Interested to get some other breeders opinion as to what to do in my situation - I am a registered breeder for a few years now trying to do the best possible - but purchased a beautiful pup from New Zealand to add as a future stud - he is a lovely boy now 9 months old - good composition, head, colour but at 15 weeks took him for shots at the vet and he told me he had mild patella - this really was devistating news and no way I could send him back would cost me $1000 just to ship him back to his breeder - I don't blame the breeder as I know patella can skip up to 6 generations and I feel I was just plain unlucky - she asked me to run him on till 12 months and see if it really developed or was just a puppy thing. I have agreed to do this and if it is confirmed at 12 months what to do - this is my delima - should I have him desexed and sell him to a good home or risk one litter with him and see the outcome- my conscience tells me don't do it but what I would like to know is what are the chances of getting good pups from him? Has anyone had experience with this? He is very sound in every other way and the most beautiful temperament. When the vet looked at him he thought it only a mild case grade one - I've watched him closely - at 9 months he does not have any pain or tendency to limp does not even hop or carry the leg but does lift it sometimes when coming down stairs - the breeder has offered to refund me half of my cost to her if I do find out he does have patella when 12 months old - its such an awful thing Patella no tests for it as far as DNA goes - all my breeders are very sound- brrn tested by a orthapedic vet specialist - but have had 2 pups crop up with it mildly from sound parents - so I know it does happen. I feel the knee by extending the leg and putting gentle pressure on the knee it moves very slightly hardly at all - can Xrays give you a better indication. I know mild patella - grade one is not a real problem if it does not progress to a higher grade - looking back to my first mini poodle I later realised this is what she had - she was a pet only - and would walk 4 steps and then do a hop on the back leg - I always thought this was just her "funny" walk - that is going back 20 years now. The girl I would consider letting him go to if its not too risky has rock sound patellas.
Any advice would be so welcome from those experienced in this - but please no nasty replies making out I'm some nogooder with no concern for the pups produced - this is not the case. Just hope someone may be able to give me an honest answer.