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Everything posted by Freckles

  1. I'm tossing up bathing the dogs NOW or getting up at 6am to bath them? Hmmm I think an early morning bath will do cause then they will smell lovely and can dry off in the back of the car, rather than crating them wet over night on such a cold night. I'm so looking forward to this weekend
  2. yay, will definitely bump into you then at some stage PM. So watch out
  3. PM we are planning on arriving about noon to set up for the 2pm start. Then 2 shows on Saturday and an early Sunday morning start before we head home again around lunch time. Hope you plan on popping over at some stage, YES? PC I have heard it is already pretty full, but then, compared to EP, it may be nothing to us
  4. but we can have a bit of sun and a nice COOL breeze too. Just tired of rain and wet feet.
  5. I think I'm glad we aren't heading up tonight then. Just hope there is enough space for us to set up without having to go too far out of the way. Now will someone PLEASE bring back the sun!!!!!
  6. jessm, I don't have a spare or an original either. BUT I could print the pages needed from the web site if noone else can help you out. I would be lost without my web access. Just email DogsNSW and they can get you access quick smart for future mix ups.
  7. PC we will need to start setting up in the working ring soon. OR split our camp and have a gazebo at either ring side
  8. Fiona, the conformation show on Friday starts at 2pm and will hopefully be over by the time the Obedience starts at 6pm. Then on Saturday we have 2 conformation shows, the early morning one starts at 8:30am and the afternoon show starts at 4pm. The Obedience starts at 6pm again so some people may miss out if they clash on Saturday afternoon.
  9. not long home from our show tonight. I'm very pleased to say my young man Matt was awarded Minor of Breed even in all his nakedness. He bombed out last week and my OH asked if I should maybe consider pulling him till he grows coat. I guess beating 4 others for Breed tonight showed that it really is luck of the draw to what else the judge sees in the dog other than coat. Oh and he was short listed and got a second run in the sweepies. We missed out though. But I'm still pleased he got a look in. Can't wait to see how he goes when his coat comes back in
  10. SB it's at Erskine Park and is the Dogs NSW Lib & Archives Show.
  11. no not completely abandoning them PC, see Mary is still in my signature Besides, I have to stay in good with the gundog people as I'll probably spend more time sitting around that ring waiting since ACDs are in and out so early on. I just need to remeber to watch the working ring for groups if Matt continues on his winning way
  12. she's gorgeous Deb. Gotta love the working breeds OK so mine not a small soft puppy fluff puppy BUT here is my new ring mate Kombinalong The Eagle Is Super It's going to be interesting getting picks of him as all he wants to do is sit in my lap But we will work on it. Fingers crossed I got his entries in in time for Morisset too.
  13. *tries to run from thread but is frozen with fear* WHY do I keep coming into these threads? EVIL EVIL EVIL!!!!
  14. or does DogsVIC have a members section where you can view the show gazette online? I rely on the members link in DogsNSW due to the fact I have trouble getting my gazette delivered on time or at all.
  15. how was Sugar today PC? I felt bad for her mum yesterday and hope she got over what ever it was that had her on edge. I'm sure Morgie and Matty will quickly become best buds. Mary will be there too though for Morgie to roll and nom on so it's all good
  16. I do this all the time and it's just become a part of our routine to be put last in the line up. BUT there is the odd occasion when you least expect it that a judge WILL put you up and when they do they usually really like your dog and you stand a good chance in Group class too NOW I have some news. I have a new puppy Meet Kombinalong The Eagle is Super aka Matty. I have admired Matty since he made his debut at the Dalwood dog show 3mths ago and his breeder offered him to me last weekend at Spring Fair. My jaw hit the ground when she did because I have joked several times in the last 3mths that he would pinched and she shouldn't look at me to find him. I went out and picked him up today and rushed home to fill in some entries AND I'm hoping to get late entries accepted for Morrisett for him. Either way he will be coming up even if just to socialize while Mary goes around. I'm so in love and still keep waiting to wake up from this dream.
  17. thanks Aziah. Yeah Sammy, I felt something niggling at me all night and just couldn't rest. I should have checked the forum before bed and then I would have known that not only were they taling about me, but they were yelling at me too Hope you feel better Sammy. Will be a big weekend down in Sydney and the last thing you need ontop of the weather is to be feeling off colour. Right off to do those entries now
  18. can someone just point me to the right gazette so I can find the details to enter please.
  19. YEAH FRECKLES MORRISET 19TH and 20TH!! I got up this morning after restless nights sleep. I think I just found the reason why OK OK I'll go put enteries in now for Morriset.
  20. I knew I'd miss a breed, sorry AS yes Sammy, my 2 will be showing all 3 days.
  21. OK sorry I don't know what everyone is after but if you want to know just ask Pointers on Friday 5, Saturday 9 and Sunday 11 Corgi Pembroke Friday 9, Saturday 7 and Sunday 9 Pugs Friday 11, Saturday 32 and Sunday 16 Bullmastiff Friday 3, Saturday 3 and Sunday 2 Oh and 1 specail Field on Friday and Sunday only
  22. No worries guys. If you find the trigger that works for training, you can go on and do competition obedience. Most of the trainers there do competition level obedience too. It can be very rewarding and a great deal of fun
  23. I'm only 1 suburb over from the training field and have used them earlier this year myself. They are a fantastic club and all the training members we worked under were easy going and right on top of any thing that happened. if I ever have another bight pup to work with I'll be heading straight back there to train and socialise my pup. They are a bit slow on the email replies but don't let that put you off. head out on the first Tuesday of the month (Oct 6th) without your dog but take the dogs vaccination records if you want to sing him/her up to start training the following week. You fill in a form, they make suggestions on the best equipment to use for training and you pay your fee. Then you turn up the following Tuesday and are put in the beginners class with all the other new members or those who have not yet passed (very unlikely anyone will be held back). Their main aim on the training nights is to train YOU to work with your dog. Moving up the grades depends on how often you want to work out side of the Tuesday night sessions and reinforce the lessons you learn. The more home work you do, the better your dog will respond and up you go to the next level. You can use a flat collar or a check chain it's entirely up to you. They won't allow prong collars or head halters but they explain all this at the intro meeting. You just need to turn up at training with your dog, collar and lead, poo bags and a full bait bag if you are using food rewards. They encourage food rewards so don't be scared to treat. Good luck with your new dog and enjoy training, where ever you end up.
  24. Freckles


    Juice, I am so sorry you had to make the decision for him. I know just how you feel having been there earlier this year myself Run free Jed and give my boy hell when you catch up with him.
  25. Nala you can also pick up Uncle Albers from World for Pets on Windsor road as you head out to Hawkesbury pound. They keep plenty on hand as Pixie and I are always in there (with 8 dogs between us to feed) and beg them not to stop keeping it.
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