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Everything posted by meagan4348

  1. Thanx for the quick replies Persephone he started losing his sight a couple of years ago now, but it has started to really deteriate. The vet just said it's old age. Mind you he has the best set of teeth in his mouth the vet has seen in a dog of his age. His ears work fine, abit of selective hearing but he has always had that...lol Thanx again, it is good to see how others have helped their furkids adapt
  2. I have an 11 and a half year old Alaskan Malamute, he has some slight arthritis and is going blind. I have noticed lately that his vision has deteriated more. He isn't walking into things and when i move my hand up and down he follows it but then looks for what i may have thrown in the air for him. I know it's apart of old age. He is on pentasan, flaxseed oil and chia seeds. He is in good condition and happy, I just hate seeing him getting "old" Is there anything I can do for him??
  3. It's not that I "wont" drive to Colac, it's that I can't. If you must know, my back is buggered and I am unable to drive that far. If I could I would drive to Portland and pick him up myself. All I was hoping is that someone in the Portland area was heading down this way/Melbourne. I do NOT expect anyone to go out of their way. Yes to me it is urgent that he doesn't go to the pound, there are too many dogs there as it is IMO. In such a case if you can't find someone able to help, maybe try DogTainers or another pet-freight company. They offer door to door service, but it is gonna cost you! Hope you can sort it out. No worries, thanx for that
  4. It's not that I "wont" drive to Colac, it's that I can't. If you must know, my back is buggered and I am unable to drive that far. If I could I would drive to Portland and pick him up myself. All I was hoping is that someone in the Portland area was heading down this way/Melbourne. I do NOT expect anyone to go out of their way. Yes to me it is urgent that he doesn't go to the pound, there are too many dogs there as it is IMO.
  5. Hi Tez, Thank you so muck for the offer but Colac would still be abit too far for me to drive.
  6. As soon as it is possible, I just really hate the thought of him going to the pound.
  7. Hello everyone, I asked reneenumbers to post on here for me while i was awaiting for approval to join here. Dexter is currenty living in Portland and due to a break up his owner cannot keep him and her ex wants to take him to the pound, the lady is trying to find him a home as she doesn't like pounds but cannot afford to keep Dexter herself as she is now a single mother. I would be extremly greatful if someone would be able to bring him to melbourne for me or the south eastern suburbs, as I have a bad back and am unable to drive all the way to Portland. Please feel free to pm me or e-mail. Thanx Meagan
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