an allergy dog, and im happy to carry on doing that. I wont give the yearly heartworm either as loads of people havr had issues with it
  14. Periannath dont know where abouts in oz you are? Look for a south african vet near you as they will have treated this often in africa and could give you tons of advice.
  15. I also have a cross-breed then lol
  16. I agree Fatsofatsman. People see my lab and say he is underweight or skinny but its only coz they are used to seeing fat overweight labs.
  17. I have no advice for you, when i lived in africa we vacvinated for tetanus as well as rabies
  18. Good luck! I brought 2 geriatric cats from south africa and they did quarantine for a total of 7 months
  19. CC my ridgie was allergic to insect bites and she would also get a rash like that. Funny for an allergy dog mason does not come up in rashes or hives...
  20. I use Zyrtec for Mason, or the generic. 2 tabs morning and evening they can have Masons face used to just go down with normal antihistamines but his wasnt as bad as Rubys
  21. Never forget when my ridgie got stung in the eye by a bee - she looked so funny and of course she was such a baby with pain
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