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Everything posted by shanika

  1. There is a little Cattle Dog called Amy, who is, tonight, asleep at a kennel property. It is where she was born, and bred. Amy, went out, rehomed, when she was 2 and a half years old. Amy is a beautiful, little, blue Australian Cattle Dog. An elderly lady, gave her a home. 8 months ago. Her dog had died, and she thought an ACD would be good company, never owned the breed before. The breeder was hesitant, but, sent Amy to her "forever" home. At first, everyone loved Amy, especially the grandchildren. Amy was going well in her new home. Happy,happy little girl ! Everyone loved Amy ! But, now, the grandchildren, visit a lot more, and run, and play, a lot more. Amy, has become protective of her owner, and her home. She barked, and nipped at the children. An Australian Cattle Dog, is protective when it comes to home, and people. The breed is famous for this protective trait. Given the right guidance, the breed is wonderful with young people, and will protect them, very well. Sadly, Amy was not given this guidance. Sadly, suddenly, she is no longer wanted. Tonight, Amy will be wondering, "Where is my Mum ? When is she picking me up, to go home ? " Hopefully, someone else will call, and give Amy a real "forever" home. Please,please, consider your reasons for getting a dog. Please,please research the breed you have chosen, well, before getting a dog. Please do not break a little dog's heart !! I write this for Amy. If I did not already have 3 Australian Cattle Dogs, I would bring her home. Unfortunately, I do not have the room for another. But, please, consider everything, before you break some little dog's heart !!
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