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Everything posted by samanthainka_2010

  1. Thanks for the reply souff but if i want to reply a diffrent way i feel i can! To tell the truth i feel i have enough posts at the moment on this topic and im still looking into alot of the info and websites posted and i dont want to be felt pressured for a quick reply. I will reply from the first few posts first, then work my way down! I want to reasurch a few topics and return with answers later on. There is no time limit so im going to take my time, and do it at my own free will. But like i said, its time for me to get off the computer and go and enjoy the weekend, after a working week! Samantha
  2. After reading 5 pages of comments, i have alot of getting back to people to do. I will send you a messge on here a few of you have given me some great advice and i have taken it on board, only being 21 im just starting out and learning as i go and trying to get as much info behind me as i can. Like i said this is my first own dog and im only looking at options. And im happy i posted this topic because i have recieved some great info and websites too look at!! This will be my last post on here, i will try to message you all back, if you have any more thoughts or maybe a website that might be worth me seeing please dont hesitate to msg me on my page! But for now, im off to enjoy the weekend! See you next topic Samantha
  3. Thankyou shells, i will upload pics soon ;) I am starting my studdies in Febuary next year. Vet Nursing certificate 4, its took so long for me to find the 15hrs min at a clinic but i finaly got in and after my 3 years i will be qualifide, finally Well done, and I can tell you, working in the industry, you may well change your mind about breeding ;) best of luck with it, I'm sure you'll love it and learn heaps. Shells haha, thankyou! I cant wait. Im really looking forward to it!
  4. Thankyou shells, i will upload pics soon ;) I am starting my studdies in Febuary next year. Vet Nursing certificate 4, its took so long for me to find the 15hrs min at a clinic but i finaly got in ;) and after my 3 years i will be qualifide, finally
  5. Thankyou to everyone who has posted a comment on my topic, i have read all your comments and reply'ed to some. Im a little bit slow still trying to work my way around the site, but i will get back to most of you! Also the links you have passed on are great too! I would like to personaly message some of you in hope of talking more about it as i am really intrested in the thoughts you have provided! I think this is a great site, and some great people have joined! Thankyou again for all your help, :D
  6. Thankyou T for such a nice responce :D to answer yes she is registered on the main register, and the people' that i have intrested in maybe a future litter of puppies are family members, like i said at the start its only sompthing im thinking off, way in the future! I have also spoken to my vet, im just getting as much info as i can! Thankyou for your advice, Samantha
  7. lucky for me, i havent came across any of those people yet! I'm here now ;) If you want to breed your bitch, you want to be VERY careful of ''breeders'' who approach/contact you offering a stud dog for an immature bitch owned by an unregistered owner (that would be you ;) ) I don't know of any ethical breeder who would do this EXCEPT in the case of the breeder of the bitch or perhaps the breeder/s of the bitch's parents who might suggest xxx dog would one to consider in the future. For me, if your friends all want a puppy just like your bitch you could be well served by asking each one to stump up with $100-$150 deposit and see how many are left at the end of this conversation. I agree with the person who said they would never risk the life of their bitch just so their friends could have a puppy. Hang around here, learn from others with toy breeds and Poms in particular, and make your decision slowly and rationally. Having puppies isn't actually all that cute when the bitch needs a caesar then the pups develop fading puppy syndrome and then the bitch gets black mastitis and the skin on two of her boobs sloughs off in a great pussy lump. Thankyou, i am listing to what everyone is saying! and trying to take it all on board, im going to do some reasurch and let it cool down for a week, then slowly contact people back! But thankyou for your time in righting to me!
  8. haha, ;) So have you taken on board the advice in this thread regarding breeding your puppy? Interested as you have time to reply to me but cannot seem to reply to the countless people stating reason why a litter is not a good idea ;) Poor girl is probably too busy trying to avoid those of us she has been warned about! lucky for me, i havent came across any of those people yet!
  9. haha, ;) So have you taken on board the advice in this thread regarding breeding your puppy? Interested as you have time to reply to me but cannot seem to reply to the countless people stating reason why a litter is not a good idea ;) Mostly reaserching the links they have passed onto me at the moment! I will reply to them when im ready, and after i have had a look into the info they have passed on!
  10. I no, its just sad to me that i have had people email me on here to watch out for certain people and the way people can come across! And i have only been a member for 3days! Thank you for your advice though!! ;) P.S great pictures! Thanks. This happened to me two years ago and I'm still here .. it does get easier Trust me, im not going anywhere!! ;) & thankyou for your susport
  11. Thankyou PAX, great advice. There is a show on here on Sunday i will go check it out! :D
  12. I no, its just sad to me that i have had people email me on here to watch out for certin people and the way people can come across! And i have only been a member for 3days! Thankyou for your advice though!! P.S great pictures!
  13. Thank you for your concern Burkes' but i have no problem with what anyone has said on here in regards to my post! I would of said so if i did. I appreciate all comments, and people are just voicing their concerns and interest and i asked them to do so (pro's & con's) in my first opening comment. As i have just signed up to this site, i am not wanting to get off on the wrong foot with anyone, im not here for anything like that! And in future if i want to delete' a old thread i should have every right to as i wrote it in the first place. Samantha
  14. no, im still new, but thankyou so much!! will do haha, where would i find those pages? Im trying to find it? Would you be able to please send me the link? Thankyou Samantha
  15. Your topic is one that is prone to generate lots of discussion. By the way, welcome to the forum. You have a while to wait so you have time to read, listen and dissect the advice given. Good luck. Edited to add - knowing what I know and seeing what I have seen, I'd be inclined to desex her. Thankyou for the welcome
  16. no, im still new, but thankyou so much!! will do
  17. Only joining 3 days ago and this being my first post, i cant belive how quick the reply rate is Thanks to everyone who have posted there thoughts on the topic, i have read them all!! Being Friday i hope you all have a great weekend. I am going away this weekend and will be unable to post again. Enjoy the weekend. Samantha
  18. Would anyone be able to recommend any good pet friendly accommodation in qld, along the coast? We will be traveling up to Cairns over Christmas and our puppy will be coming, but were finding it hard to find anywhere? Alot of places are already booked!! Maybe some good websites? Thankyou so much, it would really help! Samantha
  19. Thank you for your replies, as i said this is something i would consider in the future most likely in her second season. Its nice for me to think that i have already had a breeder contact me in hopes of breeding with her! I am aware that de sexing can stop a lot of problems, and the last thing we need in this world is more puppies going into shelters or anything else. But as i said if i was to give her one litter i already have had people interested in future puppies. So i no that they would be going to future homes! And after the one litter she would be getting de sexed. Once again thank you for your replies! Samantha
  20. Thankyou for the replys so far, its all helping with my future decison. My mother is a breeder of Border Collies so i have been brought up in the show ring and with a few litters of puppies But there is nothing like your own dog and experiancing it for your self! I have had one person contact me with her male pom and interested in breeding, although i let her no i only want family dogs. I would only give her one litter if i decided to go through with it, and i alread have 3 family friends intrested in a puppy! So i no they will go to wonderful familys! Thankyou for all your help so far, im taking it all on board! Samantha
  21. Hi all, I have recently brought my first puppy, she is a tall pomeranian. She is only 5months of age at the moment, but i am thinking further down the track in regards to a litter or desexing. She did come with papers, but if i was too breed it would only be for family dogs not show dogs. I would just like to hear some pro and cons to a litter or desexing! Thankyou Samantha
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