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Everything posted by chellz
Thankyou kindly for the link.. that was alot of information to take in.. One thing I dont get, I think I read it awhile ago is do people use the crate for their dog all day? Im trying to say is that I know you use the crate for teaching your pup to go when to go to the toilet and if you need to go out you can confine your dog but I remember reading somewhere they use it so the dog dosent have free run of the house and chew things? But does that mean the pup is crated all day unless outside doing a wee? would a puppy last that long without being bored even if it did have toys or is it tempory confinement so when puppy is abit older it wont go on a rampage of the house so it then can be let free? I dont understand how confinement will stop that or is it till the pup grows out of it?? Sorry hope that makes sense
wow thats great.. through the day im trying to close it when she is sleeping but when she is winging i have been told to ignore it till she is quite or do I go to get and let her out? Its hard to pin the behaviour if its to go to the toilet or just cause she wants my attention
Thanx heaps so do you suggest to leave her in my bedroom at night? and when she winges take her out?
Given that you've got yourself two female pups aged less than 6 months apart Chellz, I can see why you think the OP is doing the "right thing". Posters suggesting two bitch pups close in age are not a good idea have experienced and heard of situations like this time and time again. The smart advice is never to have two dogs close together in age, size and gender. All very well and good having two pups "grow up together" but given that this can lead to two dogs who can never be together without trying to kill one another, an ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure. The stress and heartache of trying to manage two bitches hell bent on destroying one another is not to be underestimated. That doesn't take into account that the dogs may bond far more strongly to one another than to the owner. I think the OP's "wait and see" approach is fine but if rehoming is on the cards, do it sooner rather than later. It will be far easier for humans AND pups if that happens. Okay so like rabbits two males are never good together right? wrong ive always had two male rabbits and they have been fine.. going on just people experiences isnt enough sorry.. And dont have a go at me having two pups under 6 months love, I know plenty of people who have had pups grow up together and they are fine(including breeders).. but In all honesty I know thats not always the case that two pups or two older dogs dont get along, so instead of what you think you know because of just 'experience' from you or other people you know.. lets just remember go on each individual case and thats some dogs get along and other dont its not the age of the pup but their personality..
Thanx im new to the whole crate thing.. I know 6 weeks is too young for her to be in a new home.. its a long story but the girl was going to give her to the pound. If you have any crate training advice I would really appreciate it thanx
I think you are doing the right thing.. dont listen to peoples negative comments, she didnt ask if she should have two pups or not she wanted advice on our to train and bring up this pups in the best way she can.. shame on you really she is doing the right thing asking for your kind advice.. seriously even if she just took the one pup, there still might not have sound another owner in time then the pup would of being dead.. maybe the pups only had one more day to live who knows.. they are all what if's which wont solve anything.. I would just make sure they get alone time as well as one on one time.. pretty obvious stuff, just go with your instinct.. I think its great that they get to grow up together.. i think having an older dog and a pup can have disavantages too.. the fact that the older one could be more terrtioral and create problems of them not getting along.. They all have pro's and con's so just work with rasing these beautiful new pups you have.. sorry i couldnt be more helpful and I know everyone has a right to their own opinion but there is a right way and a wrong way and there was no need considering the OP did not ask for the advice of if she should raise one or two pups.. goodluck with everything.. and keep us updated
Hi everyone we brought a crate for our 6 week old labrador pup 'holly' yesterday and we brought holly 3 days ago and she already loves it! She hops in and out and she already accociated it with sleep.. sometimes she barks to get out not realizing the crate door is open Anyway at night we tried to put her in our room in her crate she woke up 3-4 times and was hard to ignore as our kids room is close by.. im thinking of moving her to the lounge room tonight, hope it works When she wakes up she winges to get out but my question is when do i shut the crate door? and when i do shut it if she crys do i just let her cry it out? Im worried she will accociate it as a bad place if she hates being trapped in there? how would i ease her into having the door shut?
Do you keep her crated while inside or does she have the run of the house?? She has the loungeroom yes, the kitchen and bedrooms are blocked off, is that bad? should i be using a crate at night? is that ok?
Hi everyone i know the basic's of toliet training but cant seem to get my lab to not wee or poo inside! I understand she cant go throught the night without an accident but for example today she done a wee inside my hubby took her out after some time we brought her inside and she done another wee. Im guessing she is associating for the toliet to be inside but dont understand as if i ever catch her in the act say NO and put her outside.. I tried going out with her and when she wee's give her heaps of praise but its getting to the point where i hate having her inside just incase she wee's.. what age would you say that a dog could last the whole night? Ella is 14 weeks thanx
Hi everyone, firstly i love this thread.. everyone has their own helpful advice and its good to get a variety cause not one thing works for everyone.. I have a labrador puppy who is 14 weeks and she loved to bite our shoe laces, clothes, hands.. From the start we always told her no in a deep voice and ignored her, if she kept going and didnt listen we would put her in time out and because most dogs love human contact she would yelp and when she calmed down we would take her out and we would see a change in her behaviour.. Like all suggestions here it does take time, i think she has improved alot now but that was 6 weeks of persistence and still she has her bad days, after all they are puppys It was also hard though as i have younger children(3yrs,4yrs,7yrs) i always have to supervise as 'ella; loves biting the kids shoe laces or clothes, then they would react which made her do it more.. so i always had to be there (the funny thing as soon as she heard my voice she knew and stops straight away..cheeky) Anyway i just wanted to say hi and i liked reading this thread
My puppy sometimes barks at me (or the kids) im guessing to get attention.. she dosent do it all the time but i dont like that behaviour.. do we just ignore her when she does that and go back to her when she stops barking?
What Would You Do? Job Overseas Vs Dogs
chellz replied to chichihuahua's topic in General Dog Discussion
When i was 18 i travelled to L.A, since i was little i have always wanted to go.. im 28years old now and now i have settled and have a family of my own. i felt so lucky to get the chance to travel on my own overseas, it really gave me alot of independence..I am so happy i made that descion to go over(cause it would be so hard to take the whole family over).. If i was you i would take the job in a heartbeat.. the other stuff will work itself out, I know its hard and proablly easier for me to say.. so im not trying to put myself in your shoes, cause i understand the tough decision you must make.. But dont feel selfish or guilty because you want to go, not many people get the chance to work overseas(its very hard to get work O/S overseas, especially work in the U.S) In reguards with your dog, is it possible to fix the behavioural problems before you go?? Maybe someone could help with the anxiety and he could travel with you?? I know you dont think it possible but you never know its worth trying everything before you make a descion.. Goodluck, i hope you dont get to anxious about this .. it will work out whichever way you choose -
aww your goldie is just adorable!! Ive heard of clicker training but not exactly sure how it works.. Where can you buy the clickers from?
Thankyou soo much ill go check that out now!! update: I just read some info and its very intresting about biting.. i always yelp if she nips me but if she dosent respond i put her in the bathroom for a few minutes.. they said that she dosent learn from that but when she comes out she dosent seem so nippy! I know their are alot of theorys but its still hard to choose which one will be right
Yep i just love labradors!! They are just so darn cute and smart hehehe.. I cant believe you got her to rollover.. i tried tonight and she had no idea :p Do i get her to drop then reward then give the command to rollover then reward? Did you show her by pushing her to rollover? or is my lab just abit ditzy hahahahaha.. Funny you said about the nipping, she has(mainly with the kids if they are down low with her) I just tell the kids to try and stay above her and if she goes for their clothes and i yell 'no' and she is hyper and keeps going i just put her in the bathroom for a few minutes to calm down.. ive put her in twice and when she comes out she dosent seem to do it again after that.. I find the morning she is more hypo!! The sit before she meets someone is a great idea ill try that.. she hasent been jumpy much but she is still so little, its when she gets bigger it gets a problem. Do you have any other dogs besides milly? She is soo gorgeous!! Id love to have a black lab too.. If you can post some pics.. id love to see her
Hi everyone, we got our yellow labrardor 4 days ago 'ELLA' I have already taught her to sit and drop (with food) and i was wondering how long do you wait till you faze out the food rewards and just give her praise? And how long does it usually take? I am also trying to house train her, any ideas plze? I put her out 1st thing in the morning and at night and thru the day she is usually outside with me and the kids! I use a comand 'wee wee' and when she goes i give her praise or a treat! Also i dont want to overwhelme her so how long should i wait to indroduce her to a new command? Love to hear your own stories on training
Chellz, can you please chat about your new pup (gorgeous by the way ) in the Retriever thread in the Breeds sub-forum in General. This one's for folk asking for information on the breed. ok no probs.. im new at this so hopefully i can find it
Hi everyone, we got our yellow labrardor 4 days ago 'ELLA' I have already taught her to sit and drop (with food) and i was wondering how long do you wait till you faze out the food rewards and just give her praise? And how long does it usually take? I am also trying to house train her, any ideas plze? I put her out 1st thing in the morning and at night and thru the day she is usually outside with me and the kids! I use a comand 'wee wee' and when she goes i give her praise or a treat! Also i dont want to overwhelme her so how long should i wait to indroduce her to a new command? Love to hear your own stories on training
Hi everyone, as i mentioned in a previous post, we got our yellow labrardor 4 days ago 'ELLA' I have already taught her to sit and drop (with food) and i was wondering how long do you wait till you faze out the food rewards and just give her praise? And how long does it usually take? I am also trying to house train her, any ideas plze? I put her out 1st thing in the morning and at night and thru the day she is usually outside with me and the kids! I use a comand 'wee wee' and when she goes i give her praise or a treat! Also i dont want to overwhelme her so how long should i wait to indroduce her to a new command? Love to hear your own stories on training
Our beautiful girl ella.. we got her 4 days ago..
thats not the OP's question, its none of our buisness.. they have dogs before they are no stupid.. im sure they will let the boxer meet the puppy before it comes home.. Sorry if it sounds rude but i just hate when people force their opinion on others and think they know best! They know whats right for their family so no need for silly questions and answer the OP's question or dont answer at all!! This is not a stab at you but everyone who thinks they have a right and know whats best for other peoples situation
I Tried To Be A Good Samaritan Last Night
chellz replied to kirsty79's topic in General Dog Discussion
You did everything you could (hey maybe you should be on the council) I dont think i would of taken her to the vet to check her for a microchip cause then legally wouldnt they have to give the dog back to the original owner? The one who didnt want her in the 1st place!! i could be wrong The poor thing, it probally was a great dog who could of be an excellent pet, given the right care!! Its a pitty you didnt know someone who could keep her for a night, fed her then maybe called a ranger in the morning or ask for advice from your vet.. I am just shocked that one person gave a crap and all the rest just walked by.. its not as if it could of been an agressive dog.. so sad -
So A Friend Makes This Comment...
chellz replied to all that glitters's topic in General Dog Discussion
very good point.. i agree with you -
So A Friend Makes This Comment...
chellz replied to all that glitters's topic in General Dog Discussion
You are right, you cant argue with her and probally wont be able to change her mind ;) Most people are ignorant but in her case maybe she is trying to point out that their are animals in poor conditions (like chickens) You know how you get hot headed in a arguement and start saying things that you might not totally agree with but your in the heat of the moment! or sometimes people prefer to be ignorant about things so they dont have to deal with things.. All we can hope for is the majority of people will do the right thing for ALL animals -
What!? Who ELSE do you blame? The dog? The law is that OWNERS must have their dogs under effective control in a public area, not dogs must keep themselves under control and accidents happen.. So by your reasoning then ALL dogs better be on leash then because they all have the potential to be aggressive - not just the ones where the owner actually warns you that might. Of course any dog has the potential to attack another - if it is not under control of the owner. Agree 100% Yep.. Accident waiting to happen IMO. hahahha your response just clearly shows you are not reading any of my posts So what you mean is by having a dog under control it must a)be on a leash, i agree an agressive dog should be on a leash b) Have a 100% recall.. umm what dog has a 100% recall.. any dog(animal) has the potential to go against the owners commands, epecially if it has the potential to harm another animal/person I never SAID ALL DOGS SHOULD ALL BE ON A LEAD!! Stop putting down LIES or in your case not reading my post properly... i said ALL AGRESSIVE dogs should be on a lead especailly in an off leash area with other dogs around