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Everything posted by stathipaxinos

  1. Thank you everyone for your advice. I will follow up on the information you have given me and hopefully we can find a suitable solution for him. dancinbcs, he does not like any of his nails being worked on - or his feet as a whole for that matter. If a blower is used to dry his feet after he's had a wash, it looks as though he is doing a dance on a hot tin roof :-) However, it is only the dew claws that are problematic because the others are kept to a reasonable length from the wear from the cement in the backyard and on walks etc Thanks again everyone
  2. Thanks very much for that information, Haredown Whippets and Airedaler. I will look into that. Thanks again
  3. Hi there, My understanding was that it was going to be a general. They gave us instructions not to feed him after 6pm the previous day and limit his water intake in the morning. But I will check with the vet to be sure and ask if a sedative would do the job. Thanks again for your advice
  4. Hi there, We have tried various ways to distract him ie through treats etc while someone 'sneaks up' (so to speak) to clip the nails but he tends to catch onto things after the first attempt and doesn't fall for it again :-) We haven't specifically tried the method you suggested so when we go back to the vet next week we'll see if they can give that a go. Hopefully that might work. Thanks very much for the suggestion.
  5. Hi there, I am just a member of the public that occasionally keeps an eye on these forums and I was hoping to get some advice about a dog grooming issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. My dog’s front dew claws need to be clipped as they are getting a bit long. The trouble is he is large dog (35kg) and is VERY foot shy and groomers always have trouble trying to do it. I took him to the vet recently and they could not do them as he got too upset. He was not aggressive, but just became really scared as soon as he saw the clippers and even with a vet nurse helping the vet, he would continue to pull his feet away from them. They have recommended sedating him in order to clip the nails. I am a bit worried about this though. I don't like the thought of putting him under for a seemingly simple procedure. Can you tell me if this is common or is there an alternative that we should look at. We live in East Doncaster in Melbourne. Thanks again for your time
  6. Hi there, This is not intended as self-promotion :-) but I thought some of you might be interested in a feature story about homeless and their pets that we also ran in The Age newspaper last Saturday. The issue is getting more media coverage and hopefully the increasing awareness will help welfare groups continue to improve the situation for all. Here is the link if you are interested ... http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/friends-indeed-when-life-goes-off-the-rails-20121207-2b12m.html Thank you for your time Stathi
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