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Everything posted by bianca.a

  1. North Shore beach is beautiful and off lead! I used to take mine there almost every day! Not sure if you are interested but there is a dog park in Buderim! Have fun! I miss living there.
  2. My vet has been supportive of my decision to titer test yearly instead of vacs. Cooper had 2 puppy vacs and developed vaccinosis (sp) so I titered him and he hasn't had another shot since. Same as Molly although she had her 1 year booster. She is now 4 1/2 and her anti bodies level are still high.
  3. Yes my GSDs were really only interested in playing with GSDs when we used to go to a dog park. Molly's best friend was another GSD too.
  4. I had never heard that phrase either! Yup Miss Molly does this at least once every evening! Happy George
  5. Dame Danny you expressed my thoughts also! George is such a lucky boy!
  6. Yah this is wonderful to read! Please keep us updated ( Belgian admirer here!) :)
  7. Oh gosh he is beautiful! The second photo is wonderful :)
  8. You can also give activated charcoal whilst on the way to the vet. Hope your girl is back to normal today?
  9. I bought a couple and found they were no good for my long snout dogs
  10. I can't think of a better colour dog than a black one (just a wee bit biased!)
  11. Hi, one of my GSDs has been on Prozac due to a number of issues. I weaned her off as she just wasn't my same girl. By the sounds of it, you girl has had a rough start. Wishing you both all the very best.
  12. I agree re the vet wrap. When Coop had his elbow surgeries the vet wrap would slip off at least a couple times a day (even with tape used). It was a total nightmare. We even tried wrapping over and under and right down over the front feet. Elbows are so hard to keep covered. Not wanting to take over your post but some of the various wrappings we tried.
  13. I should have said that the actual strap that goes across the chest, just happened to get eaten up a bit So I used some Velcro! It is meant to be a soft wide strap. Without it they slipped down. Good luck :)
  14. My Cooper has had Hygromas since he was 10 weeks old. He had them drained multiple times and finally had surgery on each to insert drains which were left in for 3 weeks It was awful. Anywhoo I bought Dogleggs (to protect but also to keep the dressing/bandages on. http://www.dogleggs.com/adjustable/ Here he is with them on (the top is because the bandages would slip off.
  15. Front P.S sorry for individual posts (it wouldn't let me add together)
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