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mini girl

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Everything posted by mini girl

  1. When a "breeder" is doing this more for profit and money than anything else and at the expense of the mothers and fathers too and churning out litters of pups in not good conditions - selling bulk to petshops - all these things I would think make a puppy mill or puppy farm - money over the improvement of the dog and the socialisation and health of the pups. Money, money money - all they really think of. Guess there are some loving breeders of a dog they have as a pet and think - lets have some puppies!!! but I guess even though its not the way to do it - it would be 100% better than a puppy farm.
  2. Isn't he though. I need to go to London to visit him Pet clips can look stunning and just beautiful love them - sadly though after a poodle is 1 year old he can no longer be shown in these pretty pet or puppy clips - its a shame really.
  3. Give them a break, I really feel sorry for the general puppy-buying public sometimes with all these "unwritten rules" about purchasing a pedigree dog. The email was polite and cooncise must say I agree with Miss B. Way better then some I have had. ise... I guess some of the things we talk about and are so used to can just not be understood at all by the person out there who sees a breed of dog they would love to have as their own and know little else - how could they know what has taken most of us years of research, hands on breeding and showing, talking endlessly with other breeders etc etc the list goes on and on - we can become specialists in our chosen field so to speak - granted some buyers are just really awful pains in the neck but perhaps some through ignorance and not quite choosing their words so well can seem unsuitable - when perhaps they just need to be guided and can turn out to be wonderful loving owners of our beautiful babies.
  4. Me too want to know what a "munted" one is my mind boggles!!! would she have ment one with a mutation ???? - but honestly dealing with some potential owners sure has its moments!!!! But gotta add the really good ones make up for it - and there are some of those.
  5. Well my girl looks nice and cool and fresh again - her coat is all gone but will grow back again - my groomer came today and was so gentle with her here is a photo of her back in with the pups.
  6. Was this for PRA - only one lab in Australia does PRA genetic technologies? Used them for my dogs - hope all my results are acurate!!!
  7. My groomer is coming to the house this afternoon - so we are all happy now - my darling girl will feel so much better with a shorter coat - its getting very hot here now through the day. Thanks all who did show concern guess I just didn't think - but you never know. My groomer is very gentle. Meanwhile the pups are having a bit of puppy milk and farex and loving it.
  8. Yes totally agree Christina - had this same discussion with my husband this morning - we will ask the groomer to come over - I am sure she won't mind I have a good set up with table and bathing area anyway and she does make my dogs look so nice - yes my girl is happy to have a break from the babies now - at presdent she is curled up at my feet and she is joining in with my other dogs around the house and back yard - she is doing a good job and the pups are plump and so contented. Its not just a cosmetic thing or any form of vanity over the look of the dgos - but as you say poodles can get so messy so quickly when their wool gets that bit too long and they can look as if they are a neglected animal - I don't want a show clip - just a nice neat and tidy and COOL (as in temperature) clip so she looks like a well cared for poodle should. If I ever fall out of love with poodles - which I very much doubt - I'll go for something like a bassenji - I hear just a wipe over with a damp cloth and they look fine!!!
  9. Thanks pesephone - I will do my best - guess I have this silly notion in my mind that poodles are ment to look good - but suprisingly enough a lot of my pets out there can look somewhat scruffy in photos I receive back but are still well cared for and so loved - and it doesn't worry me a bit - I guess in a lot of areas people are not as judgemental as you think - anyway its my own doing - I did fall in love with poodles and of all breeds they must be one of the most high maintenance unless you get them shaved off - why didn't I fall for one of the short haired breeds - but it would be a funny old world if every dog looked the same - love them all but you do have to select one or maybe two breeds to be your dog/s. Now I'm babbling - but I have leaned quite a bit tongiht you know and again thanks - rest assured I would guard my girl and her babies with my life.
  10. Shoes off at the door, hands washed, sit on the lounge and observe - I myself may pick up a pup or two but no I don't let them at 4 week be handled by anyone but my husband and close family - maybe I am a bit too soft but when you get a special request - hate to say no - others not coming till 6 weeks - and yes I am convinced to not take my girl out of the house to the groomer - even though the groomer is a friend and I know the way she operates under very hygenic conditions will just wait a while - this thread has gone from me being overly concerned about my girl to me seemingly not concerned enough for my girl and her pups welfare - just to set the record straight I am a very dedicated breeder and thankfully have never lost a pup or even had one sick due to any kind of infection - I do appreciate your concerns and must not take it too personally - after all you do not know me or I you - but thank you for all the responses - I do appreciate it and will continue to do my very best in all areas of breeeding and caring for my wonderful dogs.
  11. At four weeks only one couple who have been corresponding with me for some time a good distance out of Brisbane - met them at a poodle gathering - they are going to be in Brisbane and would like to see mum and dad and the puppies - yes not to pick up and play with - but just like to have a look - I honestly don't have a problem with this = my dogs have their litters in the house and the pups are in our family room from 3 weeks so they get used to the comings and going of a household - this girl has a tremperment so sweet and gentle - - my girls are not the least bit fazed by people coming a few friends and family have looked in the box and she almost seems proud to show them off -my 3 bitches I've bred with are all like this I am happy to say - but of couse I never take advantage of their good nature and allow anyone to just come in and handle my puppies. This would be asking for trouble. But when you have people waiting for months for a pup they naturally are anxous to have a peek. As for mum - as you say Missymoo a bath and a brush will do wonders - a quick scissor job on the top knot and hey presto a halfway presentable poodle. I'll do it tomorrow and post a photo - but by the way she does get brushed regularly in any case - poodles are high maintenance but so worth it. .
  12. Maybe I will have a rethink - love her to bits and don't want her or her babies to be in any kind of danger - I'll do bit of a trim up myself - probably won't look too bad you know - she is sooo pretty I have people coming to see the pups from 4 weeks and I guess I don't want them to think I neglect my dogs - probably silly but there was a hugh thing up here in Qld a few years ago about a big breeder of poodles who had them looking so bad all wre seized by the RSPCA - I've put a photo on of how she looks at present - wooly but ok - guess people will understand. What do you think - would you buy a puppy from a breeder whos mother dog looks like this? when you analize it it does seem a bit ridicuous - I guess I would be understanding under the circumstances - so hope my future owners will be also.
  13. Of course can do all that - have air condition if necessary - is your main concern though that she could pick up something at the groomers home or just having her done in general - if there is no infections present at the groomers she would be very unlikey to get or carry anything home - or as I said before get her groomed at my home - do you feel that would work. She does have a very dense and curly coat and its getting a bit matted with pups crawling all over her - poodles left can be so darn awful in looks as well as comfort. I could clip her myself but sadly much as I try I don't seem to have the talent to make them look as good as my groomer does. At the end of the day don't want anything to hurt my girl or her pups - will give it some thought.
  14. My groomer will do her on her own - she is not a big concern will be no other dogs there she does the dogs at her own home - she will be just there for the bath and clip and then straight home - I'll stay with her the whole time. Its just that she was needing a clip before the pups came but with her needing progesterone suppliments my vet said do nothing that in any way will stress her - so left her but its getting so hot here now around 28 to 30 in Queensland and she is hot and soooo wooly feel a grooming may make her more comfortable but certainly don't want to risk anything - I know my groomer is very hygenic in her grooming room - the pups will be over 3 weeks - do you think I should leave it another week or two - got me all worried now what is the lesser of the two evils - I may ask the goomer to come to my place instead this time. Would probaly be a better idea.
  15. Thanks Christina - yes I will start giving them a bit more food and as you say giving mum a bit of a break away - she seemed so happy to have had an outing when she came back from the vet and this morning she is right as rain - she has an appointment for a full grooming on MOnday morning - that will make her feel better - my groomer is amazing and I will drop her off and go back as soon as she is ready - we are moving the pups to the bigger pen today with room for feeding so here we go again - thanks for the tips on the feed to start them off with - I have all that so will give it a go some of the bigger ones are really happy to start eating - were even stealing a taste of mums food a couple of days ago.
  16. My girl as I have posted before had a beautiful litter of 8 - 3 weeks ago on Sunday - she has been doing so well but today started panting - oh no I thought - is it esclampsia!! gave her a good big dose of calcium syrup - had been so careful to include lots of calcium rich food in her diet but let her have more steak mince for a couple of meals - ran out of the puppy food - but feeding 8 pups has been a bit of a drain I feel on a 9klo mini poodle - after she had the calcium she seemed a lot better - I felt her temp was a bit up - a bit over 39 - but thought perhaps I was just a bit overly concerned. Tonight she started the panting again and I gave her some more calcium and puppy milk and she ate a few chicken necks but I was still concerned so my husband took her to the afterhour vet to make sure she was ok - well $350 later and several tests - she came home again and they said she in fine - but I will continue with the calcium rich food and start to wean the pups a bit - put a flat bowl of wambaroo in for them tonight and they did drink some. Its just so hard to know should you go to the vet or are you being too much of a worryer - but at least I can sleep tonight knowing she doesn't have esclampsia. Just as well I have a good and supportive husband who loves our dogs as much as I do - he thought I was being too concerned but didn't say a word about that when he brought our girl home - I couldn't go we were minding our 3 year old grandson who was in bed asleep.
  17. My old mentor told me that when you get a little one like this to pull one of the bigger ones off a nipple so the milk is running and put her on that one and hold her there for a while so she can really get hold - usually the lower down nipples seem to have more milk. I have often given the little ones a drop of formular to get them over the hump - but if she is not going backwards - when they start to go back then its really a worry - I've fed little ones like this every two hours but usually a lot younger than 10 days. In my present litter the smallest by a good bit still seems to be getting her share weighed them all today for worming and she is lighter than all the others but a spunky little thing - keep weighing her and if you do need to top her up just a little often is a much better way to go. Get used to the worries that go with breeding - I was just going to put a post on about my latest.
  18. My girl now gets out of the box quite a bit - pups now 2 weeks yesterday - and she sometimes goes behind the lounge and you can hear her digging at the carpet - I was told this can be a lack of calcium so if I hear her digging I give her some calcium syrup - but she was a bit of a digger on the carpet before the pups were born - she is probalby licking the behinds so well you would not see any poo - as long as the pups seem ok and are gaining weight and your vet says all is ok - today is the first time I've seen evidence of poo in my litter box before this no sign of it - she cleaned them up so well. Weigh the pups to see if they are gaining ok - if they are hungry you can usually hear them crying. Give mum plenty of calcium rich food.
  19. mini girl these are Australian Cattle Dogs ;) , but it was a good idea, just wouldnt work for me !!! Yes that one is out - but you certainly have some good ones to think about - sure you will pick the perfect names.
  20. Just a thought - what breed of dogs you have and what country is their origin - then you can do a tranlation into that language - with my poodles I often add french words that mean something - even though poodles did not really originate in France - they were claimed by the French. But gotta admit some of those suggestions are not only appropriate but so funny gave me quite a giggle. Anyway here is the link incase you want to see what any of the suggestions look like in another language. http://au.babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_txt Be intersted to hear what you finally come up with.
  21. Don't really think it could be this lady - her poodle was definately a full poodle - she writes a very good email and herself is not Asian - I think she just wants a healthy well bred pet - I am still trying to get my head around it all. I do remember when I bred my first litter from my current dogs - had bred over 20 years ago before but only bred my one girl and then didn't start doing it again till I retired. Being somewhat niave on this first litter some 6 years ago I had a call from a man who wanted my last two pups - he was so business like and had it all arranged in no time flat - own transport and crates for their travel - money transferred into the bank and dogs shipped to Vic in a couple of days - but no contact back and when I questioned him he was very non commital - I always had the feeling later he must have been a puppy agent as when I rang to enquire an Asian lady took my call and I could hear what sounded like a lot of dogs barking in the background. I feel my dogs were given a new pedigree and sent to Asia - I will never know for sure - but while visiting Hong Kong a couple of years later I did see from the bus I was on two simply beautiful large apricot miniatures on leads together - from the bus they looked absolutely beautiful and carbon copies of what may have been their mother - maybe this is what hapopened to my two boys from that first litter - I wish I really knew. I now make sure I know exactly where my pups are going and do thorough checks - if these two dogs were my pups they obviouslyy were being well looked after.
  22. Thanks for the advice - would like to have some breeders I could pass onto her - if it is possible to let me know - as I really don't want to send a pup all that way - after all it will only be a pet - I did ring Dogtainers and ask how much and what is needed to be done to send one - can't travel to 13 weeks and cost nearly $1500 - a lot on top of the puppy cost when only wanting it for a pet - hoping she will find someone in her country. Totally agree with desexing before he goes though if I were to send him. Will do a google on Singapore Kennel Club.
  23. I have had an enquiry from a lady in Singapore wanting one of my puppies- the email was very nice complete with photos of her poodle who died some months ago - she sounds very genuine and says there are no reputable poodle breeders that she can find there - at first my answer was that I do not send my pups out of the country - never have done this and to be honest it does worry me very much - this puppy would be as a pet she says and treated as a member of her family. Any thoughts on this? I know a lot do do it - but it does worry me but her emails are so nice and she does sound as I said very genuine. Her last poodle she bought from a Singapore pet shop had health issues and she does not want to go down this path again - she said she has investigated breeders over there but they seem to be in it for the money and not breeding under very good conditions. What has been your experiences in this sort of enquiry. Or does anyone know of reputable poodle breeders there or near there that could be recommended.
  24. I took an experienced girl to a boy I have with a couple on breeders terms - his first try - I know she was 100% ready - but after 4 hours at the people's place and a lot of humping and getting no where we took the two a day later to have an assisted mating at Furkids in Brisbane - my jaw hit the ground as they had the two dogs tied in seconds - the result was 5 beautiful pups. The two ladies who did the assisted matings are wonderful and I will use them again - they told us they have saved marriages - takes all the stress out of it - they can also do a progesterone test and their prices are very good. They are vets and dog breeders.
  25. I had put a topic on about my girl being put on progesterone to enable her to carry her pups to full term. She lost her first litter at 51 days so for next litter had progesterone tests done and she started suppliments at day 39 - already written how she had her pups on her own at day 62 and nearly a week later all is going well. I was so pleased she didn't need the c/section and just wondering others experience with using progesterone - did any deliver normally or was I just lucky - and how were the pups? This litter is wonderful all born without any problems and came out ready to grab a nipple and haven't stopped since. There isn't a lot written about it really - have searched the net found a bit but have not been able to find an explanation of what actually causes it and if it runs in lines or is just a one off - I know my girl's mother didn't have this. Also wonder if I do let her have another litter will it be likely to happen again?
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