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Everything posted by bianca.a

  1. I have the same boots that Nekhbet has and Cooper was fine with them apart from they are too big, so if you do end up going that route make sure you measure Ivy's tootsies properly :)
  2. Oh I am so very sorry My thoughts are with you.
  3. Hi Seren, I just replied to you and if there is anything else I can answer, please ask ((hugs))
  4. Also the specialists who I consulted with (multiple including the one who did the surgeries) said that the ball, socket and stem will last the lifetime of the dog so that is a huge positive. Cooper suffered with his first op but that was due to his scrotum being burnt by clippers. He was more bothered by that then the hip. This time round was much easier. You just have to keep them contained and quiet for the first 6 weeks which is hard.
  5. Hi Seren, I posted on your other thread about my young dog who has now had two total hip replacements. Please keep up updated ((hugs))
  6. Hi and I am so very sorry for you both. Yes a hip replacement can be done. My male GSD had his first total hip replacement at 14 months (I think) and then months ago had his other side done. You would never know (apart from my bank balance!). I wish you the very best. Here his Cooper now (aged 2)
  7. Oh you are so lovely, thank you ((hugs)) he is doing so well! Up to 2 x half an hour walks per day and my gosh he is strong! Will get some new pics tomorrow. Thank you once again :)
  8. Yes thank you for updating. I too wish you the best and please keep us updated.
  9. Just bumping this to see if there are any updates on your boy?
  10. Oh that sounds like a great update! I so wish we could have gone the hydrotherapy route. Hoping that helps make a huge difference :)
  11. These were done by a locum vet locally and aren't digital.
  12. Oh thank you both so much ((hugs)) Yes it has been way to cold for this chicken :laugh: Specialist reviewed his 6 week xrays (done by a local vet) and yesterday I got the all clear to start walking him 2 half an hour walks per day for one month, then 2 one hour walks per day!!!!!!
  13. Oh that is good news! I give these to both my dogs and the specialists were impressed. http://www.amazon.com/Glyco-Flex-III-Soft-Chews-Dogs-120-Count/dp/B002LVTTYE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1404205003&sr=8-1&keywords=glycoflex+iii
  14. I just saw this and I am so sorry It's just awful when it all goes pear shaped Sending healing thoughts to your boy.
  15. To be fair though, whilst this vet may not have positioned correctly, they may be enough for a specialist to review and go from there. That is what happened with Cooper, local vet did xrays and they certainly aren't brilliant but it was clear as mud, we had a major problem. And from there we went to see specialists.
  16. Are you able to scan and post the xrays you do have? More for interest than anything? I can try and find the first one of Cooper if that helps (it is on my old laptop).
  17. Fabel, not sure where in Vic you are but if you do decide to xray, Ray Fergerson (Monash) does pennhip scoring or Pete Laverty at Melbourne Specialist Clinic.
  18. Teehee we must have been posting at the same time! Thank you, I consider myself lucky that Cooper came to me as I was able to use my lifes savings to 'fix' him! One thing I did was approach different specialists and email them the xrays asking for opinions. My local vet did the first xray which was how he was diagnosed and whilst the positioning was far from brilliant it was enough to email through to get appointments with Ray Ferguson (somebody mentioned him) and Peter Laverty - who did both surgeries. I wish you nothing but good luck.
  19. 4.2 is still fine to breed for GSDs. Sometimes even with all the best possible breedings, nutrition, limited exercise etc, bad shit like this happens. Such as what as happened with my boy
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