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Everything posted by YOLO

  1. There are some elements there, but they are hardly unique to Dingos. Keep in mind that dingos have been breeding with domestic & farm dogs for over 200 years, so its possible Any Australian mixed breed could have a smidgen in there somewhere. At a guess, I would have said your girl is a ubiquitous "Kelpie cross" with any Dingo DNA well buried. The pronounced forehead crease is a trait, as are the pointed ears, but neither is unique. Unlike your girl, Dingos have a broad skull, and that is a dominant trait that will carry through several generations. With Dingos and first crosses there is a marked difference in colour between the back and the underside/ legs/ muzzle. Your beauty looks too uniform.
  2. I completely agree with the sentiment expressed in the OP. Sadly, far too many people are ruled by emotion, and simply cannot follow logic. Rescue is like trying to treat Gastro with a Cork. The problem needs to be fixed at the TOP, not the bottom. Unfortunately "rescue" also helps perpetuate the "all dogs are lovely" myth, which is the number one reason dogs get abandoned in the first place. Too many nongs out there, indiscriminately breeding whatever mongrels they can get their hands on, and flogging the cute puppies to unsuspecting dupes, without a thought to suitability.
  3. Oh yeah Daddy was definitely a Dingo. She is very loyal, and insanely protective of us and the other dogs.
  4. Just goes to show what a load of old crock most of this so-called "DNA Analysis" is. It's a bit like those human DNA tests you can pay for, that claim to identify your geographical heritage. It's basically a guestimate, based on what they they believe to be the prevalence of particular markers in certain populations. The problem with so-called analysis, such as the "Dingo Analysis," is that it is based on circular logic. Even putting aside the original melting-pot of Dingo heritage, they have been interbreeding with farm dogs since the first settlers arrived. So even if you start with the idea that prior to European settlement there existed "Pure Dingos", the vast majority now are nolonger "pure". Similarly, to suggest that the Kelpie had a single-point of origin is a fanciful fairytale. So the problem becomes that in order to disprove the existence of "Dingo DNA" in Kelpies, researchers must first of all define "Dingo DNA" by identifying particular genetic markers that are present in wild Dingos, but not present in domestic dogs. As I said, circular logic. And even then, all you can actually say is that there is no "uniquely Dingo DNA" present in Kelpies. And even having done that, who's to say WHAT those unique markers represent? Could be they represent undesirable traits that would have been deliberately bred out of the Kelpie.
  5. Apologies upfront, I know this a purebred forum, but I've been a member here for a while. We got a pup from "friends" (farmers whose property neighbours my brother's). We met the mother a couple of times, a lovely healthy purebred Golden Lab (who is actively used for retrieving.) They'd always been careful, but obviously not this time. The obvious assumption was that it was their farm dog (or dogs?) who is a working Kelpie. Its my daughter's dog. She actually wanted a Kelpie, but I said they weren't suited to suburban life, so we thought this would be an ok compromise. The pups were all shades of gold & cream, which I thought was a little odd, as the Kelpie suspect was more of a tan colour from memory. She could easily be a Lab/Kelpie cross, except the colouring doesn't match the principal suspect. She is mostly pale cream, with the fawn over her back and head typical of pale dingos. Except that her ears are half-baked, she looks very much like this: I suppose in some ways it makes more sense that the father was a stray or wild dog. She is also food obsessed, beyond even the Flatties if you can believe such a thing is possible. That could just be the Lab shining through, but I've heard Kelpies are not. She has a big personality, but is also a big sook. At night she will sleep cuddled up to either Chloe or I. She loves to play with the other dogs, and can sometimes be a bit too frisky for them, but she never displays aggression. Oh, and did I mention that she howls?
  6. Simple fact is that breeding from an arbitrarily reduced gene-pool is BAD. period. Then if you are able to genetically screen, infinitely better to screen for genetic deficiencies rather than colour. No dog is perfect, so chances are if you focus on colour it may be to the detriment of something else.
  7. Well yes, what the article mentions, but should emphasise is that it is the inbreeding causing the problems, not the colour itself. Whilst always a problem when trying to breed specifically for colour, its compound with Labs, because breeders will usually only breed Chocolates with another chocolate or pure Black. (Mixing Chocolate and Golden lines can produce Dudleys)
  8. All Dog Breeds are not the same. It's the same with most "domesticated" animals, but more so because Dogs have been bred for such different purposes. Furthermore, many breeds, originally bred for a particular purpose, have over recent decades been bred as pets for temperament and companionship. Greyhounds haven't. To this day, they are bred to race. Their reputation as "couch potatoes" is not surprising. Even the fastest champion spends most of its life waiting around. So I would imagine that "patience" and "calmness" would be characteristics inherently enforced. (eg a dog that was constantly agitated would presumably not make a good racer and so would not be bred.) But they are still sighthounds with a huge prey-drive. I have Flatcoats. A wonderful gentle, passive, breed. But they can't be let lose anywhere near ducks, because, guess what, they want to retrieve them and break their necks. Go Figure. And I still come back to my original point, and I can't believe you would use the horrible euphemism "wastage." Surplus dogs, especially those not good enough to race, are simply murdered. It's horrific, and it should be stopped. GaP is simply a very small band-aid.
  9. Just FYI, long story short, she's a farm dog. Mum's pure Lab, Dad half Lab half Kelpie. They THOUGHT they'd kept Mum in whilst on heat, but obviously not. Interesting mix in the puppies. We chose one who leans more towards the Kelpie side. So her diet at home was mostly rabbit (and Mum.) Bit hard to replicate so we went with Chicken.
  10. Some predictably knee-jerk reactions. I own Pedigreed dogs of a particular breed, always have and hopefully always will. The simple fact is that the vast majority of dogs are pets. The next largest population, in Australia, would be working dogs. Yes, a lot of Pet Buyers are ignorant, and these associations COULD have a huge role in educating them, I just wish they would do more to engage with the public outside their own small clique. I'm sure, that as within any population, there are wide variety of individuals within these organisations and clubs. I've met some wonderful people over the years; open, friendly, welcoming, informative. I've been invited to their homes, their kennels, and their shows. Unfortunately I have also met some rude and ignorant snobs. I guess that's just the human race. If only the associations were run by the dogs themselves we wouldn't have a problem. Keep in mind that my OP was regarding the response from the association rep that (via their website) publicly invites queries and questions.
  11. Great Post, thank you. I fear these breed associations are fast becoming an anachronistic irrelevance. They claim to occupy the moral highground, and pontificate at length about the evils of everything, but actually do precious little to protect or promote their breeds. They need to lose their arrogance and understand that THEY are the aberration. Dogs are pets or working dogs. The vast majority of owners have no interest in breeding, and fewer still any interest in the arcane art of dog shows. Unless they can find a way down out of their ivory towers, and start engaging with the REAL dog owners, they will be reduced to a sideshow. IMHO that would be pity, and to the detriment of the breeds, but the ball is in their court. The sad thing is that they seem to not even realise how out of touch they are.
  12. Dogs will often dig out cool holes to lay in when they are hot, usually in shady parts of the garden. Otherwise they dig when they are bored or anxious. If you leave a retriever alone for extended periods, digging is common. Keep in mind that it is also a habit, and once started it may continue even though the anxiety has decreased. So it may have started with anxiety over moving house, and has simply become a habit.
  13. Its the same (low allergen) kibble she eats for breakfast. What concerns me is WHERE it was sitting for approximately 12 hours, to form the log. Its as though it were sitting in her oesophagus rather than in her stomach.
  14. Sorry, can't think of a better way to describe it. Came home one morning after an early trip to the ariport, to a fresh surprsie from Chloe. She had vomited on my bed. But what concerns me is the nature of the beast. It was like a giant elongated turd. Now, it turns out, we rand out of wet food, so my son fed them kibble for dinner. That soggy kibble was now compressed into the aforementioned giant log. But where did it come from? I'll admit to some ignorance over the specifics of canine digestions, but I assumed they had a stomach like most mammals. Certainly in my experience, when they vomit it comes up as chunder. So how was this compressed log shape caused? My concern is that for some reason it was sitting in her oesophagus all night? If so, why would this happen?
  15. So the association for a particular breed invites queries to the Secretary and provides an email address. I wrote to ask their thoughts & opinions about certain things to do with the breed. It was a somewhat detailed email, a few paragraphs. But I made it clear that what I was after was opinion/ advice. Their reply: "We have no pups available for you" Now to be clear, whilst the exact nature of my queries is irrelevant, and like anything might be subject to interpretation, it had absolutely nothing to do with obtaining a puppy. In fact it began and ended by explaining that I was after their opinion, and ironically the word puppy was never even used. I wrote back, and rather than get miffed, I apologised for any confusion, pointed out that I wasn't looking for a Puppy, and repeated my request for advice. I received no further reply. Now I appreciate that as Breeders, they probably get inundated with "have you got any puppies" emails. But if you're going to volunteer to be the Secretary of any organisation, surely you should at least read emails before dismissing them? And one last point. If you can't be bothered reading an email, why go to the extent of sending any reply? And why, when brevity seems to be your aim, add the unnecessary "for you"?
  16. Our dogs, especially Chloe, seem to get itchy on chicken. Nothing drastic, just a lot of foot licking. What is a PITA is that so much contains chicken, even stuff that says its Beef, or whatever. I don't really like the rolls, as they seem to have a lot of cereal fillers. Jasper can't do bones, so we find that Lamb Chunkers is generally well tolerated.
  17. People get justifiably concerned about giving out their home address to every random on the internet, and letting then come and case their home. I would ask them to bring also the mother, and if possible father to the park. If they are a registered breeder, you can check their bonafides with the relevant association, and maybe also get a guide on how many litters there are producing, etc.
  18. Seven seems to have designated Chloe as her Surrogate Mother. Which would be fine accept that Chloe thinks Seven is some form of rodent that she should be allowed to kill. Seven waits for her to fall asleep, then snuggles up.
  19. Things seem to be moving along ok. Fortunately Chloe is a Deep sleeper.
  20. Well she certainly inherited her Mother (Labrador)'s love of food. Which is just as well. We have upped he meals, and she seems very settled. Nice firm poops!
  21. At our wits end with this. We were so worried about how 14 year Jasper would react, that we just assumed 7yr old Chloe would be less of a problem. Could not have been more wrong. We had my daughters young (6 months?) "Groodle" around last Christmas, and Chloe loved it. Followed her around, played with her, and pined when she left. We even tried the old scent-transfer trick when we first got the puppy, in the hopes of helping Chloe "bond." Didn't work. Jasper, despite being old, crotchety, and perhaps a little senile, is fine with the puppy. He will lick her and even try playing tuggies (but is too accustomed to Chloe, so not very gentle with his tugs.)
  22. There is a problem I didn't anticipate, bringing a Lab~Kelp puppy home to two Flatties. Unfortunately, to her, they are just big walking ROPES. So teaching that playing tuggies with Chloe's tail is not acceptable, is a neverending battle. Jasper is actually improving. When she's not being too annoying he will lick the puppy and start the beginnings of play. Chloe, yes unfortunately just doesn't know wtf this thing is. She knows she's not allowed to kill it, but beyond that does not seem to recognise it as a Puppy or even a dog. She loves to play with other dogs, including my other "grandchildren" so I'm hoping it will improve once Seven grows into an actual dog.
  23. First thing we did was have her to the Vet. She has all the right bits in the right places, and is all up to day with her shots and worming. The Rice Milk is basically a gentle way of boosting Calcium and Protein, as we chose one that is the most fortified. Unfortunately it is human quality Chicken mince. At what age could we start her on actual bones?
  24. Well one of the interactions is a little strange. Jasper is fine. He's a little curious, but otherwise mostly ignores the puppy. I'm hoping that once she learns to play tuggies and fetch she will provide some engagement for him, for a while st least. However the problem has been our 7 yr old bitch Chloe. She seems almost afraid of the puppy, and can become quite defensive/aggressive.
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