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Everything posted by fuzzy82

  1. If you're not rewarding her for going outside and she's just been going on her own, she might think that there's no value in going outside vs going inside anymore. I would go back to basics.
  2. I am currently using a plastic lid, but when I put it on the floor and the dogs target it, it tends to stick to their noses and then drops and moves out of place. I can't stick it to the floor because I'm still fading out my hand, so I start out holding the target then put it down on the floor. Thanks for checking postage :)
  3. Anyone know if there is an Australia store where you can buy clear acrylic targets like these: http://www.cleanrun.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&Product_ID=46&ParentCat=124 Or if Clean run is the only place to get them, how much would postage cost? I don't want to go through the whole checkout process only to discover they charge a ridiculous amount, and that has always been what has put me off ordering from them in the past....
  4. Obi is scared of the smell of burning. Like if I'm using the oven and something dripped the last time I used it and there is even the faintest smell of burning, he runs and hides and shivers violently, and won't calm down until the smell is gone.
  5. My puppy went through a phase at 9-10 months where he had some accidents, he was house trained by 6 months too. I discovered it was my fault, I had gotten slack, not taking him out as much and when he did go outside I usually wouldn't reward, while previously I rewarded nearly every time. So we went back to basics, took him outside at least once per hour and rewarded him every, which fixed it in no time, no accidents since then and he's nearly 2 now.
  6. MY JRT x gets really cold, probably because he lives inside so he doesn't grow a thicker coat in winter. So on the coldest nights I put a coat on him for walks, and where our obedience classes are also gets really cold in winter, so he wears a coat for that too. He gets an extra blanket in his crate, but he doesn't wear a coat around the house.
  7. I bought 10 litre containers from Bargain city. I got two, and they don't quite hold 16 kg, so I roll the bag up and put it in the fridge. The containers have a seal under the lid, so they are airtight. I think they were $10 each.
  8. I have a JRT x and a poodle x maltese, so English and German, and yes, I speak both :) I don't speak Maltese, but the other official language in Malta is English, so all good.
  9. I have been doing the basics, and recently bought the DVD and was then able to do more advanced stuff. It's great, I really recommend it. Not just great for teaching a dog to love the crate, for also for teaching criteria for the sit, impulse control and solid understanding for the release cue.
  10. I feed raw so wouldn't try the food anyway (if I was still feeding dry I would give it a go), but I did want to try the treats. I went into the store and asked for them, only to discover that they are HUGE, and completely useless as training treats, I wouldn't even use them for a big dog. I asked if they are soft or crumbly, but the kid didn't really know anything about them. If they're soft at least I could cut them up. Oh well.
  11. A change in diet can also cause a change in odour...
  12. Harris Scarfe also has heated beds on special, I believe they are reduced from $129 to $39.95.
  13. There is, NDTF does a Cert III in Dog Behaviour and Training, and I think they do, or are planning to do a Cert IV in Behaviour.
  14. I'm female, average height, brunette, and I like sporty clothing like track pants, so I guess I'd look good with a BC or something along those lines... I currently have two little ones, a poodle x and a JRT x, but I've decided that I'd prefer something bigger next time, like a dobermann or malinois....
  15. I like the photo, and the cropping is good, but I really don't like the yellow tinge. I've noticed lots of people in here do it, and I just don't get it. It looks washed out, and if you were to put it on the wall it would look like it had been there for 20 years and had faded. There is a bit of blue in the original photo, and I would fix that, but I wouldn't go overboard with the yellow. That's just my personal taste though. It's a good photo.
  16. Maybe it was a scent that reminded her of something from her past?
  17. Not sure if these have been mentioned yet. I met one earlier this year when I visited Norway, he's a Kromfohrländer. It's my stepmother's sister's dog, he was in the first litter born in Norway, it's a fairly new breed. http://www.mykewlphotos.com/detail.php?photo_id=3769&chapter_id=164&album_id=44 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kromfohrl%C3%A4nder
  18. Oh I forgot to say, I'm in for stopped contacts too :) Love SG's training style, and even though we only do agility for fun and want to focus mainly on obedience, I think there's loads to learn and I can adapt things for obedience. SG has now promised bonus content for start line stays as well, which I think will be a great help for any stay.
  19. Yes!! The barrage of emails throughout November trying to get me to sign up for something I was already doing drove me up the wall, to the extent I emailed and complained. I suggested that they find a way of splitting their email distribution list into those who were already signed onto the current program and those who weren't. Apparently it's not that easy That said, she is brilliant at what she does and I've found her better in this format than I found her seminar in real life. Contacts would be a two or three day workshop, add travel and accommodation, time off work etc and it makes $600 look pretty bloody cheap. You can work through it in your own time, and you can take more in because it's not such a huge rush of information. Go back even as early as two years ago and there wouldn't be an online course to work through at all. I think we're really lucky that we're able to access such awesome trainers and handlers via online courses and have gone from having nothing of the sort to being spoilt for choice. This bothered me too, I actually unsubscribed to her newsletter for a while because every single one was about trying to get me to buy something or sign up for something. It should be as easy as separate the already signed up subscribers from the not yet signed up into to two separate email groups, then be able to send one group an email without emailing the other. Hubby runs an online newsletter system, and that's how they do it, and I thought that's how it's done these days. Maybe SG is using one that doesn't allow it, or they have decided to it takes to much effort to check who has signed up and who hasn't. But for the contacts course I had to give them permission to send me updates specific to the course, so maybe they do things differently now?
  20. If it's not a formal retrieve I'd just throw it and then reward for bringing it back. Then shape her to put it in the hand you're holding out. It's what I did, and it only took about 2 sessions for them to get it. If it's not a formal retrieve there is no need to build duration I would think ?
  21. I have bought things online loads of time, using my debit card, and have never been scammed and never had any security scares that required a new card. I think it's pretty safe, and if something goes wrong, just get a reversal. Obviously you have to be smart about it, don't buy from sites where things are ridiculously cheap compared to everywhere else, like if something that costs $800 everywhere else costs $20 on one website, I would stay away. Too good to be true (unless it's a well known and respected site). And also I wouldn't buy from a website with a really amateurish design or that had lots of spelling errors etc.
  22. I adopted a 12 month old shelter dog, and pretty soon it turned out that she must have been hit as punishment (scared of raised hands, thongs and clapping noises) and she generally wasn't very confident. I started shaping tricks and started NILIF, and her confidence sky-rocketed. She's not as good at offering behaviours as my other dog who I got as a puppy, but she now LOVES training and she tries so hard to get it right. With the NILIF I think it built confidence because she learnt how to manipulate her environment, e.g. she can sit a the door to be let out, and do various tricks and behaviours to get other things, and just the sense of control boosted her confidence.
  23. I don't see why they wouldn't have nightmares. We know they dream, and recently I caught my dog wagging her tail in her sleep, like she was meeting someone new (her favourite thing). So if they can dream of good things why not bad things?
  24. I've always received my books within a week when ordering from book depository, which is the normal postage time from UK to Aus. And I've ordered from there lots of times.
  25. I go over and position the dog. I do occasionally repeat commands though, I think a dog that is fixating on a bird or other dog or whatever is unable to hear a command, and if they didn't hear it it's not really fair to go over and position them. If that's the case I will go closer and say it right in their ear. It's never happened that they haven't complied when I've done that, so I think whenever they don't comply it's because they were unable to hear me.
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