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Everything posted by sunshiine
Puppy "laundering" Or Stolen Puppies?
sunshiine replied to sunshiine's topic in General Dog Discussion
Yes Souff, a sad and ironic take on this matter, but definitely true - I do agree. Of course I realize these things now, though went into the adoption process obviously far too naive and trusting, assuming by giving a rescue pup/puppies a home with my family and another for my elderly parents all from one place, I would be "making a difference" to a world where there are far too many unwanted animals. I just hope that everyone learned a lesson but we all know that the Cruella de Vils of this world never will. For some, money, image, and power will always come first. Peace. -
Puppy "laundering" Or Stolen Puppies?
sunshiine replied to sunshiine's topic in General Dog Discussion
Exactly! I agree and hope that the least that results from this ugly incident will be what you described. (tho would be nice to see the bullies held to task over their "suspect" behaviour too! I am a big fan for fighting injustice, though I think that is a battle rarely won) :-)) -
Puppy "laundering" Or Stolen Puppies?
sunshiine replied to sunshiine's topic in General Dog Discussion
No Jacqi, I don't even have a daughter in law. My son is only ten LOL! And have no knowledge of anyone in the group you mention. This has been my first experience with ANY canine rescue group. w -
Puppy "laundering" Or Stolen Puppies?
sunshiine replied to sunshiine's topic in General Dog Discussion
This is my beef with some groups down here its all "she'll be right mate" There needs to be a code of ethics or at least conduct so all groups operate under the same rules to stop any negativity on either side. I have had that many disagreements on the sub standard practice of certain groups that I have given up! My Head hurts really until their is across the board monitoring not much can be done because ( down here) most want to save EVERY animal and thats NOT possible. J I do agree with you. There seemed to be no chain of command or rules to hold up to the demands of the puppy claimant! and trust me, I was VERY confused about the whole thing! (hence asking far too many questions now) lol -
Puppy "laundering" Or Stolen Puppies?
sunshiine replied to sunshiine's topic in General Dog Discussion
Yes, I do agree with you on this! -
Puppy "laundering" Or Stolen Puppies?
sunshiine replied to sunshiine's topic in General Dog Discussion
Hi to everyone who posted above, I have just read your comments and realize that my OP was a real barrage and probably very confusing. I am not a dog breeder but thought the best people to ask would be professional dog breeders. (as I have been a horse breeder for over thirty years, I am aware of many "issues" in my own industry and the reality that dishonest/ugly things go on regardless of how hard genuine breeders try to ensure otherwise) The thing is, I am confused over what just happened, but like many of you..."I smelled a rat" The suspicions lie NOT with the local rescue organization - I felt something underhand has happened with the actual "finding of abandoned puppies". You see, someone reported these puppies as abandoned and got the care organization to take them in and heal/care for them until they were healthy (obviously one died, so they must have started out in a poor condition and very young, approx 5-6 weeks of age) So there was NO breeder in this part of the story. It begins and ends with a person who claims to have found them "dumped", who has given them to a care agency to "rescue" , rehabilitate and rehome, and then sold them out from under the care agency and demanded them back. I was just curious if this site has anyone recording stolen puppies? I just got the feeling that maybe they were NOT dumped/abandoned, but perhaps stolen? (just a hunch, sorry, I guess I sound like a conspiracy theorist, though I know these things can happen) Okay, am going out on a limb but because the whole issue seemed very suspicious, I don't know what more to say. I thought I would approach a group of registered breeders to hear your thoughts. And I thought by making the enquiry here, if there was actually any puppies stolen, someone might know about it. I only mentioned about the tails as I was under the impression it was illegal here in WA to dock puppies' tails, so thought these pups came from another state (though I am not so naive as to think it still does not happen) It was just another "clue" to where maybe these pups had come from. Obviously I was misinformed about tail docking being illegal in WA. (apologies) The tails iissue was just another query. You as breeders would know about this, I do not claim to, but just thought I would mention it as the pups seem so young to have had their tails removed and then, if they WERE dumped, why would the owner bother docking their tails if they did not want them? (all seems very odd) Seems like I have opened up a can of worms in just making this enquiry and apologize for starting any debate or deemed a criticism of care agencies in general. (That was not my intent) You see, the thing that really upset me was how these genuine people who care about saving dogs and cats can get taken for granted and bullied or walked over and my intent here was to try to work out what happened or what could be done to prevent it happening again, especially if at some point, my comments exposed the dangers of care/rescue agencies being USED by people with ill intent.. AGain I say, it all smelled bad, not from the point of view of the carers, but the people who surrendered the pups in the first place. AND YES, the obvious problem here perhaps is NO paperwork/records done for dogs being surrendered (only for dogs as they go out for adoption). So the system is open for abuse by people as in this case, getting the care agency to do all the work, then swooping back in to claim the puppies. It seemed to me very possible that IF (and I still say IF) the pups were stolen, it would be logical that they get handed to a care organization and then retrieved later (as in the rather heavy handed method in this case). Am I out of line for thinking this happens? Again, I am only asking you people as professional breeders ? Sorry for concerning you, I just was concerned about what has happened, again, not because my kids and I missed out on adopting some beautiful pups, but more so because I feel sorry for the registered rescue group being abused in this way. -
This is a really unusual question but I thought asking it amongst legitimate breeders might be a good place to start. Does anyone know of three terrier puppies that were stolen about 5-6 weeks ago? The pups have been handed in to a care organization in western australia but because their tails were docked I thought maybe they had come from the east (I have been told that this is not legal to dock tails in WA) The puppies appear to be wire haired, jack russell pups or a very similar breed or even cross. The reason I am asking is that I have just touched upon a very unpleasant experience with adopting a rescue dog through a legitimate care organization and have seen that care organization suffer at the hands of a third part and some dishonest dealing. I won't mention the name of the organization here as the people concerned are very honest, kind and also very upset over what has happened and feel powerless to prevent it. This has been disturbing me for the past few days. We recently went thru the process of adopting two puppies from this well known Animal Rescue group in the southwest (I got the listing the day it appeared on the netrescue site, visited the carer the next morning, and my children and I loved the puppies, paid a deposit and did all the adoption paperwork) However, before we could go back to pick them up, the person who had "supposedly found" the puppies abandoned and had handed them to the A.R.Group, phoned, insisted the pups were hers as she had sold them, sent the purchaser to the foster carer's house and took the pups. There was a lot of threats made to the foster carers, and because they were bullied they handed the puppies over. Apparently this woman had sold the pups prior to giving them to this Animal Rescue organization!!! which seems very suspicious to me! Now I get a very bad feeling about this and wonder if there is a bit of "puppy laundering" going on in this area. You see, I viewed these puppies and they were beautiful and obviously well bred (rough coated jack russel or perhaps cross breed terrier pups). They had however arrived at the foster carer's quite neglected, very young (only about six weeks old) with their tails lopped off. There were originally three pups but one died. I know that tail docking is illegal in WA, so wonder if the pups were stolen from the east coast or just cruelly docked here in WA. I also wonder if the pups were just handed to this care organization to make it look legitimate for the person who "perhaps" took them, or was selling them on for the person who stole them? I am upset, not only because my children and I loved these pups and would have liked to have given them a home, but MORE SO because the kind women at the dog rescue place give freely of their time and resources and should not have that generosity abused by whoever is behind this "deal". OBviously this woman did not pay the rescue organization their adoption fee to get the pups back and they are now way out of pocket for expenses whereas she has sold the pups and made money on them. Does this sound very suspicious to your members? Because it sure sounds ugly and suspicious to me! I wonder where I can go to find out if puppies have been stolen, or if there is any way to follow this up. I am told by the foster carers that this has happened before and will continue to happen unless they change the way they accept or take in rescue dogs and puppies (unfortunately, to make this more stringent and tested, it means a lot of rescue dogs will then fall thru the cracks....). I have not written the name of the care organization as yet as they have also been the victims here and are very distressed, but just wanted to talk to someone about this matter anonymously without creating anymore problems for the ladies who are kind, honest carers (and volunteers). I am trying to encourage them to take this matter further and have it investigated. I was wondering if anyone on this site has any thoughts on this matter? thank you Wendy