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Everything posted by strawberry

  1. Thanks, I think I am going to have to find a new vet. Not really good enough that she couldn't pin point the soreness. I have the horse vet coming today, I might get him to x-ray her then if need be I can find another small animal vet. It's just a pain in the butt as we live in a country town it's a 35 minute drive to another vet practice, but I guess it is worth it when it comes to her health.
  2. Hi, I was wondering if I could get some advice. I have a 16 week old golden retriever whom I'm pretty sure has a broken rib. It happened on Monday morning she was yelping at the top of her voice and couldn't put any weight on her right leg. She was due for her vaccinations anyway so off to the vet we go. Vet checked her over and said she was fine and not obviously sore anywhere (At this stage should could now put weight on her leg, but still had a limp), and if she was still sore in a couple of days to ring up and get some pain killers. Anyway get her home and she fell asleep on the matt then she tried to roll over and started yelping Things continued like that yesterday, little things like stepping down the step to go outside to the toilet, stretching when she wakes up all are giving her pain. My husband was checking her over last night thinking it might be her shoulder and discovered swelling on her rib and it was extremely sore to touch. To be honest I am not keen to pay for her to go back to the vet that somehow missed her rib and to be honest I am not sure there is anything they can do anyway. I was just going to ring the receptionist today and ask for some pain medication for her and make sure she has plenty of rest in the coming weeks, what do you guys think I should do? Is there anything that I can do to help her?
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