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Everything posted by bianca.a

  1. Thank you both (hugs) yes I am going to email a photo to the surgeon to see if I should do anything or leave it? He isn't nearly as bothered as last time thank dog.
  2. Thank you so very much, your support is wonderful xxx He is doing ok, cries when the meds start to wear off but is sedated and pretty much sleeping *bless*
  3. I tried the Stop Bite collar but it is too big (keeps slipping) and yet too small, he can get to his rear end So back with the cone of shame.
  4. Awww thank you so much ((hugs)) He is doing really well according to the last update this afternoon and I pick him up at 9.30am! Can't wait to bring my little treasure home
  5. Thank you so much all :) He is starting to weight bear apparently and is eating! His skin apparently has a few minor spots of irritation but thank dog not his testicles. They sent me this pic and I should be able to go and pick him up on Saturday!
  6. Oh thank you all so very much ((hugs)) Well the surgeon is happy so I am happy! When I call tomorrow I am going to ask how his skin is. But here is his post op xray.....bionic boy!
  7. Just begging for some positive thoughts please. Cooper will have his 5-6 hour surgery tomorrow morning
  8. I am so very sorry Crits. You have been through far too much loss ((hugs))
  9. Coops is booked in for surgery next Wednesday. I feel sick
  10. Thank you so much for your kind words ((hugs)) No not genetic, his breeder does all the possible health testing and his sire had 0/0, dam 2/4 (I think from memory)and further back no bad hips at all in his pedigree. It was just really bad luck for my poor pup. The surgeon was thrilled with how good the implants are after a year so that's a positive. He's just had a shitty life and has never been able to just be a puppy. Thank you again.
  11. Old post http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/240927-10-month-old-gsd-with-severe-hip-dysplasia/page__st__90 So today I took Coop back to the specialist for xrays and the verdict is he will have his another Total Hip Replacement this time on his left hip. They have to work out a time slot but it should be in the next few weeks. I knew this was coming but still am totally devastated. He is only 2 1/2 :cry: Todays xrays
  12. Yes it's instead of using the cone. I have tried cloud collars without much luck but then my two have long muzzles. The one I have ordered has been shipped so I can post a pic when it arrives :)
  13. Thank you so much Boronia, I have saved that site into my favourites :)
  14. Thank you so much VizlaMomma! I have warned my sister I may need to use her address, I buy quite a lot from the US for the dogs! I laughed as at first I read that as 'special needs' dogs and thought that is so right! :laugh: Thank you ((hugs))
  15. Thank you all so much :) Actually my sister posted on FB to say she has one of those forwarding addys! :) I will order that one from K9 Pro thank you so much. At least it will get here quickly so I can give it a try :) He won't be in it much, most likely just the first few nights (he has already had one total hip replacement and apart from his burnt scrotum - didn't try and get to his staples at all)
  16. Hi all, One of my dogs is going to be having another total hip replacement soon and I am wanting to try a Bite Not Collar http://www.bitenot.com/ForDogs.htm But all the usual sites I buy things from in the US won't ship these here. Does anybody have an idea where I can get one from please? Thanks in advance :)
  17. Just last week was the first ever fight between my two. In my efforts to pull them apart my arm was nailed (not sure by which one) with puncture wounds. Dogs were ok thankfully. Cooper instigated it which shocked me but I think it could have been pain related (he is soon to have his second total hip replacement). It scared the heck out of me
  18. Yep I walk both mine together. You can get them used to a coupler so both dogs, one lead. Wish I lived closer so I could help.
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