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  1. My 9.5YO Boxer Sasha has just lost her sight. It has happened very fast, two weeks ago she was still fetching sticks, tomight she couldn't find her water bowl, and keeps walking into the cat that gets freaked and lashes at her. The eye doctor didn't think her eyes were the main problem, but more likely a brain tumor putting pressure on her optic nerves. It is heartbreaking watching her go downhill. Sasha is booked in for an MRI next week to see if it is a brain tumor. She is not coping great in the meantime, she is not doing very well at finding her way around, she is bumping into things frequently, and each time after she bumps into the cat she gets very paranoid and is very reluctant to go anywhere. I find I have to lead her often and she follows the sound of my footsteps although even then sometimes she is reluctant. She spends most of her time sleeping now, maybe 22-23hrs a day.
  2. Hi, I'm new to this forum. I found it as I searched for information to help me with my 9.5YO boxer, Sasha. About 2-2.5 months ago Sasha started showing signs of lethargy, shaking and very very occasionaly stumbled on her back legs. These symptoms started very gradualy until recently where she went down hill quite quickly in the last 2 weeks. Only in the last two weeks did we find she was losing her vision and it was only a few days from first noticing this she was blind. We have been to the vet so many times and last to the eye specialist a few days ago. The eye specialist opinion was that her blindness was a side effect of a brain tumor. So we are going in for an MRI next week. Two months ago I was still saying to people 'Boxers never grow up' and she was playful and full of energy. Up to two weeks ago, she was still chasing sticks on the beach though it was obvious she was using sound to find them. Last week, she is just concentrating on listening to my footsteps and following me. She seems comfortable, not in pain, she eats (though less than before) she wags her tail when people visit or when I talk to her. But she is sleeping maybe 20-22hrs/day, very heavy sleap. She bumps into things and now I am very concious not to move anything around. Last night I spent some time with her while she explored the new dark surroundings, she seemed happy to find her way to the couch where I was and sat leaning on me and asked for all sorts of rubs. She seemed very happy after that and moved around more freely, she moved to another chair in the lounge and groomed herself, then back to the couch and explored some more. The interesting thing is, afetr this relaxed happy mood, she tried to get on the couch one more time, unfortunately it was right where the cat was sleeping, needless to say, the cat got a hell of a fright and hissed and swiped at her face, Sasha yelped and jumped back. From then on her mood completely changed, she kept her head down and seemed very scared to go anywhere, I had to guide her to go out for a pee where she was being incredible cautious and paranoid and was just happy to find her favourite spot and stay there for the rest of the night. Today she is still sleeping. My gut feeling is, other than feer of pain, she does get depressed and confused. Unless offcourse the tumor is having a major effect on her mood also. Sometimes I still wonder if there is a tumor and if it is all her eyes, but we will find out next week. She rarely wags her tail any more. After reading some of your comments, I think maybe I have changed my attitude around her too much and maybe I should focus on her being independent a bit more.
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