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Everything posted by emmav

  1. Hey DOL People Sorry for the delay in replying its been five years since I've seen the family so had a fair bit of catching up to do. Thank you very much to every one that has responded to me. I am pretty certain that either Gipfel or Beychief are the ones for me although the fax shepherd are pretty sexy. I've found Rantino in the DOL breeders section but I can't upload it - does anyone know If the lady is still breeding ? Or should I try calling her? In reply to the white shepherd suggestion I think they are beautiful and I saw an awesome dog at the park only yesterday - he had such a fantastic shepherd bark as well I went over for some white shep loving - his owner was pretty stoked that I asked to pat him as most people are frightened by him, so the scary "Alsations will eat you" stereotype is still alive and well over here. But as I said to him people don't know what they're missing out on but ho hum. In response to the Schutzhund question as far as I'm aware it's not compulsory as it is in Germany, although certainly some of the breeders in the UK do believe that it would benefit the breed greatly, although you could say the same proportion of people in oz would say the same thing. So it seems that I will be sending an email to either Beychief or Gipfel - another question I have is - is it acceptable to show Interest or potentially go on two waiting lists or do I need to pick one and stick to it? Either way is no problems I'm just unsure of the etiquette? And finally in response to tarope ( sorry for all the broken up answers - I'm still typing off my rubbish iPhone - I had hoped for an iPad off the folks but no such joy:( ). I would have another pound puppy in a heart beat, but the thing I worry about with the gsd and taking on a rescue is that you normally have no idea if the history behind them. It broke my heart when my Nan's dog riker had to be Pts and he was 12 - they can be a heartbreaking breed but I would prefer the peace of mind of having had as many checks as possible especially hips and elbows (my heart goes out to you Bianca. A ) that is a real kick in the guts after having done all the right things. So apologies for the long winded replies but if anyone has more suggestions please feel free to add and merry belated Xmas to everyone and have a happy new year :) Em and shady xx
  2. Thank you both PRADA68 and WextremeG I'm sorry If I've spelt your names wrong its this cursed stupid iPhone . I'll go and check both your suggestions. I'm flying tomorrow morning so until I get to the other end I won't be able to respond, but thank you very much for your input. It is very much appreciated and German _Shep - Fan I will message you as soon as I get Internet in sunny England :)
  3. Thanks Aussie3 - for me it's an emotional connection to the way the older style look. I grew up with shepherds back in the uk and they are the most amazing dogs. I'll be starting the search in earnest in the new year after I get back from the uk, but as with my crazy shady lady a dog to me is for life and then some and I want to consider my options very carefully. We get married next November and hope to start a family soon after so ideally would like to get the pup settled and started on a training plan before that happens thank you for your words if encouragement and I'll keep you posted :)
  4. Hey Megan I totally agree with you It's not a decision I'm making quickly. I'll be taking a good long time to choose the right breeder and a dog that will fit in with our family. I've had a huge career change recently and that's the reason why I'm confident in taking on a second dog now. I'd love to get into Schutzhund but that's not going to happen in perth, but I'm hoping to get into obedience/ herding/ tracking or agility so the dogs will have a purpose. I'm doing a heap of research at the moment on how to put this into place but there are defiantly some working lines that would be a bit too hardcore for what I'm after so I get what you're saying :) do you have shepherds? I was so nervous posting here for the first time but it seems to be going ok haha
  5. Hey German _shep_fan Thank you so much for the suggestions I'll go and take a look at them now. I am after an "older style / working line" shep but didn't want to start a heated debate over showline / working line. I'll definitely pm you soon thank you very much for the offer - your two are beautiful by the way very much like what I'm hoping for. I'll attach some pics of my crazy lady as soon as I can figure out how to do it. I'd have another one of her in a heart beat, but she's a one in a million pound puppy special. Thanks again :))))
  6. Hey DOL people I''ve been a lurker for a good long while, and I'm outing myself now. I'm the proud owner of an 18 month old desexed Kelpie x German shepherd bitch (at best guess as she is a pound pup) we are looking to add to our family and we would like a registered purebred gsd . I am in perth and although I know there are some fantastic breeders here, through my lurking I have identified a couple of breeders whose dogs remind a lot of the dogs I had back in the UK. The breeders whose dogs I admire would be Beychief, Gipfel and a couple of recent google searches gave me Rantino and jyetara. So my querie is, are there any breeders in perth that utilize similar bloodlines or do I need to go interstate - if so not a problem, and also does anyone know if jyetara still breed? because there website was pretty old, but the dogs are amazing. I apologize now for punctuation or spelling mistakes I'm typing this off my knackered iPhone thanks in advance (hopefully)
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