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Everything posted by Freckles

  1. hmmm must be that time for it as my 7mth old got in trouble with his bit too yesterday. Ice pack didn't work, neither did the vegetable oil spray. BUT when I turned my back to call a friend for advice he set about licking off the oil and got himself sorted, thankfully as her next suggestion didn't impress me at all
  2. awww poor Top. Life is so unfair when your favorite thing in life is taken away to keep you pain free. May he be able to chase those bags a little bit longer.
  3. well seems I have to keep an eye on this thread more often doesn't it PC. Seems we for what really excites my little Drummer Boy PC, he has completely crashed on the lounge now and is snoring so loud it's not funny anymore Thanks again for convincing me to let him run with Top
  4. I pinched your photo as an example of layering in Photoshop the edited version over the original and then removing the edited sky so the true version you like is revealed. You can also do other editing to brighten or darken or even completely change the colour of the original sky to just how you want it and again layer the edited scene shot over that too.
  5. ahhhh a new beagle baby owner AND a local. If you really want to do the puppy pre school thing, I would suggest Vets @ Acacia Gardens who are on Quakers Hill PWY just next to the big chicken farm. The off lead park at Rouse Hill is a nice one and I have been known to visit there with my girls. I haven't been for a little while as I have a 6mth old Pointer now too and don't want him exposed to any bad experiences. When he is a little older we may venture back there but usually when it's quiet. Can I also suggest you look at Blacktown Kennel Club Training for obedience work when pup turns 4mths old. They have loads of beagles in their classes and their technique works really well with beagles and all the other breeds. It's a nice place to learn with your dog. Now if I read it right, you have an older BC but she doesn't live with you, right? beagles are very pack orientated and don't cope well on their own for extended periods. Do one of you work from/ stay home? if pup is left alone for hours while you both work, you may encounter destructive or barking/howling behavior. I have looked after a fair few single beagles who were handed in for unwanted behavior and when put in my home with other dogs and me at home all day they were dream dogs. So if your pup is to be an only dog, you may need to look into distraction techniques early to prepare your self and pup so unwanted behavior doesn't set in. OR get a second beagle in 4-6mths for company if you ever have any questions or want a few well mannered beagles to have a play with pup (sorry what IS pups name?) just pm me and we can have a play date to keep pup socialised and safe. Welcome to the wonderful world of beagles.
  6. Freckles


    In 2 months it will be the 6th anniversary of the passing of one of mine and I can tell you it still brings me to tears even now. I found a statue before she passed that you would swear was modeled off of her image. It sits above my screen on a shelf and I look at it every day and have a chat with her (sad? maybe but I still feel her here). You have a big heart CB and I bet you will feel this pain for many years to come sadly. But that is the testament to just how much Carli and Bubby meant to you. Ok I am crying for you now too. Sorry I'm not much help am I
  7. Freckles


    I'm sure they are both sitting up there watching over you CB. it is hard to not think of passed love ones without feeling deep pain so cry as much as you need to. Anyone who as been in your shoes will understand. Those who don't have never had the special bond you shared with your fur kids. Go give Brydee and Desmo an extra big hug. They will make you feel a little better, till they get into more trouble when you will wonder why you are doing it all again Hugs to you and your family CB. May your pain be less with every passing day
  8. WP, do you use photobucket? you can add borders with that very easily if it's just to finish them off to add them here :rolleyes:
  9. hmm my first double post. Is this a bad sign
  10. well if her head really does turn backwards like in that pic I won't be going anywhere NEAR her, regardless of how cute she is
  11. No worries Cara. Looking forward to seeing you and getting to meet the brat (oops meant pup) next weekend.
  12. Cara, training starts the minute you bring a puppy home! Holle will be fine in your back yard. In reality, she has as much chance of catching something out there as she has in your house. you are best keeping her out of the front yard and away from streets and parks where unknown dogs wonder/play. When you want Holle to come or you want to pick her up and she runs away, walk backs away from her and use an irresistibly excited voice so she turns to look at you and WANTS to come to you. If you continue to chase her she wins every time. Just don't forget to praise her coming to you. I would put Holle away during meal times if she is being a right pain, use her crate and give her a favorite toy to entertainer herself with. IF she is pestering you while you are having snacks, try sitting up at the bench away from where she can get to you (I'm sure it would keep mum happy too LOL). As she settles and gets a little older and basic manners come in you can work on teaching her to leave you alone during meal times. With the biting, try getting her to focus her chewing on a toy. If she runs up and grabs your hand remove your hands for a second and then offer her something you DO want her to chew on. She should get the idea pretty quickly that fingers aren't chew toys and when you start show training they will introduce her to being checked over and help teach you to teach her that she must have her mouth opened without chewing the fingers. Again she will settle with time and basic training too. She is coming to the show next weekend with you yeah? S&C, Pixie and I can give you some tips and help you out with some hands on too. The suggestion of contacting your breeders is also a good one. Main thing is, don't worry, she is young but VERY trainable and OH SO CUTE!!! Edited as I hit reply too soon
  13. I am so sorry you had to make that decision CB, but it was in his best interest and ultimately, the kindest thing you could ever do for him. When you look at the whole story, you saved him twice in his short life with your family. He went knowing he was really loved that's for sure. Take care and huge that goof ball Brydee just that little bit tighter till you're ready to start healing. RIP big boy. Take care of all those who have gone before you and go give Carli hell.
  14. that is a beautiful tribute and I am now sitting her in tears. You are lucky to have so many lovely memories of the beautiful lady who touched your life griff ;) nicely put together GayleK
  15. Kaz, I'm so sorry to read this. He was a lovely boy and updates on him will be sadly missed. RIP boy, go chase those cats over the bridge till your hearts content.
  16. my guys thrive on Great Barko but recently the stores around me have been deleting it from their lines. There is still one place who has the Uncle Alber's, so Pixie and I threatened the owner with death if he stops keeping that in supply for us. I think Pixie would go through with it too as her boy is looking fab on the stuff and it doesn't break the bank
  17. Can I ask North West of where? Maybe we can point you in the direction of classes that will take you both in now instead of waiting till next year.
  18. brush farm is near Eastwood next to the netball courts on the corner of Marsden Rd and Lawson St
  19. Oh and please remember we have young viewers so no "bedroom" toys either ok
  20. You could also try the Blacktown Kennel club who train on Tuesday nights at Doonside. I'm starting there with my pup next month. They have intro nights on the first Tuesday of the month.
  21. stay strong vibes are being sent from my house to those who need them most. Hugs to you too kja for your loss. i only said to a friend yesterday, sometimes the wrong people are just taken way too soon and life is not fair. May those 2 souls who touched your life rest in peace till they are reunited with all their loved ones again.
  22. yes please do let us in on the suppressant if you find one. You could make a fortune ummm over 4kgs of chicken wings in 2 beagles made a LOAD of poop let me tell you. But near as much as an 8kg bad of dry cheapo food kind hearted person brought for the fosters I had at the time (they couldn't foster them self so thought helping buy food was a way to help out. God bless them, their heart was in the right place atleast) I had put the bag in the trailer to take to the tip (where it belongs) and forgotten about it. The beagles eventually found it and worked out how to get to it and ate almost all the bag of food while I was out one day. I was sooo worried looking at the size of them and got them to regurgitate a fair bit. Then they looked at me for MORE food I don't think they will ever learn when enough is enough
  23. hehe if I didn't know what breed you were talking about I'd swear you were talking about beagles. This sounds just like my two girls and I am yet to find anything to fill them enough to stop them. Mine have opened the out side fridge too and helped themselves to nearly 5 kgs of chicken wings. I now have a jockey strap on the handle to keep them out. But they must have had at least 2 kgs each of these wings and STILL wanted more. So sorry I am no help what so ever, but thought you'd like to know you are definitely not alone.
  24. bhahahaha YOU suggested the fork and I suggested shoes, so I'm out of this weeks suggestions too
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