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Everything posted by erikajayne

  1. Hey all - happy Friday! Has anyone ever got a dog that was training to be an assistance dog but has been released? We are thinking about a companion four our male Rottie. Thanks [
  2. Hi Guys, We need some advise. I am hoping to go back home to the UK for around 3-4 weeks over Xmas this year and hopefully my boyf can come to. We have a Rotty who I do not want to put in kennels as we had a bad experience last time, when he got home we spent around $200 at the vets as he got a skin infection! I have read about people who come and live in your house whilst you are away - has anyone done this? Any advice would be gratefully received!
  3. Hi Guys, We have a wonderful, placid 2 year old male Rottweiler and would love to get him a medium sized sister, both me and my partner have always said we would like two but we wanted to wait until Carter was old enough. Carter is now well trained, highly socialised and just a joy, plus such a mummy's boy! We were thinking of getting a Staffordshire Bull Terrier but my partner is concerned about how much work it will be and whether we would need to be 'on edge' as he has read that whilst staffy's are great they do have a natural instinct to fight with other dogs. Has anyone had experience of this? Can anyone recommend another breed as a second dog (we are looking at getting a medium sized dog) Thanks in advance
  4. Carter scratches himself like crazy, i noticed some patches of dry skin but nothing major. He started scratching again about 3 weeks ago, initially we thought it was fleas, but religiously using Advantix and lots of searching we cannot find anything. He had his first hydro bath a few weeks ago and I asked the guy to see if he could see any and he couldn't. He seems to have a huge patch of dry skin, matted hair and flaky skin. We feed him Royal Canine and I started giving him some sardines/tuna but he has an incredibly sensitive stomach so this did upset him but it hasnt changed his skin condition - any advice?
  5. Thanks Guys! We have had a small win! I bought some tinned meat for natures own (beef and gravy) and mixed a bit of this with his kibble (a smaller amount though) and the bowl was licked clean and this morning he had a chicken carcass. I have had people say I shouldn’t really be feeding tinned food as it is full of additives and preservatives but I guess he likes the extra beef taste. Does anyone have any good tinned food? I have bought some raw chicken to mix in.
  6. So Carter is now nearly 6 months and is a joy, to think 4 months ago we nearly lost him! 0 We feed him Royal Canine Giant Puppy twice a day (we used to feed him raw meat but it didnt sit well with him!) We switched him to 100% kibble with some cooked meat if we had any left overs. In the last month or so he has stopped eating it, we come home from work around 6 pm and he wouldn't have touched it, same with his dinner (sometimes we sit and hand feed it to him!). He never was a big eater and would never jump around and get excited over food. Vet says he is fine and is of average weight (26.6 kilos) although not putting on weight as quickly as he has been. Any advice would be gratefully appreciated!
  7. Carter is training me for when I have an actual baby I think - up every two hours, although now he sleeps until 5 am in his crate! <a href="http://pitapata.com/"><img src="http://pdgf.pitapata.com/TikiPic.php/4qjj.jpg" width="100" height="80" border="0" alt="PitaPata - Personal picture" /><img src="http://pdgf.pitapata.com/4qjjp11.png" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="PitaPata Dog tickers" /></a>
  8. He is doing really well! He is happy,playful and has put on 1 kilo since we bought him back home on Monday. the only issue we have now is toilet training. We live in an 'upside down' house so by the time we realise he needs to go its often too late and we have been advised not to put him outside just yet. Anyway, before he went to the vet he was peeing/pooing on fake grass (breeder had this as well) but now he is peeing anywhere and everywhere. He doesnt go in the same place so I am wondering if he has a UTI? We are off to the vet on Tuesday for a check up and 2nd jabs - does anyone have any natural ideas? I am wondering if he got this as he has been on two antibiotics? thanks
  9. We have progress! - meat and pumpkin being eaten like it is going out of fashion! Since his return from the vet he seems to have lost his toilet training skills, my house now looks like a newspaper printers!
  10. well he had a little of the pumpkin - seems to dig the meat out! He seems to have a mucasy stool today - awaiting a call back from our vet. I am not religious in anyway but praying he wont have to go back - been through so much! Vet just rang - as he would expect, he has been very sick and he wouldnt be back to normal straight away! - if it doesnt clear by Saturday take him back. Will keep you all updated
  11. He doesnt seem to like rice, cooked up some and turned his nose up! I will try pumpkin, (I assume you mean butternut squash? I am english so pumpkin to me is the big halloween vegetable!) I have a probitoc the breeder gave us (PetPepUp) but it says not to use it in conjunction with antibiotics which he is currently on (Peptosyl and amoxyclav)
  12. Hi Guys, Carter is drinking fine and he has started eating - picking at bits and pieces of meat every few hours and he will go and help himself rather than us having to be there and feeding him. He still has a bit of diarohea, although all out toilet training seems to have gone out the window as he is just going anywhere! He is playng lots with a new toy I made him (small coke bottle with uncooked rice) he seems to love the noise. Still petrified he will go downhillo again, but he seems OK in himself. BTW I live in western sydney/hills district - any idea for good vets?
  13. Hi Rottiegirl - sorry I didnt get back to you. He wasnt eating at the vets but otherwise was fine and due to finances we werent able to keep him in any longer. he seems OK in himself he will play for about 2 mins and then sleep (obviosuly as he has had no food!) drinking is normal We tried to feed him some chicken and rice last night and wasnt interested, we also tried yogurt,cottage cheese, plain biscuits and some cooked mince - nothing. This morning I opened the fridge and he was sniffing to the mince so he had about a tablespoon of that and he kept it down which was great. I am going to try the soup suggestion tonight!
  14. Was suspected Parvo, now bacterial/viral stomach bug with coccidia - pics before he got sick
  15. Carter is home now and seems to be a bit better, he has lost a lot of weight. He hasnt really eaten since Friday, we tried tonight, he sniffs it nut nothing and it is making me very upset that I cannot do anything - any advice?
  16. Hi guys, thanks for your advice. Carter seems to be doing well, he was meant to be home today. Even though he has had no d or v in 48 hours and drinking, he hasn't has a lot to eat (i did tell the vet that since we bough him home he was never a greedy eater. Fingers crossed we will get him home tomorrow. We miss him so much and want him home. Anyway, the diagnosis seems to be a viral and bacterial tummy bug with coccidia.
  17. Does anyone know why parvo is more prevalent in black and mahogany dogs?
  18. 7 days ago we bought home a gorgeous 8 week old Rottweiler puppy called Carter from a breeder who has been breeding for 25 years. All was well until early friday morning when he vomited and had diarrhoea x3. I went with my gut instinct and booked an appointment at the vets straight away. Vet tested him and he had a faint positive for Parvo(may have been as he only had his jabs 1 weeks before), naturally we were devastated. We left him there and my partner rang the breeder to let her know, assuming she would appreciate the call. The breeder started shouting aggressively at my partner telling him that "I told you if he got d or v to call me straight away and i will give you something for it (he wasnt eating or drinking anything so how we were supposed to give him anything is beyond me) "The vets wont know what is wrong with him and he will die there and charge you a fortune etc, if you followed my eating plan then he would have been fine" My partner politely told her that he found her tone appalling, she then commented towards the end of the call "We had coccidia last year and it may still be around" (A fact we werent made aware off). We rang the vet to tell her and she said at the moment we just want him to get better and thankfully he had perked up but overnight was critical for him. Last night was a sleepless night for us and i was sick to my stomach worrying about him and feeling guilty as it may have been something we did. We have spoken to the vet today and she said he seems in better spirits and has had no d or v in the last 24 hours or so, he know has to have food and keep it down. My question is a) has anyone experienced this before? b) If it is discovered that it came from the breeder what are our right? can we report the breeder?do we contact the association the breeder is registered with? Thanks for your advice from a very worried first time puppy owner
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