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Everything posted by jeb5

  1. Hi Luckypup Hope this site will be of assistance Croydon & District Obedience Dog Club Postal Address: PO Box 465 Croydon 3136 Training Location: Silcock Reserve, William Road Croydon VIC 3136 (03) 9725 4909 Clubhouse telephone 9723 7194 - Sunday 9am to Noon only Have no personal knowledge of the Club but feel certain they will look after you and your Rally O aspirations. Good to hear you have an interest in Rally O it's a great sport for all involved, especially our Canine Mates Cheers
  2. Southside Dog Obedience Club at Runcorn is holding a Rally O Ribbon Event on Sunday 15th May 2011 with 12 noon start. This will run along with the Obedience Trial which commences 10.00 am. Come along and enjoy the FUN of Rally O There's recently been some excellent entries, some in excess of 20, in Rally O Ribbon Events throughout Queensland with Cairns, Townsville, Hervey Bay, Toowoomba, Redlands and Gold Coast Clubs all running hugely successful days in conjunction with their Obedience Trials. There's heaps more to come in Queensland so watch this space.
  3. Hi All Great that Tassie is running competitions, the more the better. Bet they're real good days. Heard there was a Rally O Seminar in Sydney recently for any interested parties but have no info. Anyone hear what came out of this Seminar?
  4. Promising it is. Rally O is now "An Approved ANKC Activity." We are able to run Rally O Ribbon Events and Queensland now has 28 scheduled for 2011, but what of the other States? Things do not just happen, it takes people to make it happen, so let's hear soon that there is to be more activity in States other than the "Sunshine State." Yes things are still moving here despite floods & cyclones and Rally O is really taking off. A little imagination and any Club can run a Rally O Ribbon Event Will post a list of Queensland Events soon as more are still coming in at this stage Life's good
  5. Hi Dandybrush http://www.southsideobedience.webs.com/training.htm is the website address for Southside Dog Obedience Club. All the details you seek are on this Website and we look forward to hearing from you soon. The Club's ethos is such that the welfare of our dogs is paramount and we treat them with the respect they deserve. Cheers for now.
  6. I have just been informed all reps have voted yes and we are just waiting on the ANKC HI Rally Valley Is this just the reps in WA or is it all States?
  7. Hi Dandybrush The fees at Runcorn are more than reasonable and you will get very individual coaching Look forward to seeing you
  8. Hi These Clubs in the Brisbane area currently teach Rally O within their Class Structures:- Southside at Runcorn, Logan at Kingston, Brisbane at Oxley, Caboolture at Caboolture with Metro commencing early 2011. A little further away and Toowoomba are now highly involved in Rally O. Several of our Clubs have been hit by the floods and may not be back up to speed as quickly as normal after the Christmas recess so our best wishes go out to them. There is a calendar full of dates on which Queensland Clubs are running Rally O Ribbon Events with 26 confirmed events and more to come.
  9. Hi Not sure where you are in NSW but I believe Port Macquarie Club has commenced Rally O Cheers
  10. Hi Good to hear Rally O is going well in NZ. Things are really exploding in Queensland big time. There is a Rally O Workshop planned for 20th March 2011, run by The Rally O Working Party, with more to come during the year. In addition, at least 23 Rally O Ribbon Events are confirmed throughout the State to be run by Clubs for 2011 with lots more that will be confirmed soon. This is all good for Teams competing, Clubs & Stewards running the Events and Prospective Judges honing their skills. We're going to be ready for 2012. The Rally O Working Party in Queensland is working overtime to ensure the success of this sport and working with the Proposed Rules under consideration by ANKC. The momentum is really gathering speed, so how about some of you other States getting going with Rally O? It's all good.
  11. Queensland has set up a Rally O Working Party with the brief of implementing Rally O as a recognised sport. This Working Party operates under the guidance of Dogs Queensland's Obedience Sub Committee which is a forward thinking, progressive body. RALLY OBEDIENCE KNOWN AS “RALLY O” There is a proposal before the ANKC to introduce Rally O as a recognised sport in Australia. This has generated a large response from both Clubs and Members alike in Queensland. A committee has, therefore, been formed in Queensland to assist in the introduction of Rally O and oversee, among others, the following vital components:- •The criteria, selection and training of Judges including examinations. •Seminars for Rally O Judges Training. •The interpretation of rules and how to adjudicate these rules including the compilation of score sheets. •Course Design and setting out including how to “nest” Courses for the respective levels. •Design and use of worksheets for scoring. •Inform prospective competitors the standard required to qualify and achieve in Rally O. •Instruct the requirements for exercises in Rally O that are not a part of Obedience Trialling. The main aim of the Committee is to ensure that uniformity is achieved in all Clubs and that the rules are both adjudicated and interpreted correctly. 1.In order to achieve the desired outcomes it is proposed that Seminars will be held to demonstrate in a “hands on” manner all aspects of Rally O. Seminars may include the design and setting up of courses, instruction on Rally O exercises not in the Obedience Trialling schedules, how to run a Rally O Trial, how to steward a Rally O Trial and the finer points of handling. 2.In order to gain maximum benefit from the work put in, the Committee is looking at co-ordinating a programme of Seminars and Ribbon Events to achieve that maximum benefit. We, therefore seek your considered input as to how this might be best achieved. 3.At present, Ribbon Events may be conducted by Clubs, possibly in conjunction with Obedience Trials, where prizes may be awarded but no official recognition given to any scores achieved. These Ribbon Events will be a vital part of the learning process for Clubs, Competitors and Judges alike and the experience thus gained ensure a smooth transition into Rally O as a recognised sport. How will Rally O benefit your Club? •Rally O will be “Stepping Stone” into the Obedience Trial ring and teach handlers the skills required to be successful in both disciplines. Club Members will learn that they CAN compete. •Rally O will put a safety net under the loss of Members at a premature stage. They will be attracted to Rally O in its less formal format than Obedience Trialling. These newer Members might very well take part in Rally O and even become Club Instructors. •Rally O will generate an atmosphere of camaraderie amongst Club Members with an exciting new sport in which they can participate. They will help one another, and hence their Club, attain a high degree of competence. •These Club members may very well take on roles within the Club structure and help in the week by week running of their Club. We all need good helpers don’t we? This Working Party has conducted 3 hugely successful Seminars/Workshops recently in and around the Brisbane area with attendees from as far away as Cairns, Townsville, Ingham & Mackay. We have a panel of around 35 Prospective Rally O Judges who will hone their skills during 2011 at Rally O Ribbon Events which Clubs have scheduled to run in conjunction with Obedience Trials. The Rally O Working Party is following the Proposed Rules for Rally O under consideration by ANKC based on CKC Rules. Only the highest degree of competence will be accepted by this Working Party for the accreditation of Rally O Judges and the quality of work by teams in competition. As an aside Queensland uses the term Rally O Ribbon Event rather than "Mock Trial." There is nothing "mock" about Rally O nor the standard of workmanship required. Great to see Tassie involved to a high degree, let's get more States on board soon
  12. Interesting to note the Proposed Rally O Rules under consideration by ANKC state:- "18 Fast Pace-Dog and handler must speed up noticeably. This must be followed by a Normal Pace." "17 Slow Pace-Dog and handler must slow down noticeably. This must be followed by a Normal Pace unless it is the last station on the course." It would appear that fast Pace through the finish line is not permissible.
  13. See what you mean about a less busy forum. Will now use Dog Sports Forum What great work in Tassie.
  14. Seems the topic of Rally O gets lost in other forums Let's bring it to the fore with debate, dates of upcoming Rally O Events, Course Designs and anything Rally O It's moving BIG TIME, get on board now
  15. Queensland is leading the way with Rally O It's taking off BIG TIME A Rally O Working Party, under the guidance of Obedience, Tracking, Endurance & Agility Sub Committee has been formed to ensure the high standards required are met when Rally O becomes a "Titled" sport. Workshops will be conducted throughout 2011 to bring all aspects of the sport up to speed in readiness for the sport's recognition by ANKC. "Google" Queensland State Trials Working Party and go to Articles for Triallers for more detailed info. There are at least 20 Rally O Ribbon Events planned for 2011 with at least 20 more certain to be added. The Clubs in FNQ are again leading the way with Rally O Ribbon Events planned for Townsville, Tablelands (Atherton), Ingham and Cairns all ready to go. Brisbane Metropolitan Clubs that have confirmed Rally O Ribbon Events for 2011 include Logan (in February 2011), Caboolture, Southside (Double Header), Redcliffe & Redlands with Toowoomba, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Hervey Bay and Maryborough a little further away all rarin' to go. Prospective Judges will adjudicate these events with other Prospectives Judges in attendance learning the finer points of Judging under the guidance of Rally O Working Party Members. The whole scenario is one big learning curve. Stewards (so important in our comps) will be learning, Club Administrators will be learning the necessary procedures, Course Design and set up will be a feature, teams will learn the high standard our Judges will not only demand but insist upon when competing. A list is under compilation of Rally O Ribbon Events to be held in Queensland during 2011 and will be published soon as Watch this space
  16. Queensland Clubs are showing the way with Rally O. Sunshine Coast Ribbon Event on 24th October 2010 and now Gold Coast on 17th October 2010 are holding a Ribbon Event. Things are starting to move big time in Queensland, time for our Brissie Clubs to get more involved. Must mention both Townsville & Cairns who ran events some time ago to spark the imagination and Townsville has events planned for 2011.
  17. Sunshine Coast Dog Obedience Club are holding a Rally O Training day on Sunday 24th October 2010 commencing 9.30am. All welcome to what promises to be a great day for us and our dogs. There will be 2 Courses to run and token prizes on offer for Teams on the day so come along and join in the fun of this fast growing sport in the Sunshine State.
  18. Ipswich Dog Obedience Club & Redlands Dog Obedience Club, both in the Brisbane area, are holding Rally O evenings on Wednesday 29th September 2010 for beginners. Come along and have some fun in this new sport with your best mate. BTW the recent seminar at Redlands Club was a huge success and enjoyed by all in attendance. Rally O is really starting to take off in Queensland.
  19. Just to let anyone in the Brisbane area and those close enough who doesn't already know, Redlands Dog Obedience Club is holding a Rally O Seminar on Sunday 29th August commencing 10.00am at Judy Holt Park, Bailey Road, Birkdale. Understand there will be 2 Courses to run, so bring along your best mate for a fun day out and learn the fundamentals of this great new sport (in Oz anyway). Give your dog and yourself a hige experience and try the Courses.
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