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Everything posted by Panto

  1. They are listed on truelocal, and some customers have left reviews, but I don't see anything about Buddy on there. Breaks my heart and my makes my eyes leak, paws and licks for you caz
  2. Thank you dancinbcs! I was hoping you would come in here and recognise which post I was talking about!
  3. Ooh these suggestions are warming my heart!! Will be running them by my friend the shopowner!
  4. Panto - face like a pantomime mask, just came to me when I saw her the first time. She does wear herself out to a decent pant though, and people have asked if she is called panto because she pants a lot. no, it's not, but good linking there..!
  5. Oh DD I hope it raised money for the poundies and some of the needies got the coats! It's the main reason we're doing old tracksuit style ones, so they get used on the poundies rather than being sold etc, noone will feel too precious with them. Thanks PS - and yes! we need a catchy name and working on it!! Help pls ppl?? We were using Dog Coats for Dog Rescue whilst nutting out the workshop but it really isn't catchy at all. LOVE the pei-jamas idea!! Winter warmies for pound needies?
  6. The letterbox drop is a grand idea! At this stage we are sticking to coats with the trackies, mostly to keep our targets manageable and so the project doesn't grow out of proportion and out of our control. My friend is still running her business and teaching workshops which she does to earn a living from, and I am doing this in my spare time so to speak. I love the idea of a letterbox drop though, next time a month out from my next trip going past pounds, I will be doing this! eta: oh! her shop has a decent following on facebook - I think half of them follow the shop because of the little shop dog, a pug x pekinese? she has regulars that come by the shop just to say hello to her dog.
  7. I did this a few years ago and ended up doing three trips to rescue groups with a car piled high with doonas, sheets, pillowcases, towels, etc etc and I jept getting getting donations for a long time which I drop around to dogmad. Hopefully they are going to the pounds she visits I also went down to the local Salvos shop to ask for the towels and bedding they couldn't sell. I did this twice: the first time they were willing, the second time, the woman was very furtive about it saying they were told not to give me anything, and then I was told by a neighbour that the shop had a big basket out the front selling dog bedding - LOL. At least they were prompted into another money (very little) raising opportuntiy. But the neighbourhood letterbox drop can produce absolutely amazing results. they certainly do make it to rescue!! She distributes it to the needy fosters/rescues wherever she can, and I have also been able to collect a huge collection (filled my car!) for me to take to Griffith & Temora pounds. The rangers are incredibly grateful for the donations and it tides them over the winter, it's very much needed and makes the dogs more comfortable
  8. Thanks shmoo!! We are working on the assumption that these coats are a 'use once' sort of scenario, and can be either recycled (maybe some places can wash and reuse) or sent home with the adopter if they so choose. This might be a how long is a piece of string type question, but how many coats (S/M/L) do you think you might go through in a winter?
  9. This was me too RIP beautiful charlie boy.
  10. Oh Ripley!! I have only just seen this!! I'm so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful Millie. Your tribute to her is absolutey gorgeous and had my eyes leaking whilst I was at work, huge hugs and a bucket of condolences. What a lucky girl to have come into your fold.
  11. what is the filling? are they beans like beanbags or a foam fill? lovely of you to post a heads up for DOLers!
  12. Just had a thought - VIC pounds and rescue are a possibility too, as I have a somewhat 'regular' flight down to Melbourne. I will work on a dropoff point for Melbourne too! :D
  13. Only just seen this, i know some people in the area will email you tomorrow and let you know.
  14. It is there, in the sub heading and has been the entire duration. Sorry Don, i freaked a bit when I saw this thread as I am unable to see te sub heading on my phone (I use tapatalk).
  15. Just did it. Thanks for posting j. Survey captures some good questions.
  16. In Griffith for the weekend, might grab a card and sign on behalf of DOL rescuers and pass it on to him...
  17. fur-panto has a swannies collar :D good article on obsession vs passionate. http://pets.webmd.com/features/are-you-obsessed-with-your-pet
  18. But I love footy as well, I even buy doggy membership for Cougar, as I used to for Kenny. OK, I am nuts. Yes, but their point was people who loved their dogs too much. Not just people who love dogs. So it's fine there are people who love football .... but what about those who care too much? As in 'over the top'. There are - eg overfeeding dogs can be detrimental to their health, or feeding them a lot of junk food 'because they like it, they like ice cream or cookies (or insert inappropriate dog treat from human food fed too often) but the feeder thinks they're caring... so there is such a thing as too 'caring', but until one day when that particular footy nut who said that gets a dog or an animal they truly care about, they won't realise what they've said has sounded, well, plain stupid. There are fines for people caring too much about their football team... when they get into fights defending the name of their team and causing damage. All said and done, I don't think all footy forum people should be lumped into the idiotic bucket, just like none of us responsible dog owners want to be lumped into the same bucket as idiot dog owners just because we're on a forum. It just so happens we can't/shan't/won't name and shame such idiots!
  19. I don't actually like dog smells myself, perhaps I have a sensitive nose, so I am a bit particular about dogs smelling nice. If the dog smells nice, the rest of the home is easy to keep without dog smell. Masking the odour just makes things even pongier, you need to kill the odour, then have something nice on!
  20. yes this!! We can't carpool on road trips because crate and dog go in the backseat! and yes, she has her own travel kit, travel bowl, and travel bag. the back of the car has an emergency kit for breakdowns and half of it is dog things (inc spare leash in case i come across a stray or runaway dog!), and always loads of spare towels!
  21. baaahahahahaha You might be a dog person if . . . You have to slam the door in at least one furry face if you have the slightest hope of ever going to the bathroom by yourself. You've ever apologized to your dog for slamming the bathroom door in his face. You really don't care if you go to the bathroom by yourself or not. Your dog knows you'll rub his butt while you're sitting on the toilet. You are absolutely not embarrassed to have your dog see you get out of the shower. Your dog has watched you throw up. The windows in your house are covered with dog nose goobers from 3 feet down (or from 6 feet down if you own a jack russell). You've ever asked your dog, "What should I wear today?" or "Does this look okay?" You can sleep through an F5 tornado or a gas line explosion but wake in an instant if you hear the dreaded pre-barfing gagging noise in the middle of the night. You've ever stepped on a Nylabone, barefoot, in the middle of the night, while rushing to let your dog outside because he's making the pre-barfing gagging noise. You spend hours pondering the best diet for your dog but eat microwave popcorn for your own supper. You can pick dog hair out of your food without missing a beat but nearly lose your lunch if you find a human hair in your sandwich. You've fed your dog cereal off your spoon, then absent-mindedly gone back to eating cereal with the same spoon. You realize you've fed your dog off your spoon . . . then shrug and keep eating. You've sat at work, crying, because you just got an e-mail that a friend's dog died. You have explained – repeatedly – to family members that no, you cannot attend the birthday party, anniversary party, graduation party, engagement party, confirmation, family dinner for no good reason, Mother's Day/Father's Day get-together, wedding, funeral or audience with the Pope because you're dog isn't feeling well. Your cupboards are always well-stocked with salmon oil, Cosequin, Missing Link, Zuke's treats, Natural Balance rolls, freeze-dried liver and sweet potato chews but you routinely run out of milk, bread and cereal. You've ever had to explain suspicious bruises to a medical professional and assured them – repeatedly – that you feel safe in your home. You've had a split lip, black eye, broken nose, rope burn or mild concussion caused by a dog belonging to yourself or a friend. You've asked an auto dealer to take the seats out of a van so you could measure for crate space. You've had days where your only goal was to get home from work while there's enough daylight left so you can see to pick up dog poop in the yard. And these are specifically for those who run Agility with your dog(s): You have explained – repeatedly – to family members that no, you cannot attend the birthday party, anniversary party, graduation party, engagement party, confirmation, family dinner for no good reason, Mother's Day/Father's Day get-together, wedding, funeral or audience with the Pope because you're entered in a four-day, out-of-state trial that weekend. You refuse to drive 20 minutes through a blizzard to get to the office but will drive an hour through a blizzard to get to an agility trial. You've ever tried to explain an agility trial to a medical professional while trying to have exercise induced asthma diagnosed.
  22. Some good points on why red might not be a good colour too (ie aggressive etc). Perhaps the idea is it is 'amber' (as in caution, like with traffic lights), but yellow is a more available coloured ribbon than amber?
  23. you could apply that to anything really, but in the case of doing good or trying to prevent something, if it helps save one stressful walk, or one dog from being hurt, it's done good, right? No harm in tying a yellow ribbon, but it can potentially prevent harm. that would be how the word gets spread wouldn't it? The cannycanine page is'nt loading for me collars might be hard to see on fluffy dogs though, I know fur-panto's collar gets hidden under her fur.
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