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Everything posted by murphy'slaw

  1. Hi, I took my dogs to Werribee Dog Obedience School, they train in Presidents Park on Saturdays, they were great and focused on a positive method of training, they will spend lots of time talking to you about their philosphy. It might be worth popping down there and having a chat to them to see if they can help you with your specific problems. Cheers Mel
  2. Hi Leenie, I hope this helps 1. what do you feed? I feed my two dogs frozen BARF patties, I order them from BARF Victoria ( they are an agent for Ian Billinghurst ) www.barfvictoria.com.au. I also feed my dogs chicken necks, chicken wings, chicken frames, pork bones, lamb necks and the occasional marrow bone 2. how often? I feed my dogs twice a day in the morning and in the evening 3. how much? I feed dog 1: 2 chicken frames in the morning or 8-10 chicken necks and 2 patties per in the evening per day. I feed dog 2: 4 chicken necks in the morning and 1 patty in the evening per day 4. what breed, age, sex and weight is your pet? Dog 1 Bernese Mountain Dog, female, 2 years old, weight - 48 kgs ( not very active ) Dog 2 Tibetan Spaniel, Male, 1 year old, weight - 5kgs ( very active ) 5. where do you purchase your ingredients from? Chicken suppliers eg Lenards, wishbone, the butchers and BARF supplier in Victoria 6. have you always fed your dog this diet, or did you change over to it gradually? if yes, how did your dog react? I always fed Dog 1 BARF ( her breeder strongly encouraged me too ). I have only recently owned Dog 2 and he was fed commercial dog food prior to me owning him, I changed him over gradually ( we are still working through this process ). He loves the diet, but is not able to tolerate lamb yet ( he vomits ), he coped really well with chicken and kangaroo patties and I am gradually incorporating the other meats 7. what have been the advantages and disadvantages? The disadvantages are time, before I started useing the frozen patties I would spend about 1.5 hours a week preparing the dogs food I used to vitamize all the raw veggies and then add them to a mix of ground chicken frames, I would then add supplements eg garlic, ginger, Flax seed oil etc 8. have you seen changes in your dog, ie. coat, energy levels My dogs are healthy, happy dogs and a major advantage is money!!!!! I save heaps useing fresh food. I noticed that Dog 2 went through an initial period of being a bit lethargic and his coat looked worse, he has now picked up and has a lovely shiny coat and lots of energy. He seems to poo less and his droppings are less smelly. Cheers Melinda
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