mini girl
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Everything posted by mini girl
Wish I was this perfect!!!!!
If your bitch is a good producer then I would not stuff up her hormone cycle by terminating. Have the puppies. Hopefully you can register them. For sure you can find good homes for them. Good luck, it's not the end of the world and ignore all the tsk tskers Thanks lilli you have helped cheer me up as have some others my girl is sitting at my feet now so contented and if she does have pups and they all have to be just pets so be it there will be some happy people out there from it all. Sometimes things happen for a reason so will just accept it and get on with it. Only yesterday had an enquiry from a man very much wanting a mini but told him none to late next year - maybe not.
Thanks for the information. These two have had two litters before with some very nice results. And I would have seriously thought about letting her have a litter when she came in if it had been at the time it should have been In another 6 weeks which would have made the time fine. I will throw myself on the mercy of the cccq dogs Queensland and see what they say firstly and take it from there it's not as if they are dogs of different breeds or related just the time thing. I know rules are so very important but surely there are lots of accidents walking around even two legged ones. Can only try and see what the say.
How far along are they when they do this is it fairly early. Is it with an injection.
Would be interested to hear just how an abortion effects the mother dog. To be honest just the thought of it fills me with horror also interested to know if an aborted dog was able to go on and have a litter in the future without problems. Will ring my repro vet and see what he says but at this time of year it may be hard to get an answer. He has said to me in the past that dogs should be bred young and also read a lot on the waiting periods before another litter as not always in the best interest of the mother dog. Will try and ring dogs Qld tomorrow and see what they say but they may not be there either at this time of year. Hope someone out there may have first hand knowledge of how they would react. To be honest I feel my girl will have no bad effects from having a litter she is fit and healthy and a very good temperament which makes for a good mother. I always give my mothers excellent care and have very good vets to call on. Will not let her near the boy again may not be much help but will hope for a smaller litter from just one tie if I go ahead.
Feeling really bad about this and have just done a google on termination but they do carry risks it seems I do try very hard to be responsible and would never wish to put my dogs in any bad situation Will definitely ring dogs Qld and ask what they feel is best to do. It's upset me really but will try and get as you say the best possible result under the circumstances. Did want to breed this girl one last time not just now. She is fit and healthy and I feel will cope with a litter again as only 5 weeks short of the time frame - our dogs live in the house with us and I have got through many seasons before without a problem just an unfortunate thing that happened this time.
I have just witnessed an accidental tie with my girl and boy - not planned at the moment - my girl came into season about 7 weeks early - another of my girls was in and guess it must have brought her in early and so if pups eventuate it will be about 6 weeks short of the 2 litters only in 18 months. Have heard horror stories about terminating and don't want to go down this path but don't want to not register the pups either - pretty sure there will be pups never missed before with this pair. Its all a bit of a drama to me - not the puppies but don't want to get into a lot of trouble with the CCCQ Dogs Qld - it happened once to me before a few years ago and they let me register the pups but gave me a bit of a chastising in a letter - will they be reasonalble a second time or not - will ring them and see what they say but wondered if anyone else has had this happen was so careful but with the silly season and all it only took a minute of inattention and a wilful girl who managed to get over the barrier and not forgetting a more than willing boy ofcourse. My girl is in excellend health and hasn't stopped smiling and wagging her tail since it happened. Wish I was as happy about it.
How Much Is Fair To Board A Pup For 2 Weeks
mini girl replied to mini girl's topic in General Dog Discussion
Thanks everyone just hate to ever take advantage of anyone -
I am a registered breeder and a friend has a litter of pups. I referred some sales to her and one lady wanted a pup very much but were to go on holidays for two weeks from when the pup is 8 weeks and the breeder of the pups will also be going always a couple of days after this. I said I would be willing to help out and board the pup for what I thought was a week but looks like now two weeks . Spoke to the new owner to be on the phone tonight and have agreed to collect the pup from his breeder and keep him here for the two weeks . I said I would charge $12 a day a fellow breeder usually charges $15 a day to board dogs . I am hoping the lady does not think I am being too expensive but the pup will be treated as I treat my own pups when I have them and will start his training for toilet etc. he will be 10 weeks when collected. If I had bred him myself I probably wouldn't charge but am now feeling a bit guilty about asking $12 a day but as any one knows a new pup is quite a bit of work even though I love pups but it will be over Christmas etc just would like to hear any opinions i am not a big breeder and my 4 dogs live in the house with us so he will be part of the family while here .
Had an email re pet proctector a disk that your pet wears and offers 2 years protection for fleas and ticks - I would love to think this is true as the cost is only $49.00 a lot less than all the other chemical products - which to be ho0nest I hate having to use - just would like to know if anyone has used it and does it work.
Had an email for this product a disk that is to keep fleas and ticks away - sounds too good to be true but has anyone used it and does it work - if it did it would be amazing.
Thank God we have noses and lips!!!! Yes I always do it and not missed yet.
Every single time you type that I do it :D Sorry not adding to the thread but it makes me laugh every time :) But it is so true!!!!I just did it again too. I find it even looks different when ready!! sort of a bit droopy.
If he is experienced should be ok - when she will stand for him it should happen without too much of a problem - but be close at hand to hold her and calm her down while tied - hope you don't get a screamer - have one that lets the whole world know - nearly died the first time this happened but was reassured by a lot of dol forum users that some girls do this - only one ever had this happen with but just in case you will know it can happen. If he is a first timer it may take a while - had to have an assisted mating with one of my males the first time but the next time he knew exactly what to do. There are lots of Youtube videos of dogs mating which will give you an idea of what to expect - look at this one or do a seach of dogs first time mating see if any come up that may help.Good idea about having a friend to make the coffee - sometimes the tie seems endless!!! Good luck with it.
Yes spelt it wrong it is Protexin paste in a 30gr tube giving the a bit in their mouth it is jelly like will see how we go. Thanks everyone will continue to give a little twice a day.
Do you give it to all puppies just to keep healthy or only if you see a problem
Have read about protexan on this forum so many times and bought a 30 gr tube have two litters at present 4 weeks and 2 and a half weeks had to wean the big guys as the mother of the younger litter was not up to it and so the young ones are being fed by the other mother. Do you use it to help firm up the poo and how often the 4 week ones are eating four meals a day divetelact, soaked advance puppy food and a little raw mince they are all going really well but some have poo that is a bit soft not runny but not firm as yet . The younger pups are going pretty good but a couple had poo that seemed a bit runny Do you think I should give them some protexan and how often says on the tube for puppies 1 gr
Good luck with the little one - I wonder if it is possible she has a different father and is a finer built pup than the others - but should be gaining weight - poor little girl hope it works out for her.
She does have this but I do have to put her in with the small ones but she will stay and feed as long as I sit with her got up to do this through the night just now hope she will start mothering by herself
As previously wrote had part of another litter to care for and now all 7 pups are with me to be reared. My girls litter is nearly 4 weeks all going great and I am now trying to get them to eat which is going the way it usually does but should be fine in another couple of days. The other litter is nearly 2 weeks and my girl is nothing short of a super mum she is willing to feed these pups but does not lick them or clean them so I am doing this I would like some advice on a few things though never had to do this before. Is it fine to put my girl with the new pups every four hours and then leave them from about 10.30pm to about 5 or 6 am over night my girl would probably get in with her own pups then but they still need some milk from mum. How often do you toilet the new pups. After every feed with a warm damp face cloth How often should I let my girl go to her own pups to feed don't want to run my girl down Have put collars on the new pups and weighed them all so will keep an eye on their weight gain The new pups all seem pretty good a couple a bit smaller but now will make sure they get first share Am looking after my girl giving her calcium and a very good diet and she seems to be coping well Both litters are sleeping and seem healthy but still a while to go. Has anyone had a situation like this before.
Just an update took the pup to all night vet 1 am where she still is now 5 am she had a high temp also one eye was infected but had a phone call just a little while ago and she is going well temp coming down been having half feeds hourly and eye responding to treatment and now sleeping. I had Not noticed the eye but the lovely vet pointed it out and you could see a swelling in the infected eye but eye s not open as yet not ever had this in a pup before. They will ring us back later this morning said a good idea to have all pups checked and they will show us how to tube feed . the three other pups that are here are with my girl and all look good sleeping and drinking. Hope the three pups still with the birth mother are ok. She'd had 7 pups. Will start feeding my own pups when they wake up.
That one puppy still crying have put her on my girl but not that interested at 9 days do you think it's she is missing her own mother the othe 3 are fine
My girl had 5 pups now 3 weeks and 2 days all been going well but a good friends dog who I bred had her first litter 9 days ago but she had a difficult birth with the first pup but the rest came ok but she went off her food and today showed signs of eclampsia we took her to the vet who gave her a calcium shot and suggested she not continue to feed the pups so we have brought 4 of the largest to my girl who was happy to accept them and in the morning I will start feeding her own pups as they should be well able to cope with food now all up on their feet and doing well. We have the two cages side by side and my girl has been in with both litters tonigh. The new pups are ok but one was unsettled and crying a bit. Have sat with them for a whle now and she is on a teat and now quiet Will see how we go My friend will hand feed the other 3 pups and this is the first and last litter she will have. My girl was born to be a mother and has had 5 litters and was good every time she is the one who helped my other girl when she had such a big litter and took on mothering and even got milk. That one pup has started crying a bi again perhaps she sences a different mother. Hope we get through this . Any advice most welcome.
Any Way To Know What Pups Will Grow The Biggest As Adults
mini girl replied to mini girl's topic in Breeders Community
Thanks everyone so much truth in these statements and confirmed what I did think. -
Any Way To Know What Pups Will Grow The Biggest As Adults
mini girl replied to mini girl's topic in Breeders Community
Yes thanks for that always thought it was so and told buyer this but sure he will love his pup anyway - he is buying him as a pet. Thought it worth a try - I usually advise desexing at 6 months feel in a mini poodle that is not going to effect its growth by much.