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Everything posted by Crysis
As far as I am concerned I had done everything right. And it is narrow minded people like those who have posted on this one is why this will be my last post here. I thought that some were bright enough without me having to spell it all out to you. But this just doesn't seem to be the case. So this is my new years resolution. I will now try to delete myself from this forum, what I thought to be a good one but it is full of narrow minded people. And I don't want to be around people like that and my time is best spent where I don't have to spell things word for word.
Well today I got one real scare.
We have bought Koda a soft round ring with noduals on it and a softer plastic chew bone. We hope he likes them. I think he will cause he loves to chew on anything. Like most pups.
Being new to us and us being new to him we have found on a number of occassions that we have seen Koda stop and watch the tele. Like today there was a story about Leapards on and Koda sat there watching then he went up real close to the tv and watched as these big cats jumped from tree to tree. But what does get nim barking is when he hears dogs barking on the tele. He will look right at the thing and bark back at it. He is our first dog to ever do this. Our past dogs have just raised an ear and that was about it. So much unlike Koda's reactions to what is on. It's funny now but I can see it being a bit of a pain when he gets older. We will have to wait an see.
I know for a fact that I will have a hard time with training in the obedience line. Now I hear you ask what are you on about. Well it is this, Koda is miles too friendly, he wants to greet everyone and everything that passes him by. I know this is way better that having a dog that would rip the next thing that came close to threads. Which was sort of like Lacey our last Red Heeler. But Koda is so friendly. I have got him booked in for Oberience training which will commence in Feburary next year. So this will give me time to get all the basic's out of the way. And all I should really have to do is keep treats in my pocket to keep my new little mates mind on the job at hand. He is easy to train and I think this will work to my favour, as he is picking up thing's in a couple of days if I presist with it. But I really don't want to push him too far too quick. Crickey he still needs to be a puppy. On the cat front at home this is a slow progress, yep they are getting better. Just the cat has to learn not to run, and things will be way better. This is Koda at home exploring in the first couple of days at home. He has put on 1.7 kilo's since we have had him and that is only 11 days.
My neighbour had an oldish Lab X. She was one great dog that, yep you knew you could leave a kid with her. Well onday while I was looking after her while they went away I noticed this lump on her. And on their return I told them about it. And nothing was done. Each month you could see this lump getting bigger. The Next doors had to go away for a major operation. And one morning I looked out our window to see her laying on the grass. Nothing unusual about that as I just thought she was sunning herself. Hours later she was still there so I went over and had a look at her, and she couldn't move. So I got hold of his daughter who contacted the neighbours exwife. She came and took her away and that was the last we seen of her. It was a mamory glan that had turned cancerous. She sisn't have to go that way if they listen to me when I first told them. But I think you should run your hands over your dog each day and get a feel of what is there so this never has to happen to anyone ever again.
This is a photo of Lacey and I think I will oneday get this turned into a tattoo. It is in total respect for her. I have had other dogs but never has one left its mark on me like she did. She was a treasure to the family that was bought up with teenagers. And when one of them had their own ofspring she didn't care about that at all. She would sit close to her while she was on the lawn and never made any bad movements towards the little ones. I think this is good for a dog that was bought up with way older kids.
Well it has been a while sice me old mate Lacey was put to sleep. It was the best thing for her and her alone. I have found that I am pining for a dog. I know this must sound a little on the strange side but it is true. I will go out the backa nd think that I can hear Lacey come out of her kennel, but no. It is real hard to make the gap seem less harsh, as we have had a dog in our backyard for well over 20 years. As one has died we have always had another one there. But with Lacey she just hated to have other dogs in her face. We go her when we had a cross breed Westie and they had their tiffs. So yer I have found it hard not having a dog about the place. But I know that I have to wait to get just the one I want, and this will take time. So I was wondering if others here have had the same sort of thing happen to them. Wow they get into our hearts.
I to am of the mind set that your boy hasn't been socialised right. I would begin redoing all that you have done with treats. Start from scratch and I really think he will conme on in leaps and bounds. Oh yer he is one hell of a looker, I want one.
That is some serious skills that you have got there. I would think you could turn that into a living. Something to think about as I would love to get my just departed dog done.
Thank you to you all. Lacey was a great dog (human) almost. We will remember her. Just have to fill in the spot in our hearts that she has left.
This is my girl Lacey. She was one hell of a great dog and mate to me ffor close to 14 years. I know I will and so will the rest of my family miss her. She hardly put a foot out of place. I took her to obedience lessons where she excelled in them, to the point where it was me being the one holding her back. I shed more than a few tears while she was going to sleep. It was just so hard but it was right. I hated seeing her the way she was. And she did deserve better but this was her lot. People who have no dogs don't understand just how entrenched into our lives they get. So to my baby girl. I love you and I will forever hold you in my heart. Good bye my good mate. Rest In doggy heaven. (not that I believe in that) but its a nice thought. She is burried in our backyard facing out to the yard itself. A good dog comes along only a few times and I just had one of the good ones.
I think as a pup you would not want to push too hard, like half and hour is well enough I think. As it gets older and you will be able to tell as it will not be sleeping as much. Then you can raise the bar with training. I have found that with Lacey She picked up most thing's by the 2nd or 3rd time I tried new things with her. Like sitting before she was handed her food.
I read in the first page of this subject that Heelers were biters. I know this to be true but it isn't each and every dog. Some will no matter what you do with them but most are great family members. A lot of a way a dog is comes down to the up bringing of them. My Lacey now 13 years old can lay on the grass just out of reach from my 1st granddaughter back then, And just lay there and watch. Now add into the mix the young fella from nextdoor also. And Lacey is happy just to be close by. But the little fella from nextdoor can't even play outside alone because of their dog. A Maltease/Shizu who I have watched challenge him and I told their dog to back off, or he was going to bite the young fella. So bring up I would say most dogs in a good way you will have a good dog in return.