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stan the man

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Everything posted by stan the man

  1. The idea is to mark a behaviour with the clicker then reward with treat & you start off by "charging" the clicker (putting value on it). Do this by tossing a treat, & when dog reaches it - click, (dog picks up treat). Keep doing this till the dog gets the idea that a click means treat. Should you not click first then either give treat or toss treat onto ground? You want dog to hear click first then get the treat so he associates the click with treat, by giving (throwing) treat then clicking as he eats it, the dog could associate the click to mean eating the treat not getting the treat. Just a thought.
  2. The idea is to mark a behaviour with the clicker then reward with treat & you start off by "charging" the clicker (putting value on it). Do this by tossing a treat, & when dog reaches it - click, (dog picks up treat). Keep doing this till the dog gets the idea that a click means treat. Should you not click first then either give treat or toss treat onto ground? You want dog to hear click first then get the treat so he associates the click with treat, by giving (throwing) treat then clicking as he eats it, the dog could associate the click to mean eating the treat not getting the treat. Just a thought.
  3. Thanks everyone for your input and help, now just got to cement them to the grey matter.
  4. Thanks, I think that`s it, in my head I was thinking there were three types of left abouts etc now if I just forget left about turn and only think "left u turn and Pivot" hopefully my old grey cells will remember which is which. Thanks again all.
  5. Thanks for the reply So the turn where handler does left u turn and dog goes behind is that a left about turn, pivot turn or left u turn...... this is where I am having problems in my head.
  6. Hi all, wonder if you can put me right and for me to cement in my mind what are the differences between left U turns, left about turn and pivot turns.
  7. yep, that sums it up for me too Me too but also able to wash/clean the bag.
  8. I have a friend who has a 6 year old Lab who has recently taken to marking every few yards. He is taken out and pees normally but then when on walks he keeps stopping to mark, after a while he appears to mark but has nothing left to mark with but continues to cock his leg. He is desexed and does not appear to have trouble peeing normally but it is the number of times he tries to dry mark that is worrying she thinks he may have an infection so is arranging a trip to the vet but he appears normal and happy and no signs of discomfort whilst peeing. There was one incident recently where he peed on her sons bed. Any ideas
  9. Posted in News forum but thought this may be of interest here as well. I dont know if this has been mentioned anywhere else in the forums but thought I would let you know that A story on Steve Austin will be screened on 60 Mins this Sunday (12th June, Channel 9 7.30pm.
  10. I dont know if this has been mentioned anywhere else in the forums but thought I would let you know that A story on Steve Austin will be screened on 60 Mins this Sunday (12th June, Channel 9 7.30pm.
  11. Thanks for the replies, we have thought about a muzzle but as a last resort, its not so bad on the beach as most of the sticks are pretty big and if we call him and carry on walking he drops it to catch up, the main problem is when we stop or at the dog parks that always have trees around so plenty of sticks twigs etc, I normally try to keep him occupied with something else, its when we stop to talk or start chatting with someone else. The reason we take him to these places is so he can run off lead so I dont really want to keep him on lead. He has no problem about bringing his toys back or dropping them when we say but it is just sticks, if I am too far from him to stop him straight away he sees it a game and keeps just out of my reach (walking into the surf whilst looking at me as if to say " You want it, you come in and get it" ) I shall have to try the higher reward for sticks. I wouldnt mind but he seems to enjoy eating them and crunching them up. He loves going to the beach and having play dates with other dogs so I dont believe he is anxious. More training coming his way.
  12. Not sure if this is the best place to post but here goes, Stan the lab has this awful habit of chewing up sticks and eating them. This only happens when we are out at dog park or beach. I try to stop him and tell him to leave, which he does sometimes and other times he just picks the stick up and runs off with tail in the air looking at me as if it is a game. On the beach its not too bad as I continue to walk on and he doesnt get too much time to chew and swallow but at dog parks he seems to get more time where we are contained and I can walk the other side of the area and he lays down happily chewing and eating the sticks. Many a time I have wondered how his poos have not pierced the poo bags or his stomach for that matter . He gets chicken necks and wings at home and when we are out he has a ball or his hoop but he will drop these as he passes a good looking stick. Any ideas how to stop him or is it something he is missing in his diet.
  13. The other thing to try and do is take some photos, most people have mobile phones these days that have cameras, just do it without owner/store assistant knowing then at least there will be evidence for RSPCA, try to take some of shop surrounds as well so that you can tell which pet shop the photos were taken in so no backing out from owner.
  14. I dont know about Stan but I love the Kanga Bangers I don`t have any problems with flatulence, that I know of I must try eating more of it to see if it will help me to lose weight.
  15. Ive seen smaller bags of Bonnie in Little Mountain produce, as someone else mentioned I think they make it up from split bags, I know they are not Brisbane but a trip up the highway to Caloundra and you may find it, They are in Pierce Avenue just off Caloundra Road try giving them a call.
  16. Thanks for the replies, appears to have dried up this morning, only a little one today, Perhaps he should wear his doggles at the beach
  17. Thanks for that, it was only after reading your post that I remembered seeing him rubbing his face on the mat earlier today, I shall watch him carefully
  18. Hi all, I am asking for opinions on eye boggies Stan a Lab has woken up this morning with a big eye boggie in one eye (Has had them before) but today it just appeared to reappear a couple of times throughout the day. He goes to the beach most days and was wondering if the sand could bring this on. I have bathed it with warm water to clean it out and his eyes appear normal but was wondering if this could be the start of anything, apart from this one eye everything else is ok, still himself running around and eating everything (typical lab) but I will keep an eye on it (No Pun) but just wondering about others thoughts. Stans Dad.
  19. Not a dog show per say but there is an obedience trail on this Saturday 27/11/2010 at Buderim Dog Obedience Club, Ballinger road Buderim (Sunshine coast). Starts around 5pm (late start due to heat of the day).
  20. Report http://www.police.qld.gov.au/programs/crim...s/reporting.htm
  21. SORRY GOT LOST THERE. Here is the link http://www.police.qld.gov.au/programs/crim...s/reporting.htm
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