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Everything posted by bianca.a

  1. My Cooper's surgeon said to not neuter him until at least after his second THR. I was never going to anyway but he said the hormones would help somehow (bit of a memory fog).
  2. Thank you both so much! I'm sure having all these positive thoughts are helping him! 5 weeks already today! so xrays booked in (with local vet) for next Wed and then we can start building muscle mass by slowly increasing walking time!!!!!
  3. Hi there, I'm sorry you have these concerns My 100% working line GSD was diagnosed with severe HD at 10 months of age (by three specialists, one who does pennhip scoring). Cooper had his first Total Hip Replacement and then 5 weeks ago today, had his second one. I should add that he is only 2 1/2 years old. I contacted his breeder asap upon learning this and she was beyond wonderful. She does all possible testing and Cooper certainly has never been over weight. He was just really unlucky. One thing Coopers surgeon mentioned in passing is that if they diagnose around the 6 month mark or earlier than an FHO may be an option (It is half the cost of a THR). Here are Coopers bionic hips post surgery from 5 weeks ago. If I can help in any way, please yell out :) ETA: Cooper (now 2/12) is only 34 kgs so he is not a huge dog to start with but I have always kept him very lean and he is entire.
  4. Hi there, I am sorry you have these worries regarding your puppy. I have a 100% working line GSD from a great breeder who does all possible health checks before her breedings. Unfortunately at 10 months of age my Cooper was diagnosed with severe HD. I had three specialists (including one who does pennhip scoring) confirm this. He had his first Total Hip Replacement done and then 5 weeks ago he had his other hip done. It is an awful shock and very expensive. I would recommend you get a specialist opinion as some vets really have no idea of correct positioning. If you have other questions, you are welcome to PM me and I will try to help. This xray is straight after his second THR
  5. Hoping today was a better one ((hugs)) That would be a hoot to see them all lined up!
  6. Sorry am on my phone now but if you go to k9 pro website they have measurements there. I got the large. Im a bit shocked he didnt come home with any sedation. Coop came home with a full bottle of ace. Wish I lived closer so I could help. But if you think the collar may work, im happy to lend it to you. He would make my,two who are 32 and 34kg looks like little pipsqueaks.
  7. Sorry am on my phone now but if you go to k9 pro website they have measurements there. I got the large. Im a bit shocked he didnt come home with any sedation. Coop came home with a full bottle of ace. Wish I lived closer so I could help. But if you think the collar may work, im happy to lend it to you. He would make my,two who are 32 and 34kg looks like little pipsqueaks.
  8. I bought the large size and it was too large (ie kept slipping down over his face) and yet it was too small because he could lick at his hip too. He is only a 34kg GSD so maybe it would work better for your boy? In the end, we went back to a 30cm cone of shame.
  9. Hi there. Your first step should certainly be to go to either a specialist or a good vet who knows how to position correctly for xrays.
  10. Can I ask where abouts in general you are and how big is your dog? I am in East Gippsland and have a stop bite collar that I just bought for my boy who had a THR if that's any help. (My dog is a GSD and it was a bit awkward for him) Or can you get a bigger cone?
  11. (((hugs))) you are both so sweet, thank you so much :)
  12. I am so sorry, it can be such a shock to get this news. My working line German Shepherd was diagnosed with severe HD at 10 months old (by three specialists including one who does pennhip scoring). He had his first Total Hip Replacement at 15 months of age and then four weeks ago, he had the other hip done. He is only 2 1/2 by the way. Each hip costs in the region of $8000.00 plus ongoing repeat xrays etc. I notified his breeder and sent her xrays and asked for her opinion. She was wonderful and had a few of her vet friends look at his films too. Bless her heart she offered me a complete refund and said she would understand if I ended up going down the euthanize route when his pain got too bad. I really did not want to take it but my now ex, insisted. This breeder does all health checks and then some on her dogs and I wouldn't hesitate to get another puppy from her when I recover from this one! I figure it was just plain bad luck my Cooper ended up with this and also that I was lucky to get him (because I could do both surgeries). Anywhoo wishing you both all the very best ((hugs))
  13. Oh thank you both so very much ((hugs)) He is doing really well, trying to keep him quiet(ish) is the biggest issue now! Two more weeks until his 6 weeks xray! Sulking because he didn't want to stay in his room (and please excuse the hair all over the blankets - he is shedding like anything) And somebody jumped on my bed
  14. A positive update, keeping paws crossed here for more good news.
  15. Oh no this sounds scary Keeping you both in my thoughts ((hugs))
  16. Retief Botha at Maud St, Maroochydore!
  17. Thank you so much BC (((hugs))) His wound is swollen, the vet on Saturday said it is fluid so I sent off pics to the surgeon and he thinks it is just a seroma so warm packs 4 times a day. I'm sure this happened last time too.
  18. Freedom from my bedroom, along side Molly
  19. Oh thank you so much for asking after him ((hugs)) He is doing really well, the biggest hurdle is keeping him quiet....not in his nature! He had the staples out on Saturday and the (local) vet was happy. And lying on a heated throw
  20. Oh thank you for thinking of him Crits (hugs). He is doing pretty darn good! So good when I left him alone for my breakfast he jumped onto my bed :laugh: He's only ever managed that once before that I know of. So now I'm creating a barricade so he can't do it again!
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