I have a 5 month old shih tzu/toy poodle. Because this is a high paralysis tick area I have used Advantix on her, the minimum dose, three times. Yesterday I put the next size up on her at lunchtime and in the evening she began to be over-excited and an hour later vomitted a lot of white froth with her dinner. After I looked online and found that it's dangerous for some dogs, I shampooed her and she seems ok today, just more quiet than usual. I read that some dogs cannot tolerate permethrin. I think I'll have to get a tick collar and need something for the fleas. Will Advantage be ok since it doesn't have permethrin in it? And how long should I wait before I give it to her? Or is there something less toxic I can use that will be effective for fleas (also bad in this northern rivers area).
Thanks, Ros