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  1. Thank you all for the replies. Will deff look at the online site and go to my vet for the swab n chip check. Mum was clear but dad was a carrier so I'm told he has a 50/50 chance to be clear or carrier of the prcd.
  2. Thank you Kirty, have you done this before? I thought the test were a blood test but it seems to be a swab from the dogs mouth, also would I order each test (PRA and FN) or would the parentage test give the same results?
  3. Hi all, Could any on recommend a vet to do these test on my English cocker spaniel. We have rang several vets locally but none are able to do them. Thank you in advance. :-)
  4. Thank you all, any recommendations from anyone who has used a behaviouist in wa please? and how much did it cost you? I did take my puppy to gsd club to the reactive class, but because she was not a purebreed they looked down thier noses at us and just kept telling me i was ripped off, chatting to the others and telling them made me feel very stupid and bad. im afraid i would never go back there.
  5. Yes please i would love the email/number i can at least call and see how much i need to save.
  6. That would be great i live in the Armadale area, any suggestions please.
  7. Beagie thank you for reply and information, i will look into the book, but i im thinking im gonna have to find the money some how and find a behaviourist, even if it takes me a few months to save for it.
  8. Thank you all for you replies. There seems to be a bit of confusion, i dont have small childen youngest is 17yrs, and the both dogs are not people aggressive. It really seems that the younger dog is tryin to dominate the older one. and when they was out they acted as a pack kind of ganging up together. Anyways in the last year and half this has only happend twice they have always been fine before that in the house sleep together eat together play together in the garden. Deff not using the e collar anymore. Have not taken them out for walks since and i have never let them off the lead either. Do you think i could go through my pet insurance for a behaviourist/trainer? And i would never rehome charlie it would deff have to be put to sleep as a last resort. How do i go about looking for a behaviourist? and would they give me a price first? i reallly do not have spare money at the moment. Thanks
  9. sorry what is pts? yes i have stopped taking the dogs out and am considering muzzling the dogs. from what i can gather on here an behaviourist costs about $250 an hour or am i wrong any help on this would be appreciated also. I do love my dogs and want what is best for them.
  10. Hi im new and this is my first post, im just about at my wits end with my gsd so would appreciate some advice from you guys. We moved over here two years ago and brought our gsd with us she is a lovely girl and is now 4 1/2years old, we had to live with my sister for eight months and she also has a gsd girl and they both got on really well, so when we moved out we decided we would get another so my girl had company whilst we was at work, We got charlie out of the paper and she was advertised for $700 with papers, we went and saw her and fell in love with her and took her home she was about 3 months old then the owner had to get rid of her as his older dog attacked her twice. needless to say the papers never came and she is not even a pure breed gsd so ripped off big time called the owner several times and was told they have put the papers in the post blah blah, in the last phone call the owner said if we dont want to keep her then just take her back and we could have our money back, but by this time we are attached to charlie and would not want her to go back there. So we took her to training classes and found that is she is a reactive dog and we have tried every thing and recently the e collar which seemed to be working, but in the mean time my 4 year old shepherd was starting to learn the bad behaviour. so i thought id put the e collar on the older dog to stop her getting aggresive she is a quick learner and will do anything to please if there is a treat at the end of it so i thought one go round the block with the collar on and she would be cured. how wrong i was she started barking at this man whom was walking down the street carryin something on his head so the collar gave her a little zap as it was on the lowest level and she just attacked charlie the younger dog i could not get them apart i was shouting at them but neither listen to me they eventually came apart and the younger dog had cuts on her head and neck but no serious damage done and it was weird because the older dog started to lick her as if to feel sorry for her. anyway needless to say i took them both straight home and we havent been out since i feel a bit scared by it all. my husband thinks im being cruel by keep taking them out he says that charlie is too scared to be outside and that we should just leave them at home, we do have a big garden and they have great fun running around chasing each other. now this morning the younger dog attacked the older dog for going to greet my daughter when she got up from bed. i got out of bed so fast and shouted and pointed out to them both to which they listen and obeyed. O i should say that charlie is now 20 months old, and they seem so close most of the time grooming each other and meal times they get fed at the same time deff no aggression with food what so ever. charlie does dig holes in the yard and im trying to stop that by telling her with a firm no whilst im filling them in, but she starts shakin and runs away cowering. we have never hit her and she has only just started to trust my husband when he calls her to him, also she would always pee herself when any men would come around and try to say hello to her. that has now stopped and she seems to be abit more confident in herself. I cannot afford and trainer or behavioust so relying on help here and maybe some products i could buy? hope i havent rambled too much but dont know what elser to do. O one more thing both females are desexed.
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