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Everything posted by deniseirish

  1. We use fetchboy.com.au - they advertise here and have free delivery in Melbourne, lucky for us. There's 20% off all Pro Plan at the moment, worth a look.
  2. Hi all Just looking a few moments ago on the www.fetchboy.com.au site and a new advert popped up on the home page which looks really cheap if you buy Eukanuba. $25 off until 11pm tonight - as time is short thought I'd let everyone know.
  3. If you're interested in training try Bayside Companion Dog Training School www.baysidedogs.org.au. It's a not for profit organisation run by a wonderful bloke called Terry Lack and his volunteer helpers. They meet twice a week at Hodgson Reserve, Higgins Road, Bentleigh on Thursday's 10:15 and Sunday's 9:15. There's lots of dogs for socialisation and training.
  4. What a shocking story Elfin, I'm also very sorry and worried as well as I occasionally go to the Brighton Dog Beach, in fact I was there on Monday. Our Cocker is quite timid and wouldn't stand a chance against such a dog. I'm amazed nobody said or did anything to help at the time, I would have been livid.
  5. Hi malsrock I just did a Google search on 'dog food' and have a browse. Below is one link I found, seems independent but you never quite know. You'll see Eagle Pack does get good reviews compared to the other bigger brands. http://dogfoodchat.com/royal-canin-dog-food/ Personally I'm changing from Hill's to Eagle Pack. Sezling - Where did you see the Pet Stock 20% sale? Can't see it online, is it store only? Looking it the online prices they have they're a lot more expensive than the Fetchboy site I've been looking at - advertised on this forum, check it out.
  6. I was looking for an online supplier for the eagle pack holistic Duck and was wondering where others buy from. I seen there was a new advertiser here called fetchboy, who has the Eagle pack has anyone bought from them? Hi Sue In reply to your initial question I made a small order to Fetch Boy on Thursday. I wanted to try them out as like you I hadn't seen them before but they're in Melbourne and have free delivery and pretty good prices. Happy to report the delivery arrived today and everything in order as well as the free frisbee! No Eagle Pack at the moment though.
  7. Hi all I've been researching the best dog foods and consistently Eagle Pack and Holistic Select get excellent reviews whilst the other major brands get a pasting. I've always fed Hill's SD to our Cocker, without any issues it has to be said, but I'm feeling strongly that I'll move my dog over to one of the Eagle Pack ranges. Hill's does get some very poor reviews about the quality of their ingredients but is what concerned me when I looked at the Light product I use. Can anyone explain what the difference is between the two Eagle Pack ranges - is Holistic just fancier ingredients or is there a genuine benefit? Thanks
  8. I bought off them a few months ago and it took about 2 weeks to arrive but it was the product I ordered. Their website looks very 'home made' cheap and nasty so I would be wary of that type of site in the future. I bought because the prices were good for Hill's BUT when you add on the courier charge from Sydney to Melbourne it wasn't that cheap anymore so I always look for the delivery cost now for online stores and add that to the price so you really know if it is good value or not. From my research the best sites to navigate and find what you want, and the most professional (looking at least) are Pookinuk and Fetchboy both have good delivery costs as well.
  9. Hello everyone This is my first post and I have a few dog food questions as I find it very confusing. Any help would be appreciated. We have a 4 year English Cocker, Belle, who's prone to being a little overweight. She has about a 45-1 hour walk a day but does send a lot of time snoozing around the house. She's rather timid and is more of a sniffer and potterer than a chaser so she doesn't work up a big sweat. I'm feeding her Hill's light but I've become disillusioned when I look a the ingredients. Whole grain corn is the first ingredient and chicken is only third and then it's a bye product. Everywhere I read meat should be the first ingredient so I'm think of changing - but to which brand? Ziwi peak is too expensive by the way. I've noticed Advance and Pro Plan have meat as the first ingredient but haven't checked them all yet, it's hard to know which will give the best results. Regarding online stores I've done a fair bit of research and haver some sites cheat the RRP price to make their savings look better than they are! Everythingpet.com.au for example - they're trying to con us so I'll never use them. Pookinuk and Fetchboy have the same RRP so that would seem the right one and for us in Melbourne Fetchboy have free delivery and their prices are lower on everything so I'll be giving them a go and I'll report back if they're good. I just need to know which food to buy! Thanks
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