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Everything posted by shyfig
That's interesting...my BC is 8mths old and started food and toy guarding at about 7 months also. Mainly with our male cat..... female cat can wander over and start nibbling his food and he doesn't like it but waits for me to come and move her. Same with toys. I've wondered if there can be territorial issues between males of different species. No problems with me or my older, supervised boys. So sad he had a brain tumour and had to be PTS Yes, I have seen dogs resource guard against different species. Territoriality is a different thing. Keep your dogs separated from your cats physically when feeding. There is potential for a change in your situation, the signals are very subtle, and it could be dangerous. Thanks for your very welcome advice! How would you recommend separating them? They are all inside animals.....Would feeding them separately and supervising be well enough? I could tether my BC whilst the cats are eating? I don't use or even have a crate....any recommendations about crates for BC's would be welcome also.
Has Anyone Tried Natures Gift Products
shyfig replied to shyfig's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Have actually seen cans of fish food for dogs but not kibble? Out of interest how do you feed your Border? (Or try too -
That's interesting...my BC is 8mths old and started food and toy guarding at about 7 months also. Mainly with our male cat..... female cat can wander over and start nibbling his food and he doesn't like it but waits for me to come and move her. Same with toys. I've wondered if there can be territorial issues between males of different species. No problems with me or my older, supervised boys. So sad he had a brain tumour and had to be PTS
I think "participated" would be the key factor. Did any of your children feed your dogs by themselves with you not present? I think as long as the "leader of the pack" is present supervising the process of children feeding dog... dog feels secure. Maybe it is different when the "Leader" goes out of sight or is not present with the child as appears to have happened in the Toddler's situation? Of course the Pack leader was always present as in every situation I have outlined. Including the boarding kennel owner. (My dogs respect her as well) It is one of those requirements explained earlier. Good old common sense! Exactly!!
Has Anyone Tried Natures Gift Products
shyfig replied to shyfig's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
JulesP what ingredients don't you like and why? Jed (my 8mth BC) loves the treats and thought he may take to the food as he just doesn,t like the biscuits I've given him so far. He doesn't like can food and he doesn't like much fresh meat at all. At present am using Enduro adult transitioned from Bonnie puppy. He is not an active dog and is healthy and a good weight according to the vet. So the sparse nibbling he does must be adequate...but I doubt it. He is always after the cat food but rarely gets any as I pick up bowls after animals have eaten and placed them up. -
Just wondering..... www.naturesgift.com.au
I think "participated" would be the key factor. Did any of your children feed your dogs by themselves with you not present? I think as long as the "leader of the pack" is present supervising the process of children feeding dog... dog feels secure. Maybe it is different when the "Leader" goes out of sight or is not present with the child as appears to have happened in the Toddler's situation?
Well yes he could be creating work for himself. He came from a breeder in Grafton through Dogzonline. Jed is walked a couple of klm's twice a day...and has a huge 1/4 acre block which he has full access to. My boys play with him heaps (they are 11, 13 and 15) and he is involved in eveything we do. He has 2 to 3 training sessions per day and "all the time" training as in all sorts of situations during the day can be used as training or to reinforce training. As my boys are home schooled and I don't work we are home all the time so Jed does not get left alone during the day. He has our full companionship and attention. I must say however that the "not allowed inside when naughty " tactic is working real well today. If he takes something and starts running for the door I say "Drop or out" and after several bouts outside he is now dropping the item. This may be the tactic needed!
I always try to catch Jed out and correct him before he grabs the item. Methods to abate the behaviour include...as well as a very strong NO...a handclap, water squirt, water and lemon and pepper squirt, doublesided tape, etc etc....so I am on it all the time (my boys as well) as I am consistent. His surfing isn't just limited to food items or the kitchen...they include pillows, doonas, blankets, laundry items, etc, etc. He is never unsupervised (when I have a shower or go shopping my boys take in turns supervising Jed and they also are very consistent) but he is quick or silent and stealthy! So if I allow him into my room so I can check emails etc as quick as a flash he will jump up on my bed and take a pillow or blanket or remove it very, very slowly while I am busy. I agree it is not acceptable behaviour from an 8 mth old dog.....but just can't find an answer to correct it. I am now trying the "you must stay outside if you can't behave inside" approach which will drive us mad as he bangs doors and windows.
Double sided tape has not worked with Jed! I agree keeping things out of reach is the answer. Yesterday and today we had friends stay over with their dog....it was interesting to see Jed with another dog on his territory. The other dog is male and Jed just followed him all around the house and yard for the entire two days.....funnily enough he wasn't at all interested in bench surfing or anything remotely similar. Maybe he needs a playmate??
I am having trouble figuring out how to comment on multiple replies so would everybody just accept my thanks for sharing their advice and views. Funnily enough Jed was perfectly behaved today...not one bit of bench surfing ..not one paw out of line. I think he was up all night reading the DOL forums...
Scat Mat or Zone Eventually getting a "Scoot" from www.hiddenfence.com.au which will keep him out of the main areas of offence....kitchen and my bedroom/study. Thanks for sharing these other links!
A great idea..thanks!!
My Jed (BC) is now nearly 8 months old and we have had him since 5 mths. He is an inside dog....very smart, but very persisitent. He continues to bench/table/bed surf and take things away to chew on. You name it he has taken it including a new pair of joggers that were there one minute ready to put on...gone and half chewed in the next minute (the phone rang I was distracted ) Firstly I was consistent with training him to get down when he stretches up....if he did get something I would chase until I had it back, letting him know that he it was unacceptable (strong no). Then I read that chasing may be considered a game so I saw a similar problem rectified by Dr Harry on Better Home and Gardens. It involves not chasing but trading the article with a small treat. Now this works famously with Jed ands meant he will give up a dangerous item like a knife as soon as I say "Trade". So he is very reponsive to the Trade command, to sit, heel, come, walking on lead with a halti collar....but I cannot find any effective method to stop him from surfing and taking. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Thundershirt For Dogs With Fear/anxiety Etc
shyfig replied to helen's topic in General Dog Discussion
I don't know that a box and a bag of grain would fit in my handbag!! -
Thundershirt For Dogs With Fear/anxiety Etc
shyfig replied to helen's topic in General Dog Discussion
yep that's right Shyfig its exaclty the same principle Do you find that sort of thing works wioth your boys? my boy with ASD found it incredibly calming for going to the supermarket and places like that. You might be interested in reading Temple Grandin's book "Animals in translation" in which she talks about the similarities in the way animals and people with autism experience the world :D Raineth I haven't ever tried a weighted vest with my boys but still may be on the cards for middle child. (3 boys with ASD). I'm really familiar with Temple Grandin's writings (much everything about Autism) and it's so fascinating. Temple has contributed so much to people's understanding of Autism from an autistic's own perspective. Sorry everyone haven't mean't to turn this into a thread about autism.....Raineth happy for you to pm me anytime to talk Autism. -
Thundershirt For Dogs With Fear/anxiety Etc
shyfig replied to helen's topic in General Dog Discussion
What an interesting thread! I find the discussion particularly interesting as it is sort of a familiar principle to weighted vests for people with Autism. I think I'll be getting one for my B.C Jed. I wonder if you can get them for cats? -
Enduro Complete..how Much To Feed?
shyfig replied to shyfig's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
This is a link to the Enduro site that I looked at. http://masterkarn.net/enduro_dry_dog_food.html I am in NSW and get it at my local produce store for about $42.00 for 20kg. My vet recommended it as she feeds her own dogs with it (Border Collies on her property). Personal recommendation was good enough for me particularly when she advised me not to buy their expensive vet brands. I think I misled you about the weight bit. Jed has not put the weight on since starting the Enduro (I only started him on it a couple of days ago) but since he was desexed a month ago. -
I,ve just moved my 7 mth old Border Collie from Bonnie Puppy to Enduro adult complete and he loves the Enduro. He is a very inactive 7 mth old with a very small appetite but has filled out rapidly over the last month (was desexed at 6 mths). Whereas I could see the ribs before now I can't. I don't want him to put on excess weight but need to know that he is eating enough. He eats a couple of chicken legs or lamb bones a day but has rarely touched dry food. Today he has just hoed into the Enduro which is great. Question is how do I know how much dry to feed him? I would like the dry to be the major component of his diet with bones, chicken, offal etc being a supplement.
I also would love some info if you don't mind. My email is [email protected]
Some of the most beautiful photos I've seen! Is that her bed??? And a surrogate mum to the kitten?? PRICELESS!!!
I can only say that I feel much better reading this thread as I am having similar difficulties with my 7 mth old Border Collie. Got Jed at 5 months (11th Sep) and have been persistent and consistent with toilet training , plenty of praise and treats for a "Good toilet". He has free access inside and outside until I go to bed (any time up til 2.00am) and is always taken out and told "Toilet" ...sometimes it happens ...sometimes not. (I get a bit worried that walking around the yard at ungodly hours of the morning saying "Jed, toilet" will convince the neighbours that I'm a bit loopy ). In the mornings the doors are opened between 5.00 and 7.00am. Meanwhile during the night he will wee and poop without any attempt to alert me that he needs to go out. And early in the night, as soon as it gets dark, he will start weeing inside even if he is a foot away from the open door. My boys and I have decided he is afraid of the dark. Any ideas would be appreciated. (Has weed as I speak )
Food Aggression Territoriality
shyfig replied to paddles's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
I have a 7 month old Male desexed Border Collie with the same food aggression issues with one of my two cats (who is also male). I do think this has happened however as the male cat has made life difficult for him since we got him (11th September). The cat has attacked him every time he has come close...so now if cat comes near food, toys he growls and if cat attacks then dog pursues. Our other cat (female) can eat from the dogs bowl, follow him, headcuddle him and there have been no agression between these two at all. Our dog has no issues with me giving or taking his foodbowl or toys, or adding and touching his food whilst he is eating. My three boys are also able to do this. I hope I haven't hijacked this thread but perhaps advice could benefit all. -
Oh thanks....I didn,t conciously realize I was reading a post from the breeders section. Still getting the hang of the forum!!
When they're working, yes, but they break-down often. We found the best thing to do was to put an electric fence about 4 inches from the ground around the perimeter of our yard(s) - it happily fries snakes and cane toads. One just has to remove carcasses regularly to ensure the fence isn't shorting. The only time we've had a problem is when the fence isn't working. We've also introduced Guinea Fowl and chooks who help with these vermin, plus ticks (not to mention create exciting entertaiment for the canine family). We live in Qld so desparate measures had to be taken. How do Guinea fowl and chooks help with keeping snakes away?? And would anyone know why I've had to start a new topic to reply? Each time I hit reply button at end of someones post I am told error don't have permission .